Conflict Analysis and Resolution (CONF 300)

2024 Fall
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Conf. Analysis Res.(CONF)
Çiğdem Bağcı,
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Formal lecture,Interactive lecture
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This course is an introduction to the field of conflict analysis and resolution. It introduces students concepts, and theories on why and how conflicts at various levels emerge, how they escalate, the consequences of conflicts, how they can be prevented, and possible constructive ways to address them. Throughout the course students will have an opportunity to discuss past and contemporary examples of inter-personal, inter- group, intra- and inter-state conflicts.


This course provides students with an introduction to various processes of conflict across various intergroup contexts, looking at the different constructs such as prejudice, collective victimization, discrimination, hate crimes and communal violence and exploring both the causes of such intergroup conflict as well as potential avenues for intergroup reconciliation and conflict resolution. It focuses primarily on social psychological processes, as well as more macro-level mechanisms to understand intergroup conflict, including various strategies to reduce intergroup tension and conflict.


  • Understand the basic concepts in CR
  • Know main social psychological and conflict theories
  • Understand underlying social psychological mechanisms in CR
  • Apply basic theories to different conflict contexts
  • Discuss the success of CR strategies


1. Understand the world, their country, their society, as well as themselves and have awareness of ethical problems, social rights, values and responsibility to the self and to others. 4

2. Understand different disciplines from natural and social sciences to mathematics and art, and develop interdisciplinary approaches in thinking and practice. 3

3. Think critically, follow innovations and developments in science and technology, demonstrate personal and organizational entrepreneurship and engage in life-long learning in various subjects; have the ability to continue to educate him/herself. 3

4. Communicate effectively in Turkish and English by oral, written, graphical and technological means. 4

5. Take individual and team responsibility, function effectively and respectively as an individual and a member or a leader of a team; and have the skills to work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams. 4

1. Develop knowledge of theories, concepts, and research methods in humanities and social sciences. 4

2. Assess how global, national and regional developments affect society. 4

3. Know how to access and evaluate data from various sources of information. 4


  Percentage (%)
Final 40
Midterm 35
Presentation 25