International Negotiation (IR 493)

2019 Spring
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
International Relations(IR)
Meltem Ersoy,
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ECON202 IR201 SPS101 SPS102
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In a chaotic international environment, negotiation is often what all stands between war and peace. In the peace time interactions negotiation is an essential mechanism to achieve constructive solutions, and mutually satisfactory agreements. International actors- states, non governmental actors, firms, and their representatives- often negotiate to settle their differences, to build new systems of interactions, and to renew trust. This course is designed to provide the students with the essentials of the art and science of negotiation. The first part of the course will introduce basic components, concepts and contexts of international negotiation. In this section, the nature of negotiation, prenegotiation, preparing for negotiation, power, strategies, and tactics, gender and the impact of culture, multilateral negotiation will constitute some of the issues to be discussed. Part two is concerned with hands-on negotiation games and simulations. The course will be conducted through lectures, participatory discussions, simulation exercises, and seminars by experienced diplomats.


  • Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Introduce basic components, concepts and contexts of international negotiation. 2. Identify general properties of negotiation, the impact of power, strategies, tactics, culture, and multilateral negotiation 3. Introduce a framework for analysis of international negotiation 4. Adopt a systematic approach to analyze real world negotiation cases 5. Demonstrate practical skills of negotiation 6. Comprehend individual negotiation styles


1. Understand the world, their country, their society, as well as themselves and have awareness of ethical problems, social rights, values and responsibility to the self and to others. 5

2. Understand different disciplines from natural and social sciences to mathematics and art, and develop interdisciplinary approaches in thinking and practice. 5

3. Think critically, follow innovations and developments in science and technology, demonstrate personal and organizational entrepreneurship and engage in life-long learning in various subjects; have the ability to continue to educate him/herself. 5

4. Communicate effectively in Turkish and English by oral, written, graphical and technological means. 5

5. Take individual and team responsibility, function effectively and respectively as an individual and a member or a leader of a team; and have the skills to work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams. 5

1. Develop knowledge of theories, concepts, and research methods in humanities and social sciences. 4

2. Assess how global, national and regional developments affect society. 5

3. Know how to access and evaluate data from various sources of information. 5

1. Analyze global affairs from international relations and economics perspectives. 5

2. Demonstrate theoretical and practical knowledge of the international affairs. 5

3. Compete for increasing opportunities in careers within the newly emerging global institutions. 5

4. Evaluate the international political events and present their views and positions on international affairs with advanced oral and written skills. 5

1. Understand and follow changes in patterns of political behavior, ideas and structures. 5

2. Develop the ability to make logical inferences about social and political issues on the basis of comparative and historical knowledge. 4