Academic Integrity Statement

As an institution, the University is one of the foremost contributors to societal development, both at a local as well as a global level. This contribution accomplished through the fields of education, arts sciences and technology, manifests itself at two interconnected levels. The first, more visible role of the University is seen through the works of art and products of science and technology created by its stakeholders - both faculty and students. The University’s second role involves equipping students with the abilities they will need when generating original research and scholarly work; in other words equipping them with the means of exploring new intellectual paths that will shape our world. This second contribution, creative thought, which emerges from the accumulation of centuries of human progress, paves the way for the first.
We, as Sabancı University stakeholders, believe that the principle of academic integrity constitutes the most important component of any research, creative work and/or of the learning process. Academic integrity is the foremost of our responsibilities toward the world of knowledge, to the society in which we live, to each other, and to ourselves. Within this framework, therefore, we as Sabancı University faculty members, students, and administrators, declare that we will neither violate the principle of academic integrity nor allow others to do so.
After developing analytical-critical thinking and creativity in research as well as internalizing established knowledge, a university student adds his own unique perspective and learns to create new theories, scholarly output and works. Within this process, the young productive individual gains experience, skills and self confidence, in addition to the responsibility of bridging the past and the future as he uses previous knowledge as a foundation.
Faculty members -primarily responsible for the effective operation of this process- aim to help students acquire the same ethical approach they themselves have strictly adhered to during their own academic research and productivity, and one way of doing so is by means of a fair assessment system implemented at all phases of the learning process. At the evaluation and assessment stage -one of the most sensitive areas in terms of the integrity of the education process- the student is expected to base his/her exams, homework, reports, presentations, thesis and so forth on his/her own labor and ideas. Thus, the student recognizes the fact that during the process of academic labor, it is a sine qua non rule of academic ethics to accurately and clearly refer to each source of inspiration and information, wherever and whenever applicable. When students and educational staff are preparing materials, all types of information and information sources are used in accordance with intellectual property and commercial rights and the copyright holder is respected. Sources are not reproduced, copied, altered to another format or rented, nor are others allowed to carry out such acts.