Course Catalog
The graduate curriculum leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering is designed to provide the students with computing, quantitative, analytical, and applications skills and to prepare them as entrepreneurs, problem solvers, effective decision-makers, and change agents in a competitive business environment or as prospective scientists in the academics. The program focuses on production and service systems, integrated manufacturing, supply chain management, product development process, modeling and analysis of manufacturing processes and equipment, and operations research approaches to telecommunication and energy systems. |
Click For Area Electives |
**Courses in more than one areas are listed in the area according to order of appearence in Summary of Degree Requirements list. That is, if a course is both area elective and core elective,then it is listed in core elective courses list.
***Undergraduate courses are not listed in graduate area requirements even if they are among them.
****Since graduation requirements may change dependent to the enrollment year to the University, we advise our students who enrolled at SU in previous years and still continue their education, to track their graduation requirements completion via Information System - Degree Evaluation.