In the first module, Basic Circuit Experiments such as
Thevenin Equivalent Circuits, RC and RL first order
circuits, Resonance Circuits/Higher order
filters, Operational Amplifier Circuit, and basic radio
circuit with the use of opamp, diode and RLC circuits.
In the second module,
DC, small-signal and frequency models of semiconductor
devices such as PN diodes, BJT and MOSFETs
will be included. Using these models, different
circuit implementation will be executed, such as Wave
Shaping Circuits (with diodes, op-amps, passives and
integral/differentiator circuits), Different
Configuration of Single/Multi Stage Amplifiers (CE,
CC, DB, and combination of these as multistage
amp., CS, CD, CG, and combinations), Oscillators
(with BJTs and feedback concepts), etc. Analytical design
methodologies, along with CAD tools (such as
PSPICE), will also be part of the course
for designing and implementing circuits.