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Course Catalog

MATH 519 Algebraic Number Theory 3 Credits
Contents: The aim of the course is to give an introduction to the basic concepts of algebraic number theory. Following topics will be covered: algebraic number fields, rings of integers in number fields, integral bases, discriminants, unique factorization of ideals and Dedekind domains, ideal class group and class number, structure of the group of units (Dirichlet´s theorem), ramification of prime ideals in extensions of number fields.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Algebraic Number Theory 3
Fall 2022-2023 Algebraic Number Theory 3
Fall 2021-2022 Algebraic Number Theory 3
Fall 2018-2019 Algebraic Number Theory 3
Fall 2016-2017 Algebraic Number Theory 3
Spring 2012-2013 Algebraic Number Theory 3
Fall 2009-2010 Algebraic Number Theory 3
Fall 2003-2004 Algebraic Number Theory 3
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 10 ECTS (10 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: