The MA Program in Turkish Studies defines itself as a
gateway-graduate program that is designed to bring
together interdisciplinary expertise on a wide
range of topics about Turkey in the past and present.
The program trains the next generation of scholars,
policymakers, and practitioners by equipping them with
the necessary skills to understand, analyze, evaluate, and
design policies in the key areas of constitutionalism,
democracy and electoral politics; foreign policy and global
governance; energy, environment (the global warming and the
climate change); cities; economy, gender, migration,
religion, identities and society.
The graduate curriculum couples interdisciplinary
theoretical knowledge about Turkish history,
society and politics with rigorous training on the
state-of-the-art methodologies and novel approaches in
Digital Humanities.
The program provides graduate students with the
necessary knowhow and skills to find career
opportunities in outstanding academic institutions as well
as outside academia, in the public and private sectors,
companies, and organizations in Turkey and abroad. For
candidates who are interested in further specialization in
academic research, the program provides strong foundations
in history, sociology and political science.
The core components of the program include a flexible
structure to allow students to specialize according to
their needs and interests in diverse fields, methodological
focus on one or more discipline; internship and research
assistantship opportunities in the renowned centers, forums
and labs of Sabancı University, including the Sakıp Sabancı
Center for Turkish Studies at Columbia University.