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Research Incentives

Presidential Research Fund

The aim of the fund is to support full time faculty members, who started working full time within the last two academic years and already completed their six months at Sabancı University, by providing initial research fund for their preliminary studies, giving necessary time prior to their potential projects for the future external national & international funding mechanisms (Horizon Europe, ERC, TUBITAK etc.).

Personal Research Fund

The Personal Research Fund (PRF) is a fund provided to faculty members, researchers, postdoctoral fellows and some visiting professors determined by faculties, depending on their research or artistic performance during the year. PRF may be used for expenses related to performing research, including the purchase of books and/or journals, conference or seminar registration fees, domestic and international travel, lab and office supplies, and membership to scientific or professional organizations. PRF amounts are determined according to the research outputs of individuals in the preceding year as well as other evaluation criteria set in place by faculties.

Integration Project Support

Integration Projects Support is a one-off fund for newcomer full-time faculty members in their first academic year in Sabancı University. The aim of the support is to cover the primary needs for research activities of new faculty members and provide them an opportunity to start their projects/studies in time.

Project Research Fund

The Project Research Fund is a resource that consists of i) accumulation of the research staff budget in contracted projects and grant projects where the funding institutions’ rules are applicable, at the rates stated in the relevant procedure and/or ii) remaining funds from the projects. The fund can be used for R&D purposes by faculty members and researchers.

Internal Academic Activity

The Internal Academic Activity Fund provides support to academic activities such as seminars, workshops, short-term courses, and conferences planned by Sabancı University in association with other institutions and/or sponsors.

SUATT Project Consultancy and Travel Allowance

SUATT provides travel allowances to Sabancı University faculty members and researchers for their participation in project and partnership development activities.

Project Incentive

Project incentives are additional benefits paid to faculty members and researchers when they obtain project funding from external sources. Amounts are calculated according to the rules of the institution and the percentage of the time the researchers dedicate to the project.

Scientific Publication Incentive

In addition to PRF Scientific Publication Incentives are available to Sabancı University faculty and students, based on their Sabancı University addressed article and reviews published in the Top 10% journals of the Elsevier Scopus database, in order to encourage publications in international journals.

Academic Entrepreneurship Support

Sabancı University strives to be the most innovative and entrepreneurial university in Turkey. To this end, the university implements processes that improve the academic entrepreneurship environment, provide support to entrepreneurs in areas that they need, and help the creation and development of companies that generate value. Undergraduate and graduate students are permitted and encouraged to be partners in academic entrepreneur companies. A full-time faculty member and academic entrepreneur may devote up to 1 full business day's working hours to their company provided that their duties to the University are not neglected. Sabancı University provides the following incentives to interested faculty members either directly or through Inovent A.Ş.

Sabbaticals and Research Leaves

Sabancı University offers its faculty members to engage in full-time research in order to encourage scientific studies and international cooperation by faculty members. Academic leaves in Sabancı University are in three categories: Sabbaticals, Summer Research and Unpaid Research Leaves.

Sabbatical Leave

Sabancı University Faculty Members are entitled to one academic semester of sabbatical leave after six academic semesters (three academic years) of full-time service, and one academic year of sabbatical leave after twelve academic semesters (six academic years) of full-time service. One-semester sabbatical leave can be extended to 6 months, and one-year sabbatical leave can be extended to 11 months.

Summer Research Leave

Faculty members who have worked in SU for at least one year will be entitled to a Summer Research Leave. Summer Research Leaves may be used for two months during the summer semester with full salary payment. This leave could be utilized one time in a year during summer period.

Unpaid Research Leave

Faculty members who have worked in SU for at least 1 year will be entitled to an Unpaid Research Leave. Based on the related Faculty Dean’s approval, Unpaid Research Leave is granted only to faculty members who are about to be involved in important and prestigious research projects and are expected to produce significant research output as a result of the relevant research. Unpaid Research Leaves may be used for up to one academic year.

In furtherance of the research support and personal support programs above, offices established under SUATT create an ecosystem where faculty and researchers are supported from the idea phase to commercialization. The support provided by various SUATT offices are explained in detail on the For Researchers, For Industry and For Entrepreneurs pages.