Students have to (a) take and pass a set of Qualifying
Exams comprising both their research languages and their
chosen subjects; (b) within the framework of the said
PhD Thesis course, to propose, research and write
a PhD thesis that satisfies universally
accepted criteria for original work.
PhD students must write and present a research paper in a
faculty seminar with the participation of thesis committee,
faculty members and students before their thesis defense
in order to meet the graduation requirement besides
fulfilling other program requirements.
Students have to propose, research and write
a PhD thesis that satisfies universally accepted
criteria for original work.
The following courses are all required.
Core Electives I (Language Courses)
Although language courses are not required,
PhD students intending to specialize in Ottoman
History are strongly encouraged to register
for language courses as early as possible. In
calculating overall graduation requirements,
language courses are counted as Area Electives. A
maximum of 6 of the language courses
listed below may be counted towards PhD level
coursework, provided all other distributional
requirements have been fully met. After the beginning
level represented by TLL 501-502, all advanced
Ottoman language training comes in the form of
HIST-coded 600-level seminars.
Core Electives II (Sources and Methods Courses)
Students have to choose at least
2 courses from this pool. But for students
who happen to have done a History
MA at Sabancı University (and have therefore
taken at least one Sources and Methods
course in the process), the PhD requirement
consists of only 1 additional course
from the pool below. Any and all Sources
and Methods courses taken and passed
in excess of these minima
may be counted towards completion
of the student's Area Electives requirement.
In addition to the courses listed below,
certain specialized 500-coded courses
occasionally offered by visiting
professors or full-time staff may, by decision
of the History Program Committee, be
counted towards completion of the Sources
and Methods requirement.
Core Electives III (Seminars)
Students have to choose at least 3
courses from this pool. Any and
all Research Seminars taken and
passed in excess of this minimum may be
counted towards completion of the student's
Area Electives requirement.
Core Electives IV (Literature Surveys)
PhD students must take a minimum of 3
courses from this pool in preparation for taking
their Qualifying Exams in one major and two
minor fields. Any and all Literature Survey courses
taken and passed in excess of this minimum
may be counted towards completion of the
students Area Electives requirement.
Students have to choose (i) a minimum of 3
courses from this pool if they are taking just
1 Sources and Methods course, or (ii) a
minimum of 2 courses from this pool if they
are taking 2 Sources and Methods courses
at the PhD level. While some or all of these
Area Electives can be taken from among those
listed below, they can also be taken from within
the Core Electives I, II, III, IV pools as given
above. In other words, (a) even if they are not
separately listed below, all Core Electives
I, II, III, IV taken above and beyond the indicated
minimum requirements; and (b) even though
they may not be listed anywhere within the
boundaries of the History PhD Program, all
courses included within the various sub-pools of the
MA Programs in History, may also be counted
towards the completion of the Area Electives
requirement. An additional rule is the following:
(c) Students are entitled to take at most 2 out of
their 3 Area Electives from among other graduate
course pools not overlapping with the overall
course pool of the History programs.
**Courses in more than one areas are listed in the area according to order of appearence in Summary of Degree Requirements list. That is, if a course is both area elective and core elective,then it is listed in core elective courses list.
***Undergraduate courses are not listed in graduate area requirements even if they are among them.
****Since graduation requirements may change dependent to the enrollment year to the University, we advise our students who enrolled at SU in previous years and still continue their education, to track their graduation requirements completion via Information System - Degree Evaluation.