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Course Catalog

POLS 250 Comparative Politics 3 Credits
In this course, some of the critical tools for comparative analysis will be introduced. The units of comparative analysis can vary. Sometimes what is compared is the historical transformation on the road to becoming nation-states which may shed some light onto different political regime outcomes in various countries. Comparative analysis is done through pattern depiction, for instance, in three different countries such as Germany, Italy, and Japan that have experienced fascist regimes. Students learn to see what these cases have in common in terms of their political transformation that explains the rise of fascism in these particular cases and not in others. It is through such analyses that students equip themselves with tools towards making predictions about political regime changes. In sum, it is such tools that make political analysis possible. This course involves an analysis of the major modes of transformation and political modernization leading to various regime outcomes in the twentieth century. In the first part of the semester, the meaning of pre-modern and modern politics will be unraveled and particular state-formation and nation-building processes will be studied in the Western European context. In the second part, some of the critical features of the emerging political ideologies that accompany these processes will be studied. The third part of the course will focus on comparative electoral systems, political party structures, the dynamics among the legislative, executive and judiciary bodies of government in key West European countries throughout the twentieth century.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2023-2024 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2022-2023 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2021-2022 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2020-2021 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2019-2020 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2018-2019 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2017-2018 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2016-2017 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2015-2016 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2014-2015 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2013-2014 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2012-2013 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2011-2012 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2010-2011 Comparative Politics 3
Fall 2010-2011 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2009-2010 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2008-2009 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2007-2008 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2006-2007 Comparative Politics 3
Spring 2005-2006 Comparative Political Analysis 3
Spring 2004-2005 Comparative Political Analysis 3
Spring 2003-2004 Comparative Political Analysis 3
Spring 2002-2003 Comparative Political Analysis 3
Spring 2001-2002 Comparative Political Analysis 3
Spring 2000-2001 Comparative Political Analysis 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 251 Borders, Citizens, Immigrants, Refugees 3 Credits
Citizenship is essentially a product of modern politics. This course will adopt a modernist interpretation of citizenship and will look at the evolution of the concept in the aftermath of the French Revolution. We will, first, look at the geneology of the concept and relate it to the various stages of nationalism. We will, then, unravel the relationship between citizenship and democratization by referring to various approaches to the concept of civil society.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2023-2024 Borders, Citizens, Immigrants, Refugees 3
Spring 2022-2023 Borders, Citizens, Immigrants, Refugees 3
Spring 2021-2022 Borders, Citizens, Immigrants, Refugees 3
Spring 2020-2021 Borders, Citizens, Immigrants, Refugees 3
Fall 2012-2013 Politics of Citizenship 3
Fall 2011-2012 Politics of Citizenship 3
Summer 2008-2009 Politics of Citizenship 3
Fall 2008-2009 Politics of Citizenship 3
Fall 2007-2008 Politics of Citizenship 3
Fall 2006-2007 Politics of Citizenship 3
Fall 2004-2005 Nationalism, Citizenship and Civil Society 3
Fall 2003-2004 Nationalism, Citizenship and Civil Society 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 252 Rights and Their History 3 Credits
This is an investigation into the origins and development of the idea of entitlement. In the first part of the course, first moral theories that allowed for rights and right-holders will be looked at. Then the progress of rights-talk by studying the various rights (such as rights to property, work and equal opportunity) that have emerged in social history and moral theory will be traced. In so doing, we will try to expose the enrichment in the notion of a right-holder (from the individual to groups, peoples and animals). Finally, some recent (academic) debates on the import and place of rights in contemporary societies as well as in moral theory will be considered.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2006-2007 Rights and Their History 3
Spring 2004-2005 Rights and Their History 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 271 Nations and Nationalism 3 Credits
The aim of this course is to interrogate some of the most recent and important theorizing on nationalism and see to what extent they make sense in various empirical contexts . The emphasis of the course will be on theorizing nationalism rather than producing quasi-naturalistic explanations of its emergence, success or failure. In addition to reviewing the major theoretical accounts of nations and nationalism, the course will also discuss a multiplicity of empirical cases from Eastern Europe, Middle East, ex-Soviet Union territories and China.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2010-2011 Nations and Nationalism 3
Spring 2009-2010 Nations and Nationalism 3
Fall 2006-2007 Nations and Nationalism 3
Summer 2005-2006 Nations and Nationalism 3
Spring 2003-2004 Nations and Nationalism 3
Spring 2002-2003 Nations and Nationalism 3
Spring 2001-2002 Nations and Nationalism 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: POLS 271D
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 271D Nations and Nationalism-Discussion 0 Credit
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2006-2007 Nations and Nationalism-Discussion 0
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: POLS 271
ECTS Credit: NONE ECTS (NONE ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 300 Project and Internship 0 Credit
This is a non-credit, elective course that aims to foster field work experience in the student's chosen area of study. The course offers the students the opportunities to gain insights into the nuances of business and social environments; to learn about specific issues facing firms in the domestic and the global market; to improve their understanding of other cultures and societies; to foster research; to outreach to the global community. The course aims to enable students to learn about the conditions under which they would launch successful start-ups and expose them to the breadth of various issues. In order to realise these goals, the course includes experiential opportunities for students to put their new skills to work in real-world settings in line with their program requirements. A summer project or internship is mandatory for fulfilling the course requirements.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Summer 2023-2024 Project and Internship 0
Summer 2022-2023 Project and Internship 0
Summer 2021-2022 Project and Internship 0
Summer 2020-2021 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Spring 2020-2021 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Fall 2020-2021 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2019-2020 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2018-2019 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2017-2018 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Spring 2017-2018 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2016-2017 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2015-2016 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2014-2015 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Fall 2014-2015 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2013-2014 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2012-2013 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2011-2012 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2010-2011 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2009-2010 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2008-2009 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2007-2008 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2006-2007 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2005-2006 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2004-2005 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2003-2004 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2002-2003 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Summer 2001-2002 Project and Internship (PROJ300) 0
Prerequisite: (PROJ 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
or (PROJ 201 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 5 ECTS (2 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 301 Political Theory I 3 Credits
All societies reflect on how to structure and govern common life, the values that ought to guide it, and the forces that shape it. This course surveys the varying answers given to these questions by different political philosophers such as Aristotle, Nizamülmülk, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Marx, Namık Kemal ve Mill.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2024-2025 Political Theory I 3
Fall 2023-2024 Political Theory I 3
Fall 2022-2023 Political Theory I 3
Fall 2021-2022 Political Theory I 3
Fall 2020-2021 Political Theory I 3
Fall 2019-2020 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2018-2019 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2017-2018 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2016-2017 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2015-2016 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2014-2015 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2013-2014 Political Philosophy 3
Summer 2012-2013 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2012-2013 Political Philosophy 3
Summer 2011-2012 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2011-2012 Political Philosophy 3
Summer 2010-2011 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2010-2011 Political Philosophy 3
Summer 2009-2010 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2009-2010 Political Philosophy 3
Summer 2008-2009 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2008-2009 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2007-2008 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2006-2007 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2005-2006 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2004-2005 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2003-2004 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2002-2003 Political Philosophy 3
Fall 2001-2002 Political Philosophy 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 302 Issues and Concepts in Political Philosophy 3 Credits
This course is a supplemental to SPS requirement course "Pols 301 Political Philosophy". The course will be thematically organized and will explore philosophical perspectives on such concepts like, will, freedom, modernity, authority, heroism, autonomy and power. Texts from ancient as well as modern (and post-modern) political thinkers will be employed to encourage students to address issues that are pertinent not only to "society at large" but also to their own individual political practice.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Summer 2010-2011 Issues and Concepts in Political Philosophy 3
Prerequisite: (POLS 301 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
and (SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D (can be taken concurrently)
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 303 Elections And Political Participation 3 Credits
This course is an introduction to political participation in its conventional and unconventional forms. The course will take various perspectives on political modernization and the role attributed to different forms of participation or the lack thereof as its starting point. Mass elections and mass political violence will be discussed more in depth from the competing perspectives of modernization and rational choice literatures. Influential texts from the relevant literature will be used to guide the discussion towards a critique of the pioneering works and towards an evaluation of the current debates in the literature.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Summer 2008-2009 Elections And Political Participation 3
Summer 2007-2008 Elections And Political Participation 3
Summer 2006-2007 Elections And Political Participation 3
Summer 2005-2006 Elections And Political Participation 3
Spring 2002-2003 Elections And Political Participation 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 305 Political Ideologies in Modern Turkey 3 Credits
This course will include a survey of the origins and evolution of various though currents in Turkey such as liberalism, nationalism, conservatism, socialism and feminism. While delineating these currents of thought, main ideas of some key proponents of these ideologies such as Yusuf Akçura, Ziya Gökalp, Prens Sabahattin and Ahmet Ağaoğlu will be studied.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2020-2021 Political Ideologies in Modern Turkey 3
Spring 2017-2018 Political Ideologies in Modern Turkey 3
Spring 2008-2009 Political Ideologies in Modern Turkey 3
Spring 2007-2008 Political Ideologies in Modern Turkey 3
Spring 2006-2007 Political Ideologies in Modern Turkey 3
Spring 2005-2006 Political Ideologies in Modern Turkey 3
Spring 2003-2004 Political Ideologies in Modern Turkey 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 307 Politics of Development 3 Credits
This course studies the mechanisms through which societies and governments deal with the challenge of development. Following a brief discussion of the concept of development and various historical development strategies. The course focuses on the contemporary challenges of development: Inequality (including gender inequality and the politics of (re)distribution), economic instability, corruption, political environments where informal institutions are pervasive and rule of law is weak, and the sharing of natural resources (such as oil and water.) The course will conclude with an overview of how the international dimension has influenced the politics of development by focusing briefly on the impact of the Cold War, foreign power involvement and globalization
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2019-2020 Politics of Development 3
Fall 2015-2016 Politics of Development 3
Fall 2014-2015 Politics of Development 3
Spring 2013-2014 Politics of Development 3
Spring 2010-2011 Politics of Development 3
Fall 2009-2010 Politics of Development 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 348 Politics of Southern Europe 3 Credits
The European countries that lie at the Southern flanks of the continent share common political, economic, and cultural aspects that set them apart from their Western neighbors. For instance, they consolidated their democracies later and, with the exception of Italy, joined the European Community around thirty years after its creation. This course will study the politics, society, and economy of Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece from a comparative perspective. First, the state structure, party politics, and electoral systems of the Southern European countries will be introduced. Second, the causes, policies, and the collapse of the interwar authoritarian regimes of Salazar, Franco, Mussolini, and Metaxas will be examined. In this context, special emphasis will be given to how democracy consolidated in Southern Europe. Continuing political problems, such as Basque nationalism in Spain, the Sicilian mafia in Italy, and the Muslim minority in Greece will also be discussed. Finally, the course will conclude with the entrance of the Southern European countries to the European Community, their policies and roles within the Union, and the effects of the EU on Southern Europe.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2014-2015 Politics of Southern Europe 3
Spring 2007-2008 Politics of Southern Europe 3
Spring 2006-2007 Politics of Southern Europe 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 349 Politics of South-East Asia 3 Credits
Contemporary politics in Southeast Asia must be understood in light of colonialism, the nationalist movements that colonial rule in effect produced, and the geo-strategic imperatives of the cold war. Colonial rule defined the territorial boundaries and institutions of the modern state, nationalism provided a new political discourse and elite, and the cold war helped determine the nature of authority in post-colonial states. This course will examine the political landscape of Southeast Asia, paying particular attention to the historical conditions (colonialism, modernity, nationalism, war) which gave rise to the construction of Southeast Asia as a geo-political entity and to the boundaries and institutions of particular states. The course will focus on key themes such as: democratization and nationalism, the role of ethnic minorities, the political role of religion, etc
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Prerequisite: SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 350 Transitions to Democracy in Eastern Europe 3 Credits
This course is primarily designed to focus on the Eastern and Central European transformations to democracy. Thus, it aims to equip the students with a broad understanding of both "democratization" as a concept and how it was achieved in the post-communist Europe. Other examples of democratization in the world are also dealt within the course.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2003-2004 Transitions to Democracy in Eastern Europe 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 351 Dynamics of Political Change 3 Credits
This course is designed to focus on the relevant theories to political change in developing countries. The interaction between state and society and the theories that analyze political change will be studied thoroughly within the framework of the course. A theoretical structure will be drawn in order to understand the formation of diverse political structures and the dynamics of political change in several countries. There will also be specific references to the dynamics of political change in different geographica areas of the world, such as Europe, Asia and the Middle East
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2006-2007 Dynamics of Political Change 3
Fall 2005-2006 Dynamics of Political Change 3
Fall 2004-2005 Dynamics of Political Change 3
Fall 2003-2004 Dynamics of Political Change 3
Fall 2002-2003 Dynamics of Political Change 3
Fall 2001-2002 Dynamics of Political Change 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 352 Turkish Politics I 3 Credits
This course will focus on the problems of consolidation of democracy in Turkey. It will begin with an historical background and then delve into analyses of the structure of the parliament, political parties, the bureaucracy, the military, and the civil society.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2024-2025 Turkish Politics I 3
Fall 2023-2024 Turkish Politics I 3
Fall 2022-2023 Turkish Politics I 3
Fall 2021-2022 Turkish Politics I 3
Fall 2020-2021 Turkish Politics I 3
Fall 2019-2020 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2018-2019 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2017-2018 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2016-2017 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2015-2016 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2014-2015 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2013-2014 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2012-2013 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2011-2012 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2010-2011 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2009-2010 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2008-2009 Turkish Politics 3
Fall 2007-2008 Turkish Politics 3
Spring 2006-2007 Turkish Politics 3
Spring 2005-2006 Turkish Politics 3
Spring 2004-2005 Turkish Politics 3
Spring 2003-2004 Turkish Politics 3
Spring 2002-2003 Turkish Politics 3
Spring 2001-2002 Turkish Politics 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 353 Turkish Politics II 3 Credits
This course aims to provide a systematic review of major political developments in contemporary Turkey. The main objective of the course is to analyze and discuss those political institutions, actors, and issues that have come to shape Turkish political life in the post- 1980 period. Focusing on substantive topics such as civil-military relations, rise of identity-politics, role of religion, elections, and political parties, we will study the country's transition to democratic rule after military rule and evaluate its performance over time. Special attention will be paid to regime change in recent years and its long-term political implications.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2023-2024 Turkish Politics II 3
Spring 2022-2023 Turkish Politics II 3
Spring 2020-2021 Turkish Politics II 3
Fall 2013-2014 Turkish Governance 3
Fall 2012-2013 Turkish Governance 3
Fall 2011-2012 Turkish Governance 3
Fall 2010-2011 Turkish Governance 3
Fall 2009-2010 Turkish Governance 3
Fall 2008-2009 Turkish Governance 3
Fall 2007-2008 Turkish Governance 3
Fall 2006-2007 Turkish Governance 3
Prerequisite: POLS 352 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 354 Politics of Migration 3 Credits
Global migration has vastly increased, become more diverse and challenging the territorial, cultural and conceptual boundaries. This course explores the changing face, dilemmas and opportunities of migration in both receiving and sending states, emphasizing the political aspects of migration. The geographical and temporal focus may vary according to the instructor. The course examines why people move, the politics and policies of border control in the developed receiving states (e.g., USA, Canada, Western Europe) and how domestic and/or interstate developments such as European integration have changed the nature of migration policymaking. It addresses questions of immigrant integration and diversity and studies the benefits and challenges to receiving states. Special topics include emigration and development, remittances, brain drain, the role of sending state policies on state and identity formation and an analysis of the Turkish case as an example of a state facing the challenges of both emigration and immigration
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2013-2014 Politics of Migration 3
Summer 2008-2009 Politics of Migration 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 364 Constitutional Law 3 Credits
This course is aiming at providing introductory knowledge and information on the Constitutional Law in general, the Turkish Constitutional Law, and the overall characteristics and conditions of the Turkish democracy as well as the basic principles of law. The course will enable the participants to understand and learn the basics of constitutional law and to empower them to comprehend, appraise and assess the democratic institutions/processes of Turkey.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2003-2004 Constitutional Law 3
Fall 2002-2003 Constitutional Law 3
Fall 2001-2002 Constitutional Law 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 365 Law and Politics 3 Credits
This course is about how political dynamics shape courts and how courts, in turn, shape politics. The overarching goal of this course is to provide an introduction to judicial politics literature and explore the political determinants of judicial independence and empowerment. This course helps students understand why, when, and how courts function or fail to function as independent checks on government. In this regard, the course looks at how politics and inter-branch relations (executive and legislature) may or may not influence constitutional courts’ decisions and focuses on judicial review practices in developing democracies (including Turkey). Focusing on international /supranational courts, the course also examines the willingness of states to engage in compliance and enforcement.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 366 Special Topics in Political Science and International Relations 3 Credits
The specific focus of the course will be announced each semester that it is offered. Special topics may vary but will draw from the fields of political science and international relations. Students are expected to study the relevant literature and acquire knowledge in the relevant field.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 372 Liberalism and its Critics 3 Credits
There are two sets of fundamental questions this course aims to examine. The first set questions the basis of political obligation: How does a political community get constituted? What are the criteria by which a government can be judged to be "just"? What are the conditions under which civil disobedience is not only legitimate but also necessary? Reading Hobbes, Locke and Mill will help us to answer this first set of questions. The second set of problematize the basic assumptions of the liberal political philosophers. Particularly, the categories of the "individual" and "reason/rationality" come under close scrutiny through close readings of works by the likes of Adorno, Horkheimer and Foucault.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2005-2006 Liberalism and its Critics 3
Fall 2004-2005 Liberalism and its Critics 3
Summer 2003-2004 Liberalism and its Critics 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 392 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3 Credits
This course offers an in-depth study of the one-party period and political system in Turkey, placing it in its historical and political context, and introducing primary source materials. Contrasting political alignments had already emerged in the course of the War of Independence; their extensions and ramifications are pursued through the phase immediately preceding the creation of the Republic, down to the end of the Kemalist-dominated early Republican era. The political, cultural, economic and foreign policy dimensions of this entire period are viewed as a whole, though with specific emphasis on its political organizations. The experience of 20th century dictatorships like Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, or Spain under Franco are drawn upon in constructing a broad comparative framework.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2023-2024 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2017-2018 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2014-2015 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2013-2014 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2012-2013 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2011-2012 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2010-2011 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2009-2010 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2008-2009 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2007-2008 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2006-2007 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2005-2006 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2004-2005 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2003-2004 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2002-2003 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Fall 2001-2002 Modern Dictatorships and the One-Party Period Political System in Turkey 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 393 Political Parties in Turkey 3 Credits
Within the framework of the historical past and developments of world political parties, Turkish political parties from the past to the present day, will be analysed from a comparative perspective. This analysis will include parties' organisations, their members, their activities, and will also stretch out towards political leadership, parliamentary activities, the sociological bases of political parties, elections and election systems. The relations between parties and regimes, between party systems and party structures will be touched upon. The reasons for the establishment of the political parties in Turkey as well as their roots, will be taken up within a historical and political context, together with the way they all effect each other. The parties in Turkey, the party programs, their rules and regulations, elections in Turkey, analyses of the election results, the struggles between parties, ideologies, the influence of parties on one another, will be studied on the basis of political history and political science, and from a sociological viewpoint.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2003-2004 Political Parties in Turkey 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 399 Independent Study 3 Credits
This course allows students to explore an area of academic interest not currently covered in regular course offerings. Under the supervision of a faculty member, students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning, including developing together a reading list and forms of evaluation. Students must receive the approval of a supervisor faculty member prior to enrollment.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2022-2023 Independent Study 3
Spring 2018-2019 Independent Study 3
Spring 2015-2016 Independent Study 3
Spring 2014-2015 Independent Study (SPS399) 3
Spring 2013-2014 Independent Study (SPS399) 3
Spring 2012-2013 Independent Study (SPS399) 3
Spring 2007-2008 Independent Study (SPS399) 3
Fall 2004-2005 Independent Study (SPS399) 3
Spring 2003-2004 Independent Study (SPS399) 3
Fall 2003-2004 Independent Study (SPS399) 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 400 Ancient, Medieval and Early Political Theory 3 Credits
This course is a chronological survey of the history of ncient Greek, medieval and early modern political thought. It begins with the Greek classics and covers the medieval thinkers and ends with Renaissance and the 16th century thinkers. Given more than two millennia between the first and the last, the course aims to place each thinker within the relevant historical context linking each with the past and present day discussions thus preparing the students for a sound evaluation of later stages of political theorizing.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2012-2013 Ancient, Medieval and Early Political Theory 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 403 Political Psychology 3 Credits
This course provides a broad introduction to the field of political psychology, including historical and contemporary perspectives, surveys the major theoretical approaches and reviews most important contemporary empirical findings. Political psychology, as a subfield of political science, investigates the psychological processes that influence political decision making, attitude formation, voter behavior including candidate and issue evaluations. Such processes include affective responses, information processing, group dynamics, political socialization, etc. Applications of political psychology extend from the analysis of individuals' political attitudes (e.g. candidate evaluations, prejudice towards ethnic, religious and social minorities, etc.) to elite decision making in major international crisis
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2011-2012 Political Psychology 3
Spring 2010-2011 Political Psychology 3
Fall 2009-2010 Political Psychology 3
Spring 2008-2009 Political Psychology 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 404 Comparative Party Systems and Electoral Behavior 3 Credits
This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to theories and facts about political parties, comparative political party systems, interest or pressure groups, and interest group systems. The objective of the course is to teach students how organized political action takes shape, and how such action influence the structure of party and interest group systems.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2024-2025 Comparative Party Systems and Electoral Behavior 3
Fall 2023-2024 Comparative Party Systems and Electoral Behavior 3
Fall 2022-2023 Comparative Party Systems and Electoral Behavior 3
Spring 2021-2022 Comparative Party Systems and Electoral Behavior 3
Fall 2020-2021 Comparative Party Systems and Electoral Behavior 3
Fall 2018-2019 Comparative Party Systems and Interest Groups (POLS304) 3
Spring 2017-2018 Comparative Party Systems and Interest Groups (POLS304) 3
Spring 2009-2010 Comparative Party Systems and Interest Groups (POLS304) 3
Spring 2008-2009 Comparative Party Systems and Interest Groups (POLS304) 3
Spring 2007-2008 Comparative Party Systems and Interest Groups (POLS304) 3
Spring 2003-2004 Comparative Party Systems and Interest Groups (POLS304) 3
Spring 2002-2003 Comparative Party Systems and Interest Groups (POLS304) 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 405 Political Thought: Issues, Concepts, Debates 3 Credits
This course aims to introduce some of the main concepts, theories and debates in political thought. The focus of the course is to provide a seminar in which students can wrestle with some of the fundamental questions that political scientists ask themselves. Hence, the course's aims are two-fold: To give the students a chance to familiarize themselves with major theories and debates in political philosophy, and to encourage analytical and critical skills on the subject.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2011-2012 Political Thought: Issues, Concepts, Debates 3
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 409 Greek-Turkish Relations 3 Credits
Beginning with the Greek independence in 1830, this course will first trace the development of Greek-Turkish relations in their historical, political, and ideological context and examine, in particular, the influence of nationalism on the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans, the effects of the resulting myths and narratives on nation-building, and the perceptions that define identity politics. Against this background, the course will then focus on the foreign policy of both Greece and Turkey; major bilateral issues between the two countries, the effect of Cyprus and the influence of the European Union on the bilateral relations; the new geopolitical environment of the two countries in which the recent détente took rise; and policy alternatives for the near future.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2011-2012 Greek-Turkish Relations 3
Fall 2010-2011 Greek-Turkish Relations 3
Fall 2007-2008 Greek-Turkish Relations 3
Fall 2006-2007 Greek-Turkish Relations 3
Fall 2005-2006 Greek-Turkish Relations 3
Prerequisite: POLS 301 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and IR 201 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and (SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 410 American Politics and Government 3 Credits
This is a course for senior and advanced students who are interested in the intricacies and the uniqueness of American democracy and its historical development. In addition to the analysis of American political institutions, special emphasis will be given to cultural, historical, social and economic factors that contribute to the uniqueness of the American experiment. Students who have already taken courses in comparative government and international relations will preferably be allowed to register. In the case of students of other programs demonstration of substantial interest and POLS 250 and IR 201 are prerequisites for the course.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2005-2006 American Politics and Government 3
Fall 2004-2005 American Politics and Government 3
Fall 2003-2004 American Politics and Government 3
Prerequisite: POLS 250 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and IR 201 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and (SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D)
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 421 Philosophical Approaches to Modernity 3 Credits
The primary goal of this course is to provide an introduction to the problems posed by the notion of "modernity", and the different approaches that attempt to conceptualize and criticize it. The focus will be on three main philosophical approaches; critical, hermeneutical and genealogical. By relying mainly on primary sources, the course will attempt to thoroughly explore each of these understandings. The focus will be on their respective methodologies as well as on their substantive claims about the modern period. Furthermore, the course will also explore how these three approaches engage and criticize each other.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2003-2004 Philosophical Approaches to Modernity 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 422 Politics and Culture 3 Credits
This course is a survey of theories that take “culture” seriously and regard it as a determining factor in the shaping of political phenomena. These are theories that emphasize the relevance of shared beliefs, ideologies, values or behavior patterns for making sense of political processes, events and institutions . The course draws on philosophical as well as empirical literature in this field. Course readings include works by Herder, Marx, Weber, Geertz, Almond, Putnam and Inglehart, among others
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2012-2013 Politics and Culture 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 425 Civil Society 3 Credits
The course will have a twin foci: On the one hand, we will examine various theoretical formulations of the notion of civil society. We will study writings by classical liberal theorists as well as their critique from Hegelian and Marxist perspectives. On the other hand, we will engage the empirical, comparative analyses of civil society and discuss related issues of democratization, multiculturalism public sphere and identity politics. The experiences of East European and Middle East/North African countries (including Turkey's) will receive special attention. The intention of the course is to bring the theoretical and empirical aspects of the debates on civil society together in an attempt to clarify and critically appropriate this often-used but ill-understood concept.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2012-2013 Civil Society 3
Spring 2011-2012 Civil Society 3
Spring 2010-2011 Civil Society 3
Fall 2009-2010 Civil Society 3
Fall 2008-2009 Civil Society 3
Fall 2007-2008 Civil Society 3
Fall 2005-2006 Civil Society 3
Fall 2004-2005 Civil Society 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 426 Continental Political Thought 3 Credits
This is a critical study of some of the key concepts and theories that underlie most of political theorizing in Continental Europe since 19th century. Special emphasis will be placed on German and French traditions. The basic aim of the course is to elucidate the historical linkages and trajectories of different strands of political thought and thus to understand the distinctive features of Continental political theory traditions. Readings include selections from Kant, Hegel, Freud, Heidegger, and Baudrillard
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2013-2014 Continental Political Thought 3
Spring 2008-2009 Continental Political Thought 3
Spring 2007-2008 Continental Political Thought 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and POLS 301 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 431 Governance, Politics and Public Policy 3 Credits
Global trends pertaining to public administration and policy process ( with particular emphasis on OECD and the EU ); challenges to government and government failure ( patronage, nepotism, clientelism, corruption ); key concepts related to the policy process ( governance, bureaucratic politics, institutional analysis, instrumental approach, rational choice, ); stages of the policy making process ( problem identification, formulation of policy alternatives, policy adoption and legitimization , implementation, evaluation ); case studies
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2019-2020 Governance, Politics and Public Policy 3
Fall 2018-2019 Governance, Politics and Public Policy 3
Fall 2017-2018 Governance, Politics and Public Policy 3
Fall 2016-2017 Governance, Politics and Public Policy 3
Fall 2015-2016 Governance, Politics and Public Policy 3
Fall 2014-2015 Governance, Politics and Public Policy 3
Fall 2013-2014 Governance, Politics and Public Policy 3
Fall 2012-2013 Governance, Politics and Public Policy 3
Fall 2011-2012 Governance, Politics and Public Policy 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 434 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3 Credits
This course is designed to provide an introduction to deductive theory and formal modelling. Topics covered include elementary decision theory, game theory and theory of social choice, with no mathematical prerequisites assumed expect high school algebra.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2024-2025 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Fall 2023-2024 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Spring 2022-2023 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Fall 2021-2022 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Fall 2020-2021 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Fall 2019-2020 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Fall 2018-2019 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Fall 2017-2018 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Spring 2016-2017 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Fall 2015-2016 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Fall 2014-2015 Formal Modelling and Political Analysis I 3
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 440 Governance of the Turkish Metropolis 3 Credits
The Course will commence with a discussion of the global metropolitan change and a conceptual framework will be developed through deliberations on key concepts. The evolution of metropolitan administration in Turkey will be taken up next with frequent reference to intergovernmental relations, functional differentiation, delivery of metropolitan services and participatory mechanisms. The evolving relations between various 'actors' on the urban scene; new types of cooperation and partnership; and new forms of accountability will be evaluated within the context of urban governance. The Turkish metropolis will then be dealt with as a decision-making center concerning the allocation of scarce resources. A discussion on issues of urban politics; sources of urban conflict, and measures to control/appease the conflict will follow. In the concluding section of the Course, various administrative-political issues will be interrelated; some select problem-areas of the Turkish metropolis highlighted, and possible solutions suggested.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 441 NGO Governance 3 Credits
The world is in the midst of a global 'associational revolution' and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) feature prominently in this process. There are many different types of NGOs, with varying goals and priorities and one major aim of the course is to de-mystify the NGO scene. In order to do this, theoretical framework will be developed at the onset relating NGOs to civil society, globalization, new division of labour in polity and dynamics of governance. NGO role in developmental work, promotion of civil society, service delivery, advocacy work will be discussed as well as challenges facing NGOs in an evolving complex world of organizational/institutional matrixes. The enhanced role for NGOs also obliges them to be responsible, efficient, ethical, transparent, participatory and accountable true to the spirit of good governance. Building NGO capacity on one hand and empowerment by levels of government on the other hand, will be taken up together. The course will be concluded with critical evaluation of select NGO work both from Turkey and elsewhere.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2013-2014 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2012-2013 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2011-2012 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2010-2011 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2009-2010 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2008-2009 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2007-2008 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2006-2007 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2005-2006 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2004-2005 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2003-2004 NGO Governance 3
Spring 2002-2003 NGO Governance 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D(can be taken concurrently)
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 446 Latin American Politics 3 Credits
This course studies Latin American Politics from theoretical and empirical perspectives. First, it will provide a short introduction to the history of Latin America based on major theoretical perspectives with a particular emphasis on the second half of the twentieth century and current context. Then, it will mainly focus on major political, social and economic institutions in the region, while studying intra-regional variation in this respect as well as the common patterns. It will examine the evolution of democratic regimes, military interventions, transitions and civil society politics from an institutionalist perspective, focusing on the so-called ''third wave'' of democratization processes in the region. The course will finally explore the politics of ongoing processes of regionalization within Latin America and between Latin America and other regions of the world. The politics and ideology behind the ideal of ''Latin American integration'' will be studied in this final section. The mail goal of this course is to expose students to substantive empirical issues and theoretical debates in the contemporary scholarship on Latin American politics.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2024-2025 Latin American Politics 3
Fall 2023-2024 Latin American Politics 3
Spring 2019-2020 Latin American Politics 3
Spring 2018-2019 Latin American Politics 3
Spring 2017-2018 Latin American Politics 3
Spring 2016-2017 Latin American Politics 3
Spring 2015-2016 Latin American Politics 3
Spring 2014-2015 Latin American Politics 3
Spring 2013-2014 Latin American Politics 3
Spring 2011-2012 Latin American Politics 3
Spring 2010-2011 Latin American Politics 3
Spring 2009-2010 Latin American Politics 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 448 Conflicts in the Middle East 3 Credits
Conflicts in the Middle East is an overview of conflicts in the Middle East. In the latter half of the twentieth century, inter-state wars, civil wars, insurgencies and terrorism in this region have increased without a comprehensive resolution of a single conflict. The focus of the course will be an analysis of the roots of these conflicts, such as inter-religious, inter-sectarian, inter-ethnic tensions and the possibilities for their resolution. Special attention will be paid to the Lebanese and Yemeni civil wars and post-World War two inter-state conflicts such as the Arab-Israeli wars, the Iran-Iraq war, and finally the last two Gulf Wars. Student simulations will explore conflict resolution issues and techniques in the Arab-Israeli peace process and post-conflict Iraq.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2018-2019 Conflicts in the Middle East 3
Summer 2010-2011 Conflicts in the Middle East 3
Summer 2009-2010 Conflicts in the Middle East 3
Spring 2005-2006 Conflicts in the Middle East 3
Spring 2004-2005 Conflicts in the Middle East 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 455 Rise and Fall of Democracy 3 Credits
This course is designed to give the student an understanding of the democratic regime as well as the way in which it has come under attack in the contemporary period. It offers an introduction to the conflicting definitions of the term and addresses such issues as democracy as government and representation. The course reviews the phenomenal rise of electoral democracies after the Third Wave and the proliferation of 'democracy with adjectives' in the global south. Particular emphasis is be placed on those factors and mechanisms that have eroded democratic institutions and facilitated democratic backsliding and breakdown in different parts of the globe.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2024-2025 Rise and Fall of Democracy 3
Fall 2023-2024 Rise and Fall of Democracy 3
Fall 2022-2023 Rise and Fall of Democracy 3
Fall 2020-2021 Rise and Fall of Democracy 3
Fall 2010-2011 Democratic Theory 3
Summer 2008-2009 Democratic Theory 3
Fall 2008-2009 Democratic Theory 3
Summer 2006-2007 Democratic Theory 3
Fall 2006-2007 Democratic Theory 3
Fall 2005-2006 Models of Democracy 3
Summer 2002-2003 Models of Democracy 3
Fall 2002-2003 Models of Democracy 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 457 The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes 3 Credits
This course aims to provide students with a better understanding of the conceptual and operational differences between authoritarian and democratic regimes. It examines the similarities and differences among varieties of authoritarian regimes, the factors that lead to democratic backsliding and establishment of authoritarian rule, the strategies that authoritarian power- holders use for regime survival, state-society relations under authoritarian rule, the paths toward the end of authoritarian regimes, and re-democratization.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2023-2024 The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes 3
Spring 2022-2023 The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes 3
Spring 2021-2022 The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes 3
Spring 2020-2021 The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes 3
Spring 2019-2020 The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes 3
Prerequisite: POLS 250 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 462 Analytical Approaches To The European Union 3 Credits
This course is designed to introduce the students to rational choice institutionalism as it is applied to European integration studies. Institutional configurations and their impact upon political outcomes within the study of European integration are analyzed with a focus on the analytic character of group choice, voting methods and behavior, cooperation, collective action, public goods, institutional choice and reform. First institutions are discussed as formal, legalistic entities and decision rules imposing restrictions upon utility maximizing self-interested political actors. Second, applications to our understanding of the EU enlargement, ratification and intergovernmental negotiations, European integration and governance are discussed.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2009-2010 Analytical Approaches To The European Union 3
Spring 2006-2007 Analytical Approaches To The European Union 3
Fall 2005-2006 Analytical Approaches To The European Union 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 472 Nietzsche 3 Credits
This course focuses on one of the seminal figures of continental political philosophy: Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s thought has long been acknowledged to present one of the most trenchant critiques of modern society, science, philosophy, art and politics. His insights into the nature of truth, subjectivity and morality have been extremely influential on many of the major currents of thought of contemporary philosophy; from the phenomenology of Heidegger to the existentialism of Sartre, from the critical theory of Adorno and Horkheimer to the poststructuralism of Foucault. The overall aim of the course is to orient the students towards an in-depth, sustained critical engagement with some of the foundational ideas of contemporary philosophy and politics via a close reading of Nietzsche’s work. Issues that are of special interest include the nature of morality, ideology, politics and the state.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2012-2013 Nietzsche 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 473 Political Theory II 3 Credits
This course explores the central issues in contemporary political philosophy such as the nature and value of democracy, freedom, justice, equality, collective well- being, collective identity, and the political institutions these ideals require.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2024-2025 Political Theory II 3
Fall 2023-2024 Political Theory II 3
Fall 2022-2023 Political Theory II 3
Fall 2021-2022 Political Theory II 3
Fall 2020-2021 Political Theory II 3
Spring 2014-2015 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Fall 2012-2013 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Fall 2011-2012 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Fall 2010-2011 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Fall 2008-2009 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Fall 2007-2008 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Fall 2006-2007 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Fall 2004-2005 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Fall 2003-2004 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Fall 2002-2003 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Fall 2001-2002 Contemporary Political Ideologies 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 483 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3 Credits
This course aims to explore relations (or the absence of relations) between nationalism and ethnicity in different socio-political contexts. This course is designed not only for developing a comparative theoretical approach to nationalism and ethnicity, but also for attempting to make a collective enquiry into the emergence and transformation of the concept of nation, nationalism, patriotism and ethnicity through time. While surveying the classical and current theories of nationalism and ethnicity, this course also aims to address the concepts of migration, diaspora, collective memory and reconciliation as relevant concepts of social sciences.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Spring 2023-2024 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Spring 2020-2021 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Spring 2019-2020 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Spring 2018-2019 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Spring 2017-2018 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Spring 2016-2017 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Spring 2015-2016 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Spring 2014-2015 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Spring 2012-2013 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Spring 2009-2010 Ethnicity and Nationalism 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
and SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 491 European Politics 3 Credits
This course aims to introduce the politics of the new Europe in the aftermath of the collapse of the communist bloc. Europe, a continent historically torn by divison and conflict now encompasses 38 nations that are almost all democratic in reality or aspiration and oriented towards market, rather than command economies. Given its historical and cultural commonalities, Europe is a natural unit for an area studies approach to political science. The course covers the politics of the established democracies and also concentrates on democratic transitions on the continent. Although in a limited extend, it also reflects on the politics in the European Union.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2016-2017 European Politics 3
Fall 2015-2016 European Politics 3
Fall 2014-2015 European Politics 3
Spring 2012-2013 European Politics 3
Summer 2011-2012 European Politics 3
Spring 2011-2012 European Politics 3
Spring 2010-2011 European Politics 3
Spring 2009-2010 European Politics 3
Spring 2007-2008 European Politics 3
Fall 2006-2007 European Politics 3
Fall 2005-2006 European Politics 3
Fall 2004-2005 European Politics 3
Spring 2002-2003 European Politics 3
Spring 2001-2002 European Politics 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 492 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3 Credits
This course aims to provide the students with a basic understanding of the European Union. The course will give an evolution of the idea of European unity through a neo-functionalist framework. The main focus of the course is on the emergence of the European Union and its institutions in a historical framework. The ultimate objective is to furnish students with the comprehension that the state is going through a major transformation in Europe due to the process of European integration.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Fall 2022-2023 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2021-2022 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2020-2021 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2019-2020 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2018-2019 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2017-2018 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2016-2017 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2015-2016 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2014-2015 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2013-2014 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2012-2013 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2005-2006 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2004-2005 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2003-2004 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Fall 2002-2003 European Union: Politics, Policies and Governance 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D(can be taken concurrently)
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 493 Comparative Local Government 3 Credits
A major structural change has taken place in Turkish society with the urban population surpassing the rural population for the first time in the Ottoman-Turkish continuum. The first rate of urbanization has not resulted in a parallel process of urban integration, creating serious problems in both tangible (infrastructure, housing, services) and intangible (identity, participation, civic engagement) aspects of urban space. This dual character of urban settlements in Turkey has been compounded by a strained relationship between central and local govenment in sharing of competences and resources. The strategic decision of Turkey to join the European Union (EU); the need to harmonize policies; the prevalent trends and principles in the EU in the field of local govenment have created a new urgency to critically reappraise the administrative system in Turkey. The general tendency in the EU for decentralization, deconcentration and devolution, true to the spirit of local and regional governance, has necessitated local government reform to top the reform agenda in Turkey. Within the confines of the Course, a comparative analysis of existing institutions and processes will be taken up, followed by trends and evolving patterns of local governance in both the EU and Turkey.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Spring 2024-2025 Comparative Local Government 3
Spring 2023-2024 Comparative Local Government 3
Spring 2018-2019 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Spring 2017-2018 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Spring 2016-2017 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Spring 2015-2016 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Spring 2014-2015 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Spring 2013-2014 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Spring 2012-2013 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Spring 2011-2012 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Fall 2010-2011 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Fall 2009-2010 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Fall 2007-2008 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Fall 2006-2007 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Fall 2005-2006 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Fall 2004-2005 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Fall 2003-2004 Local Government in Turkey and the European Union 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 495 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 3 Credits
A junior - senior level undergraduate course of comparative government and politics of the Middle East. It aims to analyze the emergence of the post World War I state system,major factors influencing political stability and change in the new states of the Middle East, with special reference to the role of religion, and oil.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Summer 2013-2014 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 3
Summer 2011-2012 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 3
Fall 2011-2012 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 3
Fall 2010-2011 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 3
Fall 2008-2009 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 3
Fall 2007-2008 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 3
Fall 2005-2006 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 3
Fall 2004-2005 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 3
Fall 2002-2003 Middle Eastern Politics and Government 3
Prerequisite: SPS 101 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
or SPS 102 - Undergraduate - Min Grade D
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements:
POLS 496 Reform and the History of Ideas in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century 3 Credits
The existing literature about reform in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century concentrates primarily on the the institutional components of reform. A great deal of research on the intellectual and knowledge component of reform had appeared ever since the 1860s. The time has now come to review this literature and bring it into a course constructed for that purpose.
Last Offered Terms Course Name SU Credit
Summer 2009-2010 Reform and the History of Ideas in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century 3
Summer 2008-2009 Reform and the History of Ideas in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century 3
Summer 2006-2007 Reform and the History of Ideas in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century 3
Prerequisite: __
Corequisite: __
ECTS Credit: 6 ECTS (6 ECTS for students admitted before 2013-14 Academic Year)
General Requirements: