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Master of Science in Marketing (MiM)

The Master of Science in Marketing Program (MiM) aims to successfully reflect the changes in the marketing paradigm by further integrating the newest approaches stemming from the development of digital technologies into the marketing discipline. Marketing processes built on creating value for customers can now be managed with real-time and analytical techniques. Updated techniques ensure that market analysis and marketing strategy can be carried out efficiently and effectively and focused on the customer's needs. 

Finally, companies and brands today have to cope with the continued growth of social media channels, the increasing empowerment of users on social networks, and the development of new digital tools. The third goal of the MiM program is to introduce the innovations that digital transformation brings to the field of marketing. 

The program's curriculum covers a wide range of core marketing topics and interests, including omnichannel marketing, integrated marketing communications, consumer behavior, digital marketing, branding, and data insights for marketing, and a wide range of electives that enable further specialization in interests.