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Course Catalog

CS 303 Logic and Digital System Design 4 Credits
Number systems and conversion, Boolean algebra, Boolean function minimization techniques, combinational logic circuit design, state elements (flip- flops), sequential circuits, design and implementation of state machines, Mealy and Moore circuits, higher level digital system design using logic building blocks such multiplexers/decoders, adders, memory and programmable gate arrays, hardware description languages.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2024-2025 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Spring 2023-2024 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2023-2024 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Spring 2022-2023 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2022-2023 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Spring 2021-2022 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2021-2022 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Spring 2020-2021 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2020-2021 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2019-2020 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2018-2019 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2017-2018 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2016-2017 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2015-2016 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2014-2015 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2013-2014 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2012-2013 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2011-2012 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2010-2011 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2009-2010 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2008-2009 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2007-2008 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2006-2007 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2005-2006 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2004-2005 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2003-2004 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2002-2003 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Fall 2001-2002 Logic and Digital System Design 4
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: CS 303L
and CS 303R
ECTS Credit: 7 ECTS (8 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: