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Course Catalog


  Diploma Area Advisor: Hüseyin Selçuk Artut, Selim Birsel

We live in a world where the role of the artist/designer is being redefined. Todays artists and designers need to be equipped with knowledge and vision which go far beyond the traditionally required skills of draughtsmanship. The individual's need to be conversant with social, scientific and technological evolution that surrounds him or her, and the ability to incorporate this evolution into the creative process, brings the issue of a visual education that has a wider based spectrum than before. The interdisciplinary educational approach embraced by Sabancı University aims to provide an ideal breeding ground for the education of the "new" artist and designer.

The program offers two adjacent tracks, namely Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design. These tracks are differentiated by providing separate contents in Visual Arts Studio Courses and Visual Communication Design Studio Courses..


Course Category Min. ECTS Credits Min. SU Credits Min. Courses
University Courses - 44 -
Required Courses - 15 -
Core Electives I (Art/Design History Courses) - 9 -
Core Electives II (Skill Courses) - 18 -
Area Electives 36 18 -
Free Electives - 21 -
Faculty Courses - - 5
Total 240 125 -

University Courses

From the University Courses listed below, 17 courses and 44 SU credits must be completed.

- All freshman courses (1XX coded courses, including PROJ 201) and SPS 303 are required.

- At least 2 of the below listed HUM courses must be taken. First the 2xx coded course, then the 3xx coded course must be taken.

(Please visit Foundations Development Directorate web site ( for general information about University Courses.)

  Course Name ECTS Credits SU Credits Faculty
     IF 100 Computational Approaches to Problem Solving 5 3 FENS
     MATH 101 Calculus I 6 3 FENS
     CIP 101N Civic Involvement Projects I-N 1 0 FASS
     NS 101 Science of Nature I 6 4 FENS
     SPS 101 Humanity and Society I 6 3 FASS
     TLL 101 Turkish Language and Literature I 3 2 SL
     AL 102 Academic Literacies 5 3 SL
     MATH 102 Calculus II 6 3 FENS
     NS 102 Science of Nature II 6 4 FENS
     SPS 102 Humanity and Society II 6 3 FASS
     TLL 102 Turkish Language and Literature II 3 2 SL
     HIST 191 Principles of Atatürk and the History of the Turkish Revolution I 3 2 FASS
     HIST 192 Principles of Atatürk and the History of the Turkish Revolution II 3 2 FASS
     HUM 201 Major Works of Literature 5 3 FASS
     PROJ 201 Undergraduate Project Course 1 1 FENS
     HUM 202 Major Works of Western Art 5 3 FASS
     HUM 207 Major Works of Western Philosophy 5 3 FASS
     SPS 303 Law and Ethics 5 3 FASS
     HUM 311 Major Works of Literature: The World Before Modernity 5 3 FASS
     HUM 312 Major Works of Modern Art 5 3 FASS
     HUM 317 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 5 3 FASS
     HUM 321 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 5 3 FASS
     HUM 322 Major Works of Art: The World Before Modernity 5 3 FASS
     HUM 371 Major Works of Literature: The Islamic World 5 3 FASS

Required Courses

Only one of the following course pairs will be counted towards the degree: “VA 301 or VA 303”,“VA 401 or VA 403”, “VA 300 or PROJ 300”. All the other courses are required.

  Course Name ECTS Credits SU Credits Faculty
VA 201 Visual Language I 7 4 FASS
VA 203 Language of Drawing I 7 4 FASS
     VA 300 Project and Internship 5 0 FASS
     VA 301 Art Studio I 7 3 FASS
     VA 303 Design Studio I 7 3 FASS
     VA 401 Art Studio III 7 4 FASS
     VA 403 Design Studio III 7 4 FASS

Core Electives I (Art/Design History Courses)

Min. 9 SU credits from the pool. The extra courses taken from this pool are directly counted towards Area Elective Course requirements.

  Course Name ECTS Credits SU Credits Faculty
HART 292 From Modern to Contemporary Art 6 3 FASS
HART 293 Contemporary Art 6 3 FASS
HART 311 Renaissance Art 6 3 FASS
     HART 413 Visual Arts in Turkey 6 3 FASS
     PHIL 322 Philosophy of Art 6 3 FASS
     VA 420 Concepts & Debates in Contemporary Art 6 3 FASS
     VA 430 Art Analysis: Theory and Criticism 6 3 FASS

Core Electives II (Skill Courses)

Min. 18 SU credits from the pool. Students have to take at least 2 courses out of the pool of VA 202, VA 204, VA 234, (VA 302 or 304), (VA 402 or 404) courses. The extra courses taken from this pool are directly counted towards Area Elective Course requirements.

  Course Name ECTS Credits SU Credits Faculty
     VA 202 Visual Language II 7 4 FASS
     VA 204 Language of Drawing II 7 3 FASS
     VA 234 Design with Typography 7 3 FASS
     VA 302 Art Studio II 7 3 FASS
     VA 304 Design Studio II 7 3 FASS
     VA 323 Figure Drawing 6 3 FASS
     VA 324 Advanced Drawing 6 3 FASS
     VA 328 Digital and Photographic Imaging 6 3 FASS
     VA 331 Illustration as Communication 6 3 FASS
     VA 335 Sound and Image 6 3 FASS
     VA 402 Art Studio IV 7 4 FASS
     VA 404 Design Studio IV 7 4 FASS
     VA 431 Videography and Narrative Making 6 3 FASS
     VA 433 3D Modelling 6 3 FASS
     VA 434 3D Animation 6 3 FASS
     VA 440 Motion Graphics and Art 6 3 FASS

Area Electives

Minimum 18 SU from CULT-FILM-HART-LIT-VA coded undergraduate courses; CULT-LIT-POLS-VA coded graduate courses and courses taken from the list are required. Maximum 3 courses from the graduate courses above can be taken in order to be counted towards the undergraduate programs, by the condition of being a senior student and taking the advisor's and instructor's approval. The extra courses taken from this pool are directly counted towards Free Elective Course requirements.

Click For Area Electives

Free Electives

21 SU credits courses offered by the university (excluding "University Courses"). At most 2 of the Begnining / Basic level language courses can be used to fulfill the requirements for this area.

Click For Free Electives

Faculty Courses

  • At least 5 courses should be completed from FENS, FASS and SOM Faculty Courses, At least three of these courses must be from the pool of FASS Faculty Courses,
  • These five courses must be distributed over at least three out of eight areas: the FENS and SOM pool of faculty courses counting as seventh and eighth area in addition to the six FASS areas (CULT, ECON, HART, PSYCH, SPS/POLS/IR, VA)
  • These courses may have been taken while fulfilling the other degree requirements for the program.
  • Click here for general information about Faculty Courses.

    Click For FENS Faculty Courses

    Click For FASS Faculty Courses

    Click For SBS Faculty Courses

    * Faculty Courses

    **Courses in more than one areas are listed in the area according to order of appearence in Summary of Degree Requirements list. That is, if a course is both area elective and core elective,then it is listed in core elective courses list.

    ***Graduate courses are not listed in undergraduate area requirements even if they are among them.

    ****Since graduation requirements may change dependent to the enrollment year to the University, we advise our students who enrolled at SU in previous years and still continue their education, to track their graduation requirements completion via Information System - Degree Evaluation.