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Course Catalog

VA 515 Visual Culture 3 Credits
Accounts of the meanings of visual art have been conflicting Different notions have been deployed in order to suggest that visual art produces spatial meanings of its own or that its meanings are comparable to those of other cultural processes and practices. This course will be a review of theorisations of visual meaning and of vision and the ways in which each is used to explain or to comprehend the other. The introduction of other terms of explanation into constructions of vision and the meanings of visual objects will be critically assessed.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Visual Culture 3
Fall 2015-2016 Visual Culture 3
Spring 2013-2014 Visual Culture 3
Spring 2010-2011 Vision and Visual Meaning 3
Fall 2003-2004 Vision and Visual Meaning 3
Spring 2001-2002 Vision and Visual Meaning 3
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 10 ECTS (10 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: