This course first provides introduction to key concepts of
metrology (science of measurement) such as traceability,
uncertainty, accuracy, calibration, world metrology
systems and accreditation. Then the focus is production-
related metrology mainly based on dimensional
measurement applications such as displacement, flatness
and gauge block interferometric-mechanical measurements,
diameter, form and surface texture standards measurements,
scale and displacement sensor calibrations,
coordinate metrology (CMMs), in-process measurements,
optical tooling, nanometrology (atomic scale measurements),
machine tool metrology, angle metrology and uncertainty
calculations. Principles for precision engineering
applications will also be covered including preliminary
errors in dimensional metrology and motion mechanism
, Abbe principle and applications conforming this
principle and self-
elimination/separation of errors, metrology loop
, influence of temperature, force and vibration in
dimensional measurements and precautions for precision
engineering to lower the uncertainty of measurements.
Laboratory exercises will be carried out with selected
examples such as calibration of CNC machine tools
using laser interferometers, effective use of
reference standards for manufacturing
and angular axis calibration of rotary tables using optical
components and non-contact measurement equipment.