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Course Catalog


Free Electives
  Course Name ECTS Credits SU Credits Faculty
     ANTH 513 Etnographic Approaches to Law and Conflict 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 515 Anthropology of the State 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 521 Anthropology of Migration and the City 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 525 Anthropology of Affect 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 526 Anthropology of the Body 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 528 Anthropology of Hope 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 550 Anthropology of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 554 Migration and Citizenship 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 565 Social Mobilization, Resistance and Protest 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 568 Ethnography: Fieldwork and Writing in Anthropology 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 569 Anthropology and History 10 3 FASS
     ANTH 571 Anthropology of Europe 10 3 FASS
     CONF 500 International Conflict and Peace 10 3 FASS
     CONF 501 Introduction to Conflict Analysis and Resolution 10 3 FASS
     CONF 502 Correlates of War and Peace 10 3 FASS
     CONF 504 Foreign Policy and Conflict Resolution 10 3 FASS
     CONF 508 Multilateral Negotiations in the EU 10 3 FASS
     CONF 510 Third Party Roles in Peace Processes 10 3 FASS
     CONF 511 Culture and Conflict 10 3 FASS
     CONF 512 Research Methods 10 3 FASS
     CONF 523 Issues, Concepts and Theories in Conflict Resolution 10 3 FASS
     CONF 524 Advanced Topics in Conflict Resolution 10 3 FASS
     CONF 531 Conflict Resolution Practice 10 3 FASS
     CONF 532 Managing Conflict in Organizations 10 3 FASS
     CONF 534 Media in Conflict Resolution 10 3 FASS
     CONF 536 Organizations in Conflict Resolution 10 3 FASS
     CONF 541 Integration of Theory, Research and Practice 10 3 FASS
     CONF 542 Collective Violence, Healing, and Transformation 10 3 FASS
     CONF 544 Issues In Post-Conflict Environments 10 3 FASS
     CONF 552 Advanced Conflict Resolution Practice 10 3 FASS
     CONF 561 Human Rights, Democracy and Conflict Resolution 10 3 FASS
     CONF 580 Conflicts in Contemporary Turkish Society 10 3 FASS
     CONF 585 Seminar in Group and Organizational Dynamics 3 1 FASS
     CONF 590 Internship 5 0 FASS
     CULT 500 Core Issues in Cultural Studies 10 3 FASS
     CULT 501 Core Works in Cultural Studies 10 3 FASS
     CULT 502 Epistemological Foundations of Cultural Analysis 10 3 FASS
     CULT 520 Technology and Culture 10 3 FASS
     CULT 522 Youth Culture 10 3 FASS
     CULT 525 Media Worlds 10 3 FASS
     CULT 532 Modernism/Postmodernism 10 3 FASS
     CULT 535 Representations of Violence 10 3 FASS
     CULT 537 Postcolonial Theory and Its Discontents 10 3 FASS
     CULT 551 Nation, History and Culture in Museums 10 3 FASS
     CULT 552 Myth, Art and Politics 10 3 FASS
     CULT 554 Cultures of Migration 10 3 FASS
     CULT 560 Cultures and Politics of Law Reform 10 3 FASS
     CULT 561 Oral History 10 3 FASS
     CULT 562 Memory Studies 10 3 FASS
     CULT 563 Postsocialism 10 3 FASS
     CULT 568 Globalization and Health Inequalities 10 3 FASS
     CULT 570 Everyday Life 10 3 FASS
     CULT 584 Political Ecology and Society 10 3 FASS
     CULT 591 Advanced Topics in Cultural Studies I 10 3 FASS
     CULT 592 Advanced Topics in Cultural Studies II 10 3 FASS
     CULT 598 Independent Study 10 3 FASS
     ECON 501 Microeconomics I 10 3 FASS
     ECON 502 Microeconomics II 10 3 FASS
     ECON 503 Macroeconomics I 10 3 FASS
     ECON 504 Macroeconomics II 10 3 FASS
     ECON 505 Quantitative Methods 10 3 FASS
     ECON 506 Econometrics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 520 Public Economics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 521 Education Economics and Policy 10 3 FASS
     ECON 522 Health Economics and Policy 10 3 FASS
     ECON 523 Economics of the Welfare State 10 3 FASS
     ECON 526 Political Economy of Turkey 10 3 FASS
     ECON 547 Essentials of Project and Infrastructure Finance 10 3 FASS
     ECON 571 Mathematics for Economists 10 3 FASS
     ECON 591 Seminar I 1 0 FASS
     ECON 592 Seminar II 1 0 FASS
     ECON 601 Advanced Microeconomics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 602 International Economics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 603 Advanced Macroeconomics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 604 Applied Econometrics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 605 Industrial Organization 10 3 FASS
     ECON 606 Corporate Finance Theory 10 3 FASS
     ECON 607 Game Theory 10 3 FASS
     ECON 608 Seminar in Mechanism and Market Design 10 3 FASS
     ECON 609 Financial Economics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 610 Competition and Regulation 10 3 FASS
     ECON 611 Advanced Emerging Markets Macroeconomics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 612 International Trade and Industry Dynamics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 624 Welfare Economics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 630 Advanced Labor Economics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 688 Matchings and Markets 10 3 FASS
     ECON 691 Seminar III 1 0 FASS
     ECON 692 Seminar IV 1 0 FASS
     ECON 701 Mathematical Economics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 704 Theory of Incentives and its Applications 10 3 FASS
     ECON 705 Research in Game Theory-I 10 3 FASS
     ECON 706 Research in Game Theory-II 10 3 FASS
     ECON 711 Dynamic Macroeconomic Modeling and its Applications 10 3 FASS
     ECON 712 Theory of Economic Growth and Development 10 3 FASS
     ECON 731 Advanced Econometrics 10 3 FASS
     ECON 756 Advanced Law and Economics 10 3 FASS
     ES 501 The European Union as a New Legal Order 10 3 FASS
     ES 502 Turkey-European Union Relations 10 3 FASS
     ES 505 European Foreign Policy 10 3 FASS
     ES 506 Policy Making in the EU 10 3 FASS
     ES 507 The Political Economy of European Integration 10 3 FASS
     ES 508 European Administrative Law and Eurocracy 10 3 FASS
     ES 510 Multi-level Governance in the EU 10 3 FASS
     ES 512 European Economy 10 3 FASS
     ES 514 Economic Policies in the EU 10 3 FASS
     ES 516 International Economic Institutions 10 3 FASS
     ES 518 European Business 10 3 FASS
     ES 519 Public Opinion and EU Enlargement Process 10 3 FASS
     ES 522 From Plan to Market: Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe 10 3 FASS
     ES 523 Major Issues in the Euro-Mediterranean Area 10 3 FASS
     ES 524 Major issues in the EU 10 3 FASS
     ES 554 Migration and Integration 10 3 FASS
     ES 592 Seminar on the Turkish Economy 10 3 FASS
     GEN 541 Gender in the Middle East 10 3 FASS
     GEN 542 Gendered Memories of War and Political Violence 10 3 FASS
     GEN 585 Migrations and the Family 10 3 FASS
     GEN 600 Gender: Fundamental Concepts and Approaches 10 3 FASS
     GEN 601 Methodology for Gender Studies 10 3 FASS
     GEN 605 Theories of Gender and Sexuality 10 3 FASS
     GEN 610 Gender and Politics 10 3 FASS
     GEN 620 Gender and Knowledge 10 3 FASS
     GEN 680 Men and Masculinities 10 3 FASS
     GEN 683 Gender and Migration 10 3 FASS
     GEN 690 PhD Pro-thesis Seminar 5 0 FASS
     GEN 699 PhD Thesis 162 0 FASS
     GEN 700 Readings and Research on Gender 10 3 FASS
     GR 500S Academic Practices and Development 7 0 FASS
     GR 501S Academic Practices and Development 7 0 FASS
     GR 502S Academic Practices and Development 2 7 0 FASS
     GR 503S Academic Practices and Development 3 7 0 FASS
     HART 511 Renaissance Art 10 3 FASS
     HART 513 Visual Arts in Turkey 10 3 FASS
     HART 520 Women Artists 10 3 FASS
     HART 524 Art Histories 10 3 FASS
     HART 525 Art & History at the Museum 10 3 FASS
     HART 531 The Dome of Gold : The Art of the Byzantine Empire 10 3 FASS
     HART 532 Post-1945 American Art 10 3 FASS
     HART 533 Heavenly Spires: Introduction to Medieval European Art and Architecture 10 3 FASS
     HART 550 Caravaggio 10 3 FASS
     HART 580 Bauhaus 10 3 FASS
     HART 633 Images Translated from Narrative to Visual in Ottoman and Safavid Miniature Painting 10 3 FASS
     HART 635 Ottoman and Safavid Art History 10 3 FASS
     HART 644 Designing the Nation. Art and Nationalism 10 3 FASS
     HIST 501 Explorations in World History I 10 3 FASS
     HIST 502 Explorations in World History II 10 3 FASS
     HIST 511 Trends, Debates, Historians I 10 3 FASS
     HIST 515 Episodes in the History of Science I 10 3 FASS
     HIST 517 Introduction to Orientalism and Oriental Studies 10 3 FASS
     HIST 521 Rites of Power 10 3 FASS
     HIST 524 Issues in the Gender History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey 10 3 FASS
     HIST 525 Law, State and Property in the 19th Century 10 3 FASS
     HIST 531 Early Islamic History: A Survey 10 3 FASS
     HIST 532 Islamic History: the Middle Period (c.945 - 1500) 10 3 FASS
     HIST 534 Russian History I : Tsarist Russia (from the 17th Century to 1917) 10 3 FASS
     HIST 535 The Gunpowder Empires of the Islamic World, ca. 1450-1800 10 3 FASS
     HIST 536 History of Central and Inner Asia 10 3 FASS
     HIST 539 Christians In The Ottoman Empire 10 3 FASS
     HIST 541 The Enlightenment World 10 3 FASS
     HIST 561 Sources and Methods for Ottoman History, 1450-1600 10 3 FASS
     HIST 562 Ottoman Reform Movements II: Political and Social (1839-1918) 10 3 FASS
     HIST 571 History of a City II : Ottoman Istanbul, 1450-1900 10 3 FASS
     HIST 572 Sources and Methods for 17th and 18th century Ottoman History 10 3 FASS
     HIST 581 Sources and Methods for 19th Century Ottoman History 10 3 FASS
     HIST 591 Sources and Methods for Early Republican History, 1920-1938 10 3 FASS
     HIST 592 Sources and Methods for Late Republican History, 1938-1950 10 3 FASS
     HIST 598 A History of the Cyprus Conflict 10 3 FASS
     HIST 601 Advanced Readings in Ottoman Historical Texts 10 3 FASS
     HIST 602 Advanced Readings in Research Languages 10 3 FASS
     HIST 609 Ottoman Historians and Chroniclers 10 3 FASS
     HIST 610 Ottoman Historians and Chroniclers, 17th-18th Centuri 10 3 FASS
     HIST 613 Readings in Ottoman Legal Culture 10 3 FASS
     HIST 625 Topics in Ottoman Cultural History 10 3 FASS
     HIST 672 Seminar for Early Modern Ottoman History 10 3 FASS
     HIST 681 Seminar for Late Ottoman history 10 3 FASS
     HIST 682 Politics and Society in Ottoman Cities, 16th -18th centuries 10 3 FASS
     HIST 692 Modern Dictatorships, and the One-Party Period 10 3 FASS
     HIST 702 Literature Survey: Historiography 10 3 FASS
     HIST 712 Literature Survey : the Middle Ages in Europe 10 3 FASS
     HIST 714 Literature Survey: The Early Modern Era 10 3 FASS
     HIST 715 Literature Survey: From the Age of Revolution 10 3 FASS
     HIST 742 Literature Survey: Modern Balkan History, 1800 to the Present 10 3 FASS
     HIST 751 Literature Survey : Central Asian and Turkic History 10 3 FASS
     HIST 762 Literature Survey : Ottoman History, 1300-1600 10 3 FASS
     HIST 771 Literature Survey : Ottoman History, 17th and 18th centuries 10 3 FASS
     HIST 781 Literature Survey : Ottoman-Turkish History, 1800-1918 10 3 FASS
     HIST 791 Literature Survey: Recent Turkish History, 1918 to the Present 10 3 FASS
     HIST 799 Literature Survey: Cultural History 10 3 FASS
     IR 501 Globalization and International Relations 10 3 FASS
     IR 510 International Security 10 3 FASS
     IR 530 American Politics and Government 10 3 FASS
     IR 535 Russian Politics and Foreign Policy 10 3 FASS
     IR 537 Central Asia and Caucasus in International Perspective 10 3 FASS
     IR 592 Foreign Policy Analysis 10 3 FASS
     IR 597 Term Project 20 0 FASS
     LAW 501 Law, Business and Society 10 3 FASS
     LAW 504 Human Rights in the EU 10 3 FASS
     LAW 511 International Law 10 3 FASS
     LAW 512 Comparative Constitutional Law 10 3 FASS
     LIT 524 Postcolonial Theory and Literatures 10 3 FASS
     LIT 530 Auto/biography 10 3 FASS
     LIT 534 Literary Theory 10 3 FASS
     LIT 540 Literature and Psychoanalysis 10 3 FASS
     LIT 545 Gender and Sexuality in Literature 10 3 FASS
     LIT 552 Seminar in World Literature 10 3 FASS
     LIT 554 Literature and Immigration 10 3 FASS
     LIT 559 Literature, Ideology, Resistance 10 3 FASS
     LIT 570 Imagining the City 10 3 FASS
     LIT 594 Modern Turkish Literature 10 3 FASS
     LIT 692 Advanced Topics in Turkish Literature 10 3 FASS
     PHIL 501 Philosophy of Social Sciences 10 3 FASS
     PHIL 521 Personhood and Personal Identity 10 3 FASS
     PHIL 522 Philosophy of Art 10 3 FASS
     PHIL 525 European Humanism and After 10 3 FASS
     PHIL 550 Science and Society 10 3 FASS
     POLS 500 Ancient, Medieval and Early Political Theory 10 3 FASS
     POLS 501 Concepts, Structures and Transformations 10 3 FASS
     POLS 502 Political Theory 10 3 FASS
     POLS 503 Comparative Method 10 3 FASS
     POLS 505 Political Tought:Issues,Concepts,Debates 10 3 FASS
     POLS 507 Political Ideologies 10 3 FASS
     POLS 508 Revitalization Movements in the Islamic World 10 3 FASS
     POLS 509 Greek-Turkish Relations 10 3 FASS
     POLS 511 Great Powers and Origins of International Order 10 3 FASS
     POLS 512 Changing Parameters of the New Right 10 3 FASS
     POLS 513 Comparative Party Systems and Electoral Behaviour 10 3 FASS
     POLS 514 Politics of Southern Europe 10 3 FASS
     POLS 521 Politics of Representation and Identity 10 3 FASS
     POLS 522 Politics and Culture 10 3 FASS
     POLS 523 Philosophical Approaches to Modernity 10 3 FASS
     POLS 525 Civil Society 10 3 FASS
     POLS 526 Continental Political Thought 10 3 FASS
     POLS 530 Quantitative Research Methods 10 3 FASS
     POLS 532 Survey Research Methods 10 3 FASS
     POLS 534 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 10 3 FASS
     POLS 535 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis II 10 3 FASS
     POLS 536 Introduction to Computational Social Science 10 3 FASS
     POLS 537 Advance Research Methods and Data Analysis in Political Science 10 3 FASS
     POLS 539 Turkey and the Middle East 10 3 FASS
     POLS 540 International Relations Theory 10 3 FASS
     POLS 541 International Organizations 10 3 FASS
     POLS 542 NGO Governance 10 3 FASS
     POLS 543 International Negotiation 10 3 FASS
     POLS 546 Latin American Politics 10 3 FASS
     POLS 548 Conflicts in the Middle East 10 3 FASS
     POLS 549 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 10 3 FASS
     POLS 554 Turkish Electoral Behaviour and Party System Research 10 3 FASS
     POLS 556 Tanzimat Studies 10 3 FASS
     POLS 560 Modern State in Europe 10 3 FASS
     POLS 561 Transition to Democracy in Eastern Europe 10 3 FASS
     POLS 562 Analytical Approaches To The European Union 10 3 FASS
     POLS 563 Political Violence in the Post-Cold War Era 10 3 FASS
     POLS 564 Energy Politics 10 3 FASS
     POLS 566 Special Topics in Political Science and International Relations 10 3 FASS
     POLS 572 Nietzsche 10 3 FASS
     POLS 581 European Politics 10 3 FASS
     POLS 583 Ethnicity and Nationalism 10 3 FASS
     POLS 584 Theorizing Nationalism and Civil Society 10 3 FASS
     POLS 589 Human Rights in World Affairs 10 3 FASS
     POLS 592 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 10 3 FASS
     POLS 593 Turkish Politics in the Multi-Party Era 10 3 FASS
     POLS 594 Turkish Political Thought 10 3 FASS
     POLS 595 Reform and the History of Ideas in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century 10 3 FASS
     POLS 596 European Security 10 3 FASS
     POLS 597 Dynamics of Governance in the European Union 10 3 FASS
     POLS 598 Comparative Local Government 10 3 FASS
     POLS 600 Seminar in Political Theory 10 3 FASS
     POLS 601 Seminar in Comparative Politics 10 3 FASS
     POLS 620 Seminar in Nationalisms 10 3 FASS
     POLS 630 Seminar in Research Methods 10 3 FASS
     POLS 640 Seminar in International Relations 10 3 FASS
     POLS 650 Seminar in Turkish Politics 10 3 FASS
     POLS 700B Readings&Research in Political Science:European Union 10 3 FASS
     POLS 700C Readings and Research in Political Science: Comparative Politics 10 3 FASS
     POLS 700I Readings and Research in Political Science: International Politics 10 3 FASS
     POLS 700P Readings and Research in Political Science: Public Policy 10 3 FASS
     POLS 700R Readings and Research in Political Science: Research Methods 10 3 FASS
     POLS 700T Readings and Research in Political Science: Political Theory 10 3 FASS
     POLS 700TR Readings and Research in Political Science: Turkish Politics 10 3 FASS
     POLS 790 Guided Study I 10 0 FASS
     POLS 791 Guided Study II 10 0 FASS
     POLS 792 Guided Study III 10 0 FASS
     PROJ 501 Guided Project 2 0 FASS
     PSY 501 Trends in Psychological Science 10 3 FASS
     PSY 502 Data Analysis for Psychological Science I 10 3 FASS
     PSY 503 Data Analysis for Psychological Science II 10 3 FASS
     PSY 507 EEG Methods and Analyses 10 3 FASS
     PSY 511 Cognition, Emotion and Psychopathology 10 3 FASS
     PSY 512 Visual Cognition 10 3 FASS
     PSY 514 Selected Topics in Language and Communication 10 3 FASS
     PSY 515 Seminar in Memory and Attention 10 3 FASS
     PSY 516 Culture and Cognition 10 3 FASS
     PSY 518 Topics in Episodic Memory and Future Thinking 10 3 FASS
     PSY 522 Social Development 10 3 FASS
     PSY 524 Language Development in Infancy and Childhood 10 3 FASS
     PSY 540 Personal Relationships 10 3 FASS
     PSY 542 Social Cognition 10 3 FASS
     PSY 543 Psychology of the Self 10 3 FASS
     PSY 544 Intergroup Relationships 10 3 FASS
     PSY 545 Selected Topics in Social Psychology 10 3 FASS
     PSY 552 Cognitive Neuroscience 10 3 FASS
     PSY 567 Clinical Insights from Basic Psychological Science 10 3 FASS
     PSY 569 Foundations of Infant Mental Heath 10 3 FASS
     PSY 580 Psychology in the Public Interest 10 3 FASS
     PSY 590 Pro- Thesis Seminar 5 0 FASS
     PSY 595 Term Project 15 0 FASS
     PSY 599 Master Thesis 40 0 FASS
     PSY 620 Directed Research in Psychological Science 10 3 FASS
     PSY 690 Ph.D. Pro-thesis Seminar 5 0 FASS
     SOC 502 Media and Politics 10 3 FASS
     SOC 503 Social Studies of Constitutions and Constitutionalism 10 3 FASS
     SOC 504 Media Research Workshop 10 3 FASS
     SOC 513 Turkish Social Thought 10 3 FASS
     SOC 518 Qualitative Research Methods 10 3 FASS
     SOC 520 Infrastructure and Mobilities 10 3 FASS
     SOC 521 Urban Sociology 10 3 FASS
     SOC 526 Gender and Work 10 3 FASS
     SOC 532 Sexualities, Sociabilities 10 3 FASS
     SPS 500 Teaching Colloquium: Humanity and Society 7 0 FASS
     SPS 501 Teaching Colloquium: Humanity and Society I 7 0 FASS
     SPS 502 Teaching Colloquium: Humanity & Society II 7 0 FASS
     TS 509 Ottoman Intellectuals in the Long-nineteenth Century 10 3 FASS
     VA 501 Introductory Module 3 0 FASS
     VA 502 Intermediate Module 10 3 FASS
     VA 503 Advanced Module 10 3 FASS
     VA 504 Graduation Module 10 3 FASS
     VA 505 Addressing Studio Creative Practice 10 3 FASS
     VA 515 Visual Culture 10 3 FASS
     VA 516 History of Digital and Electronic Arts 10 3 FASS
     VA 520 Concepts & Debates in Contemporary Art 10 3 FASS
     VA 529 3D Modelling 10 3 FASS
     VA 530 Art Analysis : Theory and Criticsm 10 3 FASS
     VA 533 Art, Culture, Technology 10 3 FASS
     VA 534 3D Animation 10 3 FASS
     VA 537 Experimental Film and Video 10 3 FASS
     VA 538 Videography and Narrative Making 10 3 FASS
     VA 539 Envisioning Information 10 3 FASS
     VA 542 Visiting Artist / Designer 10 3 FASS
     VA 543 Design and History 10 3 FASS
     VA 545 Interaction Design 10 3 FASS
     VA 546 Interactive Sound 10 3 FASS
     VA 547 Photography & Expression 10 3 FASS
     VA 548 Motion Graphics and Art 10 3 FASS
     VA 550 Construction/Deconstruction in 3 Dimensional Space 10 3 FASS
     VA 551 From Line to Stain on Surface 10 3 FASS
     VA 553 Design Thinking 10 3 FASS
     VA 554 Advanced Topics in Typography 10 3 FASS
     VA 555 Physical Computing 10 3 FASS
     VA 556 De-coding Design Culture 10 3 FASS
     VA 561 Advanced Illustration 10 3 FASS
     VA 571 Fine Art Practice 10 3 FASS
     VA 580 Professional Practice as a Designer 10 3 FASS
     VA 597 Term Project 20 0 FASS