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MGMT 851 International Business Strategy Immersion
International business is one of the most exciting and challenging phenomena in the world today. The field of international business encompasses culture, politics, economics, finance, technology, in fact all activities that influence transactions between firms of different countries. These factors are also increasingly affecting the affairs of domestic business. This class aims to provide an integrative overview of the vast area of international business. The global environment will be examined first, before considering how these factors interact with managers, small and large businesses, and the consumer. The focus of this class is international; however many of the topics are directly relevant to domestic firms as well. This course offers an opportunity for the students to explore the ınternational business strategy development in the context of a spesific country. The course consists of three stages: (1) campus-based learning; (2) immersion trips, providing direct engagement with business leaders and academics to gather information; and (3) analysis and synthesis of findings in the form of group assignments.
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 6.000
Prerequisite : -
Corequisite : -