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Course Catalog

HUM 201 Major Works of Literature 3 Credits
This course explores major works of literature in a thematic and chronological framework, and introduces various traditions, movements, and innovations. Each lecture focuses on one or two works that are considered to be paradigmatic of an epoch, but includes comparisons with related works and discussions on the historical, intellectual, and aesthetic background in which they originated. Readings from a variety of authors from the Ancient World through Modernism will be the focus of this class. Discussions focus on the aesthetic and intellectual experience of reading these works as a distinct form of artistic expression. The course aims to provide the necessary knowledge of the literature of different cultures and time periods, to introduce different types of literature such as poetry, prose fiction, and drama , to encourage students to analyze literary works for meaning beyond what is immediately visible, to develop critical thinking skills through reading, discussing and writing, to extend students’ reading experience and awareness on the universal human condition , and to figure out how major works come to express human values within historical and social context.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Major Works of Literature 3
Fall 2024-2025 Major Works of Literature 3
Spring 2023-2024 Major Works of Literature 3
Fall 2023-2024 Major Works of Literature 3
Spring 2022-2023 Major Works of Literature 3
Fall 2022-2023 Major Works of Literature 3
Spring 2021-2022 Major Works of Literature 3
Fall 2021-2022 Major Works of Literature 3
Spring 2020-2021 Major Works of Literature 3
Fall 2020-2021 Major Works of Literature 3
Summer 2019-2020 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Spring 2019-2020 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Fall 2019-2020 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Summer 2018-2019 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Spring 2018-2019 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Fall 2018-2019 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Summer 2017-2018 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Spring 2017-2018 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Fall 2017-2018 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Summer 2016-2017 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Spring 2016-2017 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Fall 2016-2017 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Spring 2015-2016 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Fall 2015-2016 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Spring 2014-2015 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Fall 2014-2015 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Spring 2013-2014 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Fall 2013-2014 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Fall 2012-2013 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Spring 2011-2012 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Fall 2011-2012 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Fall 2010-2011 Major Works of Literature - Myths and Archetypes 3
Spring 2009-2010 Major Works of Literature I 3
Fall 2009-2010 Major Works of Literature I 3
Spring 2008-2009 Major Works of Literature I 3
Fall 2008-2009 Major Works of Literature I 3
Spring 2007-2008 Major Works of Literature I 3
Fall 2007-2008 Major Works of Literature I 3
Spring 2006-2007 Major Works of Literature I 3
Fall 2006-2007 Major Works of Literature I 3
Spring 2003-2004 Major Works I 3
Fall 2003-2004 Major Works I 3
Spring 2002-2003 Major Works I 3
Fall 2002-2003 Major Works I 3
Spring 2001-2002 Major Works I 3
Fall 2001-2002 Major Works I 3
Fall 2000-2001 Major Works I 3
Spring 2005-2006   (HUM201A) 3
Fall 2005-2006   (HUM201A) 3
Spring 2004-2005   (HUM201A) 3
Fall 2004-2005   (HUM201A) 3
Prerequisite: __
HUM>UNV Major Works
Corequisite: HUM 201D
ECTS Credit: 5 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: 23.000 credits
Course or Test: SPS 101 Minimum Grade of D May not be taken concurrently. and Course or Test: SPS 102 Minimum Grade of D May not be taken concurrently. and 000 to 9999 Minimum Grade of D May not be taken concurrently.
HUM 201D Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0 Credit
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0
Fall 2024-2025 Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0
Spring 2023-2024 Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0
Fall 2023-2024 Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0
Spring 2022-2023 Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0
Fall 2022-2023 Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0
Spring 2021-2022 Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0
Fall 2021-2022 Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0
Spring 2020-2021 Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0
Fall 2020-2021 Major Works of Literature – Discussion 0
Spring 2002-2003 Major Works I - Discussion 0
Fall 2002-2003 Major Works I - Discussion 0
Spring 2001-2002 Major Works I - Discussion 0
Fall 2001-2002 Major Works I - Discussion 0
Fall 2000-2001 Major Works I - Discussion 0
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: HUM 201
ECTS Credit: NONE ECTS (NONE ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
HUM 202 Major Works of Western Art 3 Credits
This course deals with groundbreaking achievements in art and architecture. It is designed to be more comprehensive than the typical "art appreciation" courses offered elsewhere. Each lecture focuses on one work that is paradigmatic of an epoch, but will include comparisons with related works and a treatment of the historical, intellectual, and aesthetic background of the major work. Through lectures and discussions, students are given the opportunity to consider the intricacies of human creativity and the complex factors that come into play in a work of art. The course aims to assist students in developing criteria for their appraisal of the arts, as well as to stimulate them to reconsider their systems of values and to pursue their interests in the arts and humanities. In addition to the existing pre-requisite " to have completed 23 credits" for this course , a new condition will be added as "to complete SPS 101 and SPS 102 courses at least with D grade" as of the Fall semester of 2015-2016 Academic Year. Students who failed from SPS 101 and SPS 102 courses, do not have right to take this course.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2024-2025 Major Works of Western Art 3
Summer 2023-2024 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2023-2024 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2023-2024 Major Works of Western Art 3
Summer 2022-2023 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2022-2023 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2022-2023 Major Works of Western Art 3
Summer 2021-2022 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2021-2022 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2021-2022 Major Works of Western Art 3
Summer 2020-2021 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2020-2021 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2020-2021 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2019-2020 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2018-2019 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2018-2019 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2017-2018 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2017-2018 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2016-2017 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2016-2017 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2015-2016 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2014-2015 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2014-2015 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2013-2014 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2013-2014 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2012-2013 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2012-2013 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2011-2012 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2011-2012 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2010-2011 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2010-2011 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2009-2010 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2009-2010 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2008-2009 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2008-2009 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2007-2008 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2007-2008 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2006-2007 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2006-2007 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2005-2006 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2005-2006 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2004-2005 Major Works of Western Art 3
Fall 2004-2005 Major Works of Western Art 3
Spring 2003-2004 Major Works II 3
Fall 2003-2004 Major Works II 3
Spring 2002-2003 Major Works II 3
Fall 2002-2003 Major Works II 3
Spring 2001-2002 Major Works II 3
Fall 2001-2002 Major Works II 3
Spring 2000-2001 Major Works II 3
Prerequisite: __
HUM>UNV Major Works
Corequisite: HUM 202D
ECTS Credit: 5 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: 23.000 credits
Course or Test: SPS 101 Minimum Grade of D May not be taken concurrently. and Course or Test: SPS 102 Minimum Grade of D May not be taken concurrently. and 000 to 9999 Minimum Grade of D May not be taken concurrently.
HUM 202D Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0 Credit
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2024-2025 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Summer 2023-2024 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2023-2024 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2023-2024 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Summer 2022-2023 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2022-2023 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2022-2023 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Summer 2021-2022 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2021-2022 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2021-2022 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Summer 2020-2021 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2020-2021 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2020-2021 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2019-2020 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2018-2019 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2018-2019 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2017-2018 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2017-2018 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2016-2017 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2016-2017 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2015-2016 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2014-2015 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2014-2015 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2013-2014 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2013-2014 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2012-2013 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2012-2013 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2011-2012 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2011-2012 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2010-2011 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2010-2011 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2009-2010 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2009-2010 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2008-2009 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2008-2009 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2007-2008 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2007-2008 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2006-2007 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2006-2007 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2005-2006 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2005-2006 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2004-2005 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Fall 2004-2005 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2003-2004 Major Works II - Discussion 0
Fall 2003-2004 Major Works II - Discussion 0
Spring 2002-2003 Major Works II - Discussion 0
Fall 2002-2003 Major Works II - Discussion 0
Spring 2001-2002 Major Works II - Discussion 0
Fall 2001-2002 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Spring 2000-2001 Major Works of Western Art - Discussion 0
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: HUM 202
ECTS Credit: NONE ECTS (NONE ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
HUM 207 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3 Credits
This course examines some of the major texts in the main areas of philosophy from philosophers of the Western tradition such as Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant and Nietzsche.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3
Fall 2024-2025 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3
Spring 2023-2024 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3
Fall 2023-2024 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3
Spring 2022-2023 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3
Fall 2022-2023 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3
Spring 2021-2022 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3
Fall 2021-2022 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3
Spring 2020-2021 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3
Fall 2020-2021 Major Works of Western Philosophy 3
Spring 2019-2020 Fundamental Texts of Western (PHIL201) 3
Spring 2018-2019 Fundamental Texts of Western (PHIL201) 3
Spring 2017-2018 Fundamental Texts of Western (PHIL201) 3
Spring 2016-2017 Fundamental Texts of Western (PHIL201) 3
Spring 2015-2016 Fundamental Texts of Western (PHIL201) 3
Spring 2014-2015 Fundamental Texts of Western (PHIL201) 3
Spring 2013-2014 Fundamental Texts of Western (PHIL201) 3
Spring 2012-2013 Fundamental Texts of Western (PHIL201) 3
Spring 2010-2011 Fundamental Texts of Western (PHIL201) 3
Prerequisite: __
HUM>UNV Major Works
Corequisite: HUM 207D
ECTS Credit: 5 ECTS (5 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: 23.000 credits
Course or Test: SPS 101 Minimum Grade of D May not be taken concurrently. and Course or Test: SPS 102 Minimum Grade of D May not be taken concurrently. and 000 to 9999 Minimum Grade of D May not be taken concurrently.
HUM 207D Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0 Credit
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0
Fall 2024-2025 Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0
Spring 2023-2024 Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0
Fall 2023-2024 Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0
Spring 2022-2023 Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0
Fall 2022-2023 Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0
Spring 2021-2022 Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0
Fall 2021-2022 Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0
Spring 2020-2021 Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0
Fall 2020-2021 Major Works of Western Philosophy – Discussion 0
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: HUM 207
ECTS Credit: NONE ECTS (NONE ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
HUM 311 Major Works of Literature: The World Before Modernity 3 Credits
This course aims to explore one or more works of literature that have influenced their own times and continue to have an impact on our understanding of the world and its cultures. The course is designed to include critical reading and comparative analyses of selected works. The concepts of myth and archetypes in their various appearances are at the center of the discussions of this course. The emphasis is on imagination, feeling and expression in literature, with attention to cultural, social and political issues. Course work involves not only reading but also writing analytically and critically.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2024-2025 Major Works of Literature: The World Before Modernity 3
Fall 2023-2024 Major Works of Literature: The World Before Modernity 3
Summer 2022-2023 Major Works of Literature: The World Before Modernity 3
Fall 2022-2023 Major Works of Literature: The World Before Modernity 3
Spring 2021-2022 Major Works of Literature: The World Before Modernity 3
Fall 2021-2022 Major Works of Literature: The World Before Modernity 3
Spring 2020-2021 Major Works of Literature: The World Before Modernity 3
Fall 2020-2021 Major Works of Literature: The World Before Modernity 3
Fall 2019-2020 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2018-2019 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2018-2019 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2017-2018 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2017-2018 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2016-2017 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2016-2017 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2015-2016 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2015-2016 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2014-2015 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2014-2015 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2013-2014 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2013-2014 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2012-2013 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2012-2013 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2011-2012 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2011-2012 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2010-2011 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2009-2010 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2009-2010 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2008-2009 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2008-2009 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2007-2008 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2007-2008 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Spring 2006-2007 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Fall 2006-2007 Major Works of 20th Century Literature (HUM211) 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and (HUM 201 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 202 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 207 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 5 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
HUM 312 Major Works of Modern Art 3 Credits
Major Works of Modern Art aims to introduce students to one of the crucial periods of Western art which is the birth, development and "triumph" of Modern Art from the 1860's to the 1960's. The primary purpose of this course however is not to stress the chronological development of modern art but rather to focus on and pursue specific art-related and cultural issues that pertain to those chosen works. Even though the masterpieces are presented chronologically, the lectures themselves are kept fairly independent and presented like a series of visits to an 'imaginary museum'. The chosen works are discussed along with comparative material to explore specific issues that are selected for each work and to illustrate earlier and later thematic developments.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Major Works of Modern Art 3
Fall 2024-2025 Major Works of Modern Art 3
Spring 2023-2024 Major Works of Modern Art 3
Fall 2023-2024 Major Works of Modern Art 3
Spring 2022-2023 Major Works of Modern Art 3
Fall 2022-2023 Major Works of Modern Art 3
Spring 2021-2022 Major Works of Modern Art 3
Fall 2021-2022 Major Works of Modern Art 3
Spring 2020-2021 Major Works of Modern Art 3
Spring 2019-2020 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2019-2020 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2018-2019 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2018-2019 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2017-2018 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2017-2018 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2016-2017 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2016-2017 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2015-2016 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2015-2016 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2014-2015 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2013-2014 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2012-2013 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2012-2013 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2011-2012 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2011-2012 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2010-2011 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2010-2011 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2009-2010 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2009-2010 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2008-2009 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2008-2009 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2007-2008 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2007-2008 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Spring 2006-2007 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Fall 2006-2007 Major Works of Modern Art (HUM212) 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and (HUM 201 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 202 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 207 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
ECTS Credit: 5 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
HUM 317 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3 Credits
This course examines the main moral theories and their applications to various aspects of human life. Moral theories to be discussed include virtue ethics, deontology and consequentialism, which will be investigated through the major works of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Mill and Nietzsche.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3
Fall 2024-2025 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3
Spring 2023-2024 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3
Fall 2023-2024 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3
Spring 2022-2023 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3
Fall 2022-2023 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3
Spring 2021-2022 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3
Fall 2021-2022 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3
Spring 2020-2021 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3
Fall 2020-2021 Major Works of Moral Philosophy 3
Fall 2019-2020 Moral Philosophy: Theory and Practice (PHIL240) 3
Fall 2018-2019 Moral Philosophy: Theory and Practice (PHIL240) 3
Spring 2014-2015 Moral Philosophy: Theory and Practice (PHIL240) 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and (HUM 201 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 202 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 207 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 5 ECTS (5 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
HUM 321 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3 Credits
The course introduces students to a few major works of literature that have influenced their own times and continue to have an impact on our understanding of the modern world and its cultures. The works selected for the course have significantly shaped methodologies used by literary scholars to approach, evaluate and understand other works of literature. Although written in different geographies, depicting diverse situations, the following works are all variants of literary genres associated with the modern world. This course aims to afford students an opportunity to learn broader critical reading strategies and ways to approach texts.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3
Summer 2023-2024 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3
Spring 2023-2024 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3
Spring 2022-2023 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3
Summer 2021-2022 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3
Spring 2021-2022 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3
Fall 2021-2022 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3
Summer 2020-2021 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3
Spring 2020-2021 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3
Fall 2020-2021 Major Works of Literature: The Modern World 3
Spring 2019-2020 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Spring 2018-2019 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Fall 2018-2019 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Spring 2017-2018 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Fall 2017-2018 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Fall 2013-2014 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Fall 2012-2013 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Fall 2011-2012 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Spring 2010-2011 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Fall 2010-2011 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Fall 2008-2009 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Spring 2007-2008 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Spring 2006-2007 Major Works of the Novel (HUM221) 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and (HUM 201 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 202 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 207 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 5 ECTS (5 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
HUM 322 Major Works of Art: The World Before Modernity 3 Credits
This course examines the arts of the pre-modern period from a cross-cultural perspective. One of the main objectives of the course is to thoroughly analyze the shared visual and artistic vocabularies of various works of art and/or art mediums across cultural geographies. Another objective is to help the students develop a critical understanding of the often-used concepts in art history – style, provenance, and appropriation. While the lectures are thematically organized, the selected artworks will be evaluated chronologically against the backdrop of historical and cultural contexts. The course covers art analysis, both stylistic and iconographical, as well as critical reading and writing.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Major Works of Art: The World Before Modernity 3
Fall 2024-2025 Major Works of Art: The World Before Modernity 3
Spring 2023-2024 Major Works of Art: The World Before Modernity 3
Fall 2023-2024 Major Works of Art: The World Before Modernity 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and (HUM 201 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 202 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 207 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 5 ECTS (5 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
HUM 371 Major Works of Literature: The Islamic World 3 Credits
Through the close reading a number of fictional and non -fictional texts, this course will look at fundamental features and aspects of literature and literary culture through a number of genres in Pre-Modern Islamic literature, such as literary vs. real space and time, individual vs. communal aspects of literature, orality vs. written culture, fiction vs. history, didacticism and entertainment, narrative credibility, frame story, narrator and levels of fictionality, the “Other”, intertextuality, author-, work -, and audience-focused approaches to interpretation, translation, relationship between form and content, high vs. popular culture. Aside from trying to contextualize these fundamental works in their own place and time, we will consider them as part of world literature, paying attention to their reception in both the West and the East.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2017-2018 Major Works in Islamic Literature (HUM271) 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and (HUM 201 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 202 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 207 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 5 ECTS (5 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
HUM 413 Genres and Styles of Western Music 3 Credits
This course encompasses the ''classical'' and ''popular'' domains of Western Music as a dominant cultural entity of the contemporary global world by categorizing it into ''genres'' and ''styles''. The material will be presented on diachronic lines but each strand will be developed separately in its own historical, social and artistic context along with the interaction between ''high art music'' and ''popular music''. Although some mention of the landmark events that had an impact on a given genre will be made to clarify the context, the main focus of the course is listening appreciation. The learning objective is therefore to familiarize the student with the characteristics and features of a given genre and/or style that is in use today. The students are expected to perceive music from a critical standpoint, evaluate artistic content and sort musical data input into the right channels.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Summer 2010-2011 Genres and Styles of Western Music 3
Prerequisite: HUM 204 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
HUM 414 Orientalism in Western Classical Music 3 Credits
This is a Humanities course that will follow the trend currently termed Orientalism, from its first appearance in Western art in the 16th century to the early 20th century, focusing on music works and their relation and interaction to the other arts as well as the social sciences. Although it is not a theory-based music course, nevertheless, as a prerequisite, some key terms and general music knowledge are required. Besides lectures, the course will feature discussions on the given subjects, interactive work on visual and auditory materials, and excursions (concerts, museum exhibitions).
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2010-2011 Orientalism in Western Classical Music 3
Fall 2010-2011 Orientalism in Western Classical Music 3
Summer 2009-2010 Orientalism in Western Classical Music 3
Spring 2009-2010 Orientalism in Western Classical Music 3
Prerequisite: HUM 204 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or HUM 214 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: