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AR 602 Philosophy of Science and Action Research
The course uses insights from Aristotle on ways of knowing (empeiria, praxis, poíêsis, khrêsis etc) and ways of speaking/writing (dialogue, rhetoric, didactics, phronesis, tekhne etc) and more, not merely as our curious historical predecessors, but as important distinctions in analyzing the modern / postmodern situation for knowledge production and the institutionalization of knowledge production (knowledge management regimes). The different forms of Action Research and conventional research are analyzed accordingly, showing that our modern / postmodern predicament needs several different forms of AR (collaborative, practitioner, organizational learning, symbiotic learning etc) but especially a form of immanent critique which unites conventional research, apprenticeship learning, critical theory, praxis-research, and Action Research
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 12.000
Prerequisite : -
Corequisite : -