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Course Catalog

OPIM 409 Project Management 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the theory and practice of project management. This course examines the management of complex projects and the tools are available to assist managers with such projects. Some of the specific topics we will discuss include project life cycle models, work break down structure, organization break down structure, cost break down structure, graphical presentations and precedence diagramming, network analysis and scheduling techniques, concepts of system life cycle costing, and cost estimation methods and trade-off analysis, risk management, and monitoring and control.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Project Management 3
Fall 2024-2025 Project Management 3
Spring 2023-2024 Project Management 3
Spring 2016-2017 Project Management 3
Spring 2015-2016 Project Management 3
Spring 2014-2015 Project Management 3
Spring 2013-2014 Project Management 3
Spring 2012-2013 Project Management 3
Prerequisite: MGMT 203 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or (MATH 306 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: