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Course Catalog

POLS 512 Changing Parameters of the New Right 3 Credits
The primary purpose of this course is to give the student an understanding of the extreme right-wing phenomenon both in theory and practice. In an era in which some of these parties has made a remarkable progress in Turkey and Western Europe (i.e., Jörg Haider's Freedom Party in Austria), the study of right-wing extremism seems to be relevant for all students of political science and related disciplines. A theoretical framework of the extreme right-wing politics is constructed by the study of other ideologies, that has or is supposed to have influenced the phenomenon. These include conservatism, liberalism, fascism and racism.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2000-2001 Changing Parameters of the New Right 3
Spring 1999-2000 Changing Parameters of the New Right 3
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 10 ECTS (10 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: