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Course Catalog

DT 522 Digital Human Resources Management 1.5 Credits
Human Resources Management (HRM) has a central role in digital transformation since the transformation of the people is the key for the success of any sort of transformation in organizations and as one of the functions that is expected to make maximum use of the opportunities provided by digital transformation technologies. This course will focus on key performance metrics and their measurement, robotic process automation, human resource analytics applications and best digitalization practices in HRM. Within the scope of the course, how the information obtained from human resources data, which starts to be accumulated even before the recruitment of the employees and continues to be acquired until their last days in the organization, by means to visualization, reporting and data analytics applications, changes the role of HRM in the organization will also be discussed.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Summer 2023-2024 Digital Human Resources Management 1.5
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 3 ECTS (3 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: