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Course Catalog

MAT 307 Composite Materials 3 Credits
Constituent filler and matrix materials, manufacturing processes and applications. Review of stress transformations, stress-strain relations and generalized Hooke’s Law. Mechanical characterization of fiber reinforced composite materials. Micromechanics. Ply mechanics. Mechanics of laminates via classical lamination theory. Strength of composite materials. Failure criteria of composite materials. Design of laminated composites. Introduction to analysis of laminated composites by a commercial finite element software
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Composite Materials 3
Spring 2023-2024 Composite Materials 3
Spring 2022-2023 Composite Materials 3
Spring 2021-2022 Composite Materials 3
Spring 2020-2021 Composite Materials 3
Spring 2019-2020 Composite Materials 3
Spring 2018-2019 Composite Materials 3
Spring 2017-2018 Composite Materials 3
Spring 2016-2017 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2015-2016 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2014-2015 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2013-2014 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2012-2013 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2011-2012 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2010-2011 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2009-2010 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2008-2009 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2007-2008 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2006-2007 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2005-2006 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2004-2005 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2003-2004 Composite Materials 3
Fall 2002-2003 Composite Materials 3
Prerequisite: ENS 204 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: MAT 307R
ECTS Credit: 7 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: