The focus of the course is on the key concepts,
models, and methods that enable manager to effectively
manage the development and utilization of technologies. The
goal is to develop an awareness of the range, scope,
and complexity of the phenomena, issues, and problems
related to economics and management of technology and
technological innovations. In that respect, tools for
technology creation, search, assessment, selection,
implementation, utilization,and divestment will be analysed.
Technology planning and strategy making will be other
topics to be covered. Besides these micro issues, the
course will extend the discussion to cover macro issues of
technology management by studying how industries and
firms are transformed by new technologies, how new
industries are formed, and what factors affect the
innovation performance. In other words, a systems
perspective will be used to develop insights into the
conditions under which particular structural arrangements
and systems are likely to facilitate technological
development. By doing so, the course will enable the
integration of technology, operations and business strategy.
In short, the participants will develop a better
understanding of the complex issues surrounding the
managerial tasks with respect to technology.