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AR 610 Gender, Diversity and Action Research
Gender cuts across all aspects of inequality and lies at the center of current debates around sustainable development. The course enables participants to recognize the linkages between gender and sustainability and specifically the role of gender diversity in transforming the role of business in society. The course explores gender both from a diversity perspective and from a feminist ethics perspective in relation to the quality of business decision making, ethical conduct as well as the broader implications of gender diversity and equality for the society at large. The course positions companies as transformational agents in changing the way the business is run, products and services are developed, human capital is managed, and the business objectives are set through empowering women and embracing diversity. The course will provide instruction on feminist pedagogies in action, specifically feminist Participatory Action Research, and present theoretical and empirical perspectives on the dialogue use across difference, and in identifying and dealing with resistance. The course also explores actor networks and enabling initiatives around the world as instruments available for business transformation. The course will also allow students to study and/or take part in initiatives for social change towards gender equality in the intersection of business, civil society and education at different levels.
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 12.000
Prerequisite : -
Corequisite : -