Science of Nature I (NS 101)

2024 Spring
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences(NS)
Çiğdem Altıntaş,
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Science of Nature courses aim to initiate a curiosity and desire for learning “scientific thinking” in students and at the same time to introduce some of the basic concepts of physical, chemical and biological sciences in connection with questions concerning the universe, nature and our daily life. The NS 101 course consists of two modules “(1) Are we alone in the universe?” and “(2) Is antibiotics resistance a big threat to the existence of humankind?” Scientific methodology and fundamental concepts in the physical, chemical, and biological sciences are introduced through an integrated approach in the framework of these questions. Upon completing NS 101, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate skills for critical thinking, reasoning and problem solving through integration of different concepts and information. 2. Distinguish among scientific laws, hypothesis and theory and use them to differentiate facts from fiction. 3. Apply mathematical concepts to solve quantitative problems. 4. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the terminology, major concepts and theories of one or more fields in physical, chemical, and biological sciences. 5. Describe the role of science and technology, and develop skills for communicating scientific concepts and facts to society in general. 6. Demonstrate professionalism and ethics when using scientific approach to make informed decision in daily life situations.


  • Relate the wide range of scales involved in Nature to familiar objects, and explain in his/her own words how we can investigate the module questions using the Scientific method.
  • Recognize Earth as a biosphere, and describe its position and motion in a larger structure such as the Solar system, an environment that hosts a habitable planet.
  • Apply the concept of force and momentum to explain what causes the motions of the planets and what holds the Solar system together, showing all the force vectors correctly.
  • Explain how the solar system may have formed and evaluate whether our solar system is unique or not.
  • By providing supporting evidence, describe how molecules of life can be synthesized under conditions similar to those on early Earth.
  • Relate various types of electromagnetic (EM) waves by giving daily-life examples and discuss how we can use the EM waves to search for extraterrestrial life.
  • Discuss the possibility of life beyond Earth considering habitability, the Drake equation, and the scales involved in the Solar system and our galaxy.
  • Discuss the seriousness of the antibiotic resistance problem, interpret parameters of population growth models and calculate bacterial growth rates.
  • Relate the targets of antibiotics in the bacterial cell and the antibiotic resistance mechanisms to replication, transcription and translation of information encoded in the DNA.
  • Relate the processes of passive (diffusive) and active transport to how drugs move in and out of the bacterial cell.
  • Relate the effect of temperature on the microscopic scale diffusion of antibiotic molecules in bacteria and model molecular configurations.
  • Examine the three-dimensional structures of molecules relevant to the antibiotic resistance problem, distinguish their bond types and their interactions.
  • Analyze at atomic scale structures of a given target site and a drug to determine if interactions would be stable, and argue if changes on the binding interface, e.g. due to point mutations, would alter the outcome on the organism scale.
  • Describe the role of evolutionary processes in the generation of antibiotic resistance


1. Understand the world, their country, their society, as well as themselves and have awareness of ethical problems, social rights, values and responsibility to the self and to others. 5

2. Understand different disciplines from natural and social sciences to mathematics and art, and develop interdisciplinary approaches in thinking and practice. 5

3. Think critically, follow innovations and developments in science and technology, demonstrate personal and organizational entrepreneurship and engage in life-long learning in various subjects; have the ability to continue to educate him/herself. 5

4. Communicate effectively in Turkish and English by oral, written, graphical and technological means. 5

5. Take individual and team responsibility, function effectively and respectively as an individual and a member or a leader of a team; and have the skills to work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams. 4

1. Possess sufficient knowledge of mathematics, science and program-specific engineering topics; use theoretical and applied knowledge of these areas in complex engineering problems. 4

2. Identify, define, formulate and solve complex engineering problems; choose and apply suitable analysis and modeling methods for this purpose. 4

3. Develop, choose and use modern techniques and tools that are needed for analysis and solution of complex problems faced in engineering applications; possess knowledge of standards used in engineering applications; use information technologies effectively. 4

4. Have the ability to design a complex system, process, instrument or a product under realistic constraints and conditions, with the goal of fulfilling specified needs; apply modern design techniques for this purpose. 2

5. Design and conduct experiments, collect data, analyze and interpret the results to investigate complex engineering problems or program-specific research areas. 3

6. Possess knowledge of business practices such as project management, risk management and change management; awareness on innovation; knowledge of sustainable development. 1

7. Possess knowledge of impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, health and societal context; knowledge of contemporary issues; awareness on legal outcomes of engineering solutions; knowledge of behavior according to ethical principles, understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. 3

8. Have the ability to write effective reports and comprehend written reports, prepare design and production reports, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear and intelligible instructions. 2

1. Develop knowledge of theories, concepts, and research methods in humanities and social sciences. 4

2. Assess how global, national and regional developments affect society. 1

3. Know how to access and evaluate data from various sources of information. 5