Foundations of Infant Mental Heath (PSY 569)

2024 Fall
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Feyza Çorapçı,
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Doctoral, Master
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This course provides an introduction to interdisciplinary research and practice in infant mental health. Its purpose is to promote an understanding about early life stress with implications on biopsychosocial development and discuss approaches for promoting resilience in young children within the context of family, community, and culture. Topics to be covered include adverse childhood experiences, parental mental health, and various prevention as well as intervention programs as applied examples in the field.


1. Develop and deepen the current and advanced knowledge in the field with original thought and/or research and come up with innovative definitions based on Master's degree qualifications

2. Conceive the interdisciplinary interaction which the field is related with ; come up with original solutions by using knowledge requiring proficiency on analysis, synthesis and assessment of new and complex ideas.

3. Evaluate and use new information within the field in a systematic approach.

4. Develop an innovative knowledge, method, design and/or practice or adapt an already known knowledge, method, design and/or practice to another field; research, conceive, design, adapt and implement an original subject.

5. Critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation of new and complex ideas.

6. Gain advanced level skills in the use of research methods in the field of study.

7. Contribute the progression in the field by producing an innovative idea, skill, design and/or practice or by adapting an already known idea, skill, design, and/or practice to a different field independently.

8. Broaden the borders of the knowledge in the field by producing or interpreting an original work or publishing at least one scientific paper in the field in national and/or international refereed journals.

9. Demonstrate leadership in contexts requiring innovative and interdisciplinary problem solving.

10. Develop new ideas and methods in the field by using high level mental processes such as creative and critical thinking, problem solving and decision making.

11. Investigate and improve social connections and their conducting norms and manage the actions to change them when necessary.

12. Defend original views when exchanging ideas in the field with professionals and communicate effectively by showing competence in the field.

13. Ability to communicate and discuss orally, in written and visually with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio C1 General Level.

14. Contribute to the transition of the community to an information society and its sustainability process by introducing scientific, technological, social or cultural improvements.

15. Demonstrate functional interaction by using strategic decision making processes in solving problems encountered in the field.

16. Contribute to the solution finding process regarding social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems in the field and support the development of these values.

1. Develop the ability to use critical, analytical, and reflective thinking and reasoning

2. Reflect on social and ethical responsibilities in his/her professional life.

3. Gain experience and confidence in the dissemination of project/research outputs

4. Work responsibly and creatively as an individual or as a member or leader of a team and in multidisciplinary environments.

5. Communicate effectively by oral, written, graphical and technological means and have competency in English.

6. Independently reach and acquire information, and develop appreciation of the need for continuously learning and updating.

1. Design and model engineering systems and processes and solve engineering problems with an innovative approach.

2. Establish experimental setups, conduct experiments and/or simulations.

3. Analytically acquire and interpret data.

1. Develop a thorough knowledge of theories, concepts, and research methods in the field and apply them in research design and data analysis.

2. Assess the impact of the economic, social, and political environment from a global, national and regional level.

3. Know how to access written and visual, primary and secondary sources of information, interpret concepts and data from a variety of sources in developing disciplinary and interdisciplinary analyses.

1. Display knowledge of contemporary issues in physics and apply them to specific problems in the field of study.

2. Interpret and criticize newly developed theoretical models and experimental results in a particular field in physics

3. Display a good command of scientific literature in physics for developing novel projects, improving the quality of research and products

4. Apply knowledge of mathematics to analyze experimental results and to solve problems in physics

1. Characterize the nature of psychology in science and applied settings.

2. Demonstrate psychological literacy and incorporate theoretical, statistical and experimental methods in scientific inquiry

3. Deepen comprehensive knowledge of psychology?s core foundation content domains, especially of cognitive, social, developmental psychology, and the biological bases of behavior

4. Formulate plausible psychological explanations for behavioral phenomena and develop scientific hypotheses

5. Produce innovative and integrative applications to solve problems

6. Behave and conduct research in accordance with the ethical standards of the discipline

7. Strengthen personal integrity and developing soft skills such asscientific writing and speaking, effective communication, teamwork, flexibility, and leadership

8. Exercise values that reflect a commitment to diversity and contribute to society

9. Apply psychological knowledge and scientific thinking, writing, and speaking skills in professional settings

10. Develop advanced research designs and apply advanced statistical analyses

1. Characterize the nature of psychology in science and applied settings.

2. Demonstrate psychological literacy and incorporate theoretical, statistical and experimental methods in scientific inquiry

3. Deepen comprehensive knowledge of psychology?s core foundation content domains, especially of cognitive, social, developmental psychology, and the biological bases of behavior

4. Formulate plausible psychological explanations for behavioral phenomena and develop scientific hypotheses

5. Produce innovative and integrative applications to solve problems

6. Behave and conduct research in accordance with the ethical standards of the discipline

7. Strengthen personal integrity and developing soft skills such asscientific writing and speaking, effective communication, teamwork, flexibility, and leadership

8. Exercise values that reflect a commitment to diversity and contribute to society

9. Apply psychological knowledge and scientific thinking, writing, and speaking skills in professional settings

10. Develop advanced research designs and apply advanced statistical analyses