Independent Study (MGMT 528)

2021 Spring
Sabancı Business School
Mahmut Bayazıt,
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Doctoral, Master
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This course allows students to explore an area of academic interest not currrently covered in regular course offerings. Although all steps of the couse must approved by the supervising faculty member, students are nonetheless expected to take primary responsibility for their own learning, including developing a reading list and forms of evaluation. Students may enroll in this course only after they have received the approval in writing of the faculty member with whom they would like to work.



1. Develop the ability to use critical, analytical, and reflective thinking and reasoning 5

2. Reflect on social and ethical responsibilities in his/her professional life. 5

3. Gain experience and confidence in the dissemination of project/research outputs 1

4. Work responsibly and creatively as an individual or as a member or leader of a team and in multidisciplinary environments. 2

5. Communicate effectively by oral, written, graphical and technological means and have competency in English. 4

6. Independently reach and acquire information, and develop appreciation of the need for continuously learning and updating. 2

1. Develop, interpret and use statistical analyses in decision making. 1

1. Demonstrate an understanding of main functional areas of management. 3

2. Develop the ability to integrate and apply business knowledge in novel situations. 4

3. Understand the global and local business context and incorporate cultural context and complexities into their managerial practice. 4