English version |
Kemal KılıçE-posta : kemal.kilic sabanciuniv.edu Kişisel web sayfası  Eğitim :
? Doktora ? Makine ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, Toronto Üniversitesi, Toronto, Ontario, Kanada (2002) Tez Başlığı: ?Psikofarmakolojik ilaçların bulanık sistem modellenmesi? Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. İ. Burhan Türkşen ? Yüksek Lisans - Endüstri Mühendisliği, Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye (1997) Tez Başlığı: ?Uzay çalışmalarının kısa dönemli iş çizelgelenmesi ? Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Selim Aktürk ? Lisans - Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği, Bogazici Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye (1995) Çalıştığı Kuruluşlar :
? Öğretim Üyesi (2002-Devam Ediyor ) Üretim Sistemleri Mühendisliği Sabancı Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye ? Okutman (1998 ?2000) Makine ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Toronto Üniversitesi, Toronto, Kanada ? Öğretim Görevlisi (1997-1998,2000-2001) Makine ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Toronto Üniversitesi, Toronto, Kanada ? Araştırma Görevlisi (1998 - 2001) Toronto Üniversitesi ? Sunnybrook Sağlık Bilimleri Merkezi, Toronto, Kanada Psikofarmakolojik ilaçların bulanık sistemler ile modellenmeleri - MRC Projesi ? Araştırma Görevlisi (1997 - 1998) Toronto Üniversitesi ? Rotoflex Int., Mississauga, Kanada Tomar Makinelerinin Bulanık Mantık ile Yanal Kontrolü- Üniversite-Sanayi Projesi ? Araştırma ve Öğretim Görevlisi (1995-1997) Endüstri Mühendisliği Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye Araştırma Alanları :
Araştırma İlgi Alanları • Belirsizlik Altında Karar Verme • Buluşsal Yöntemlerle Eniyileme Teknikleri • Veri Madenciliği • Karar Destek Sistemleri • Biyoenformatik • Inovasyon Yönetimi • Dijital Dönüşüm • Veri Analitiği • Yaratıcılık • Yapay Zeka •Ödüller :
- Ranked in First Five in Sabancı University Graduating Class Teaching Award - Sabancı Univerity 2004
- Scholarship for Attending the "Workshop on Developing Web-Enabled DSS" - National Science Foundation 2004
- Best Student Paper Award in IFSA-NAFIPS conference, received IEEE travel grant - IFSA-NAFIPS conference, received IEEE 2001
- Ontario Graduate Student Fellowship - 2000
- Full Scholarship for Graduate studies abroad by ranking one of the top students among more than ten thousands of university graduates entering the central ";Graduate Education Examination - Turkish Ministry of National Education; 1997
- University of Toronto Open Fellowship (3 years) - University of Toronto 1997
- Graduate Fellowship (2 years) - Bilkent University 1995
- Undergraduate Fellowship (3 years) - Sabanci Foundation 1992
- Award from Is Bank of Turkey by being the 60th successful student among more than one million high school graduates entering the central ";University Entrance Examination";. - 1990
Yayınlar :
Article |
Naderi, Siamak and Daşcı, Abdullah and Kılıç, Kemal (2024) "Joint transshipment, markdown, and clearance decisions at a fast-fashion retailer". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2024.2365358 |
Ahmed, Faran and Kılıç, Kemal (2024) "Does fuzzification of pairwise comparisons in analytic hierarchy process add any value?", Soft Computing, Vol.28, 4267-4284 (SCI) |
Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Pashmforoush, Farzad and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Kılıç, Kemal and Budak, Erhan (2024) "Improving milling force predictions: a hybrid approach integrating physics-based simulation and machine learning for remarkable accuracy across diverse unseen materials and tool types", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol.114, 92-107 (SCI) |
Ahmed, Faran and Kılıç, Kemal (2023) "A basic algorithm for generating an individualized numerical scale[Formula presented]", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.233 (SCI) |
Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Kılıç, Kemal and Budak, Erhan (2023) "Smart tool-related faults monitoring system using process simulation-based machine learning algorithms", Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol.23, No.4, 18-32 (NA) |
Naderi, Siamak and Kılıç, Kemal and Daşcı, Abdullah (2020) "A deterministic model for the transshipment problem of a fast fashion retailer under capacity constraints", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.227 (SCI, SSCI) |
Ahmed, Faran and Kılıç, Kemal (2019) "Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process: a performance analysis of various algorithms", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.362, 110-128 (SCI, SSCI) |
Kılıç, Kemal and Saygı, Menekşe Gizem and Sezer, Semih Onur (2019) "Exact and heuristic methods for personalized display advertising in virtual reality platforms", Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.15, No.2, 833-854 (SCI, SSCI) |
Yılmaz Eroğlu, D. and Kılıç, Kemal (2017) "A novel hybrid genetic local search algorithm for feature selection and weighting with an application in strategic decision making in innovation management", Information Sciences, Vol.405, 18-32 (SCI) |
Kılıç, Kemal and Saygı, Menekşe Gizem and Sezer, Semih Onur (2017) "A mathematical model for personalized advertisement in virtual reality environments", Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol.85, No.2, 241-264 (SCI) |
Davari, Soheil and Kılıç, Kemal and Naderi Varandi, Siamak (2016) "A heuristic approach to solve the preventive health care problem with budget and congestion constraints", Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.276, 442-453 (SCI) |
Köse, İlker and Göktürk, Mehmet and Kılıç, Kemal (2015) "An interactive machine-learning-based electronic fraud and abuse detection system in healthcare insurance", Applied Soft Computing, Vol.36, 283-299 (SCI) |
Davari, Soheil and Kılıç, Kemal and Ertek, Gürdal (2015) "Fuzzy bi-objective preventive health care network design", Health Care Management Science, Vol.18, No.3, 303-317 (SCI) |
Kılıç, Kemal and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Günday, Gürhan and Alpkan, Lütfihak (2015) "Innovativeness, operations priorities and corporate performance: An analysis based on a taxonomy of innovativeness", Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol.35, 115-133 (SCI) |
Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Günday, Gürhan and Alpkan, Lütfihak (2015) "A determinants of innovativeness model for manufacturing firms", International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Vol.6, No.2, 125-158 (NA) |
Kılıç, Kemal and Bozkurt, Onur (2013) "Computational intelligence based decision support tool for personalized advertisement assignment system", International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol.6, No.3, 396-410 (SCI) |
Günday, Gürhan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Alpkan, Lütfihak (2011) "Effects of innovation types on firm performance", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.133, No.2, 662-676 (SCI) |
Alpkan, Lütfihak and Bulut, Çağrı and Günday, Gürhan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal (2010) "Organizational support for intrapreneurship and its interaction with human capital to enhance innovative performance", Management Decision, Vol.48, No.5-6, 732-755 (SSCI) |
Kılıç, Kemal and Uncu, Özge and Türkşen, I. Burhan (2007) "Comparison of different strategies of utilizing fuzzy clustering in structure identification", Information Sciences, Vol.177, No.23, 5153-5162 (SCI) |
Barut, Mehmet and Yıldırım, Mehmet Bayram and Kılıç, Kemal (2006) "Designing a global multi-disciplinary classroom: a learning experience in supply chain logistics management", International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.22, No.5, 1105-1114 (SCI) |
Kılıç, Kemal and Sproule, Beth A. and Türksen, I. Burhan and Naranjo, Claudio A. (2004) "A fuzzy system modeling algorithm for data analysis and approximate reasoning", Robotics and autonomous systems, Vol.49, No.3-4, 173-180 (SCI) |
Kılıç, Kemal and Uncu, Özge and Türkşen, I. Burhan (2004) "A comparative analysis of fuzzy system modelling approaches: a case in mining medical diagnostic rules", Lecture notes in computer science, Vol.3339, 1194-1199 (SCI) |
Kılıç, Kemal and Sproule, Beth and Türksen, I. Burhan and Naranjo, Claudio A. (2004) "Pharmacokinetic applications of fuzzy structure identification and reasoning", Information Sciences, Vol.162, 121-137 (SCI) |
Book Section / Chapter |
Köse, İlker and Kılıç, Kemal, "Büyük veri ve bilimi ile sahteciliğin ve suistimalin önlenmesi", Büyük Veri Analitiği, Güvenliği ve Mahremiyeti: Tanimlar, Problemler, Uygulamalar, Stratejiler, Hukuk, Politikalar, Büyük Etki ve Öneriler, Sağıroğlu, Şeref (ed.), Ankara: Grafiker Yayınları, July 2017 |
Kılıç, Kemal, "Kentsel gençlik araştırması anketi bağlamında: gençlerin siyasal eğilimlerini etkileyen faktörler", Gençler Tartışıyor: Siyasete Katılım, Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri, Boyraz, Cemil (ed.), İstanbul: TÜSES (Türkiye Sosyal Ekonomik Siyasal Araştırmalar Vakfı), November 2009, 29-68 |
Papers in Conference Proceedings |
Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Kılıç, Kemal and Budak, Erhan, "Smart tool-related faults monitoring system using process simulation-based
machine learning algorithms", Jedrzejewski, Jerzy (ed.), XXXIV CIRP Sponsored Conference, Poland: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, June 2023 |
Ahmed, Faran and Kılıç, Kemal, "Comparison of fuzzy extent analysis technique and its extensions with original eigen vector approach", Maciaszek, L. and Camp, O. and Cordeiro, J. and Hammoudi, S. and Maciaszek, L. and Missikoff, M. M. and Cordeiro, J. (eds.), 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016), SciTePress, April 2016, 174-179 |
Ahmed, Faran and Kılıç, Kemal, "Fuzzy extent analysis: comparison of defuzzification methods", 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2016), IEOM Society, March 2016, 1013-1018 |
Ahmed, Faran and Kılıç, Kemal, "Modification to fuzzy extent analysis method and its performance analysis", Framinan, J. M. and Gonzalez, P. P. and Artiba, A. (eds.), International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2015), USA: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), October 2015, 435-438 |
Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Günday, Gürhan and Alpkan, Lütfihak, "What are the determinants leading to innovation in manufacturing firms", Bulu, Melih and Arkalı, Gökçen (eds.), 6th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD 2013), Istanbul, Turkey: Şehir University, June 2013, 98-108 |
Çapa, Canan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal, "A three-phase approach for R&D project scheduling", International IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineers) Conference (IIE 2013): The Global Reach of Industrial Engineering, Norcross, GA: IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineers) 2013 |
Davari, Soheil and Kılıç, Kemal, "The bi-objective equitable preventive healthcare network design", Çayırlı, T. and Günal, M. M. and Güneş, E. D. and Örmeci, E. L. (eds.), Operational Research Applied to Health Services Conference (ORAHS 2013), Istanbul, Turkey: Koc University 2013 |
Ulusoy, Gündüz and Günday, Gürhan and Kılıç, Kemal and Alpkan, Lütfihak, "Business strategy and innovativeness: results from an empirical study", Emmanouilidis, Christos and Taisch, Marco and Kiritsis, Dimitris (eds.), APMS 2012 Conference, Advances in Production Management Systems, Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2013, 685-692 |
Kılıç, Kemal and Casillas, Jorge, "Hybrid genetic-fuzzy system modeling application in innovation management", Casillas, Jorge and Martínez-López, Francisco J. and Rodríguez, Juan Manuel Corchado (eds.), 1st International Symposium on Management Intelligent Systems, Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2012, 25-34 |
Kılıç, Kemal and Hamarat, Caner, "A DSS for innovation management: the significance of the innovation determinants", 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IEOM Research Solutions Pty Ltd., January 2011, 439-444 |
Hamarat, C. and Kılıç, Kemal, "A genetic algorithm based feature weighting methodology", The 40th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE40), Japan: Kobe Gakuin University 2010 |
Kılıç, Kemal and Hamarat, C., "A decision support system framework for innovation management", The 5th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2010), USA: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2010, 765-770 |
Ulusoy, Gündüz and Günday, Gürhan and Kılıç, Kemal and Alpkan, Lütfihak, "An empirical study into the determinants of innovativeness in manufacturing firms", 3rd International Conference on Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Economics, Ankara, Turkey: Middle East Technical University Science and Technology Policies Research Center, June 2009 |
Ulusoy, Gündüz and Günday, Gürhan and Alpkan, Lütfihak and Kılıç, Kemal, "Effects of organizational innovations on firm's production performance", Xie, Min and Jiao, Roger (eds.), 2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, USA: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), December 2008, 321-325 |
Günday, Gürhan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Alpkan, Lütfihak, "Modeling innovation: determinants of innovativeness and the impact of innovation on firm performance", The 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, USA: IEEE, September 2008, 766-771 |
Günday, Gürhan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Alpkan, Lütfihak, "An integrated innovation model: how innovations are born and what are their impacts on firm performance?", Van der Vaart, Taco and Van Donk, Dirk Pieter (eds.), 15th International Annual EUROMA Conference, Gröningen, Hollanda: University of Gröningen 2008, 92-101 |
Kılıç, Kemal, "Personalized advertisement system based on computational intelligence", Zhao, W. (ed.), 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Paris, France: Atlantis Press 2008, U665-U670 |
Kılıç, Kemal and Ertek, Gürdal, "Decision support for packing in warehouses", ISCIS 2006, 21th International Symposium, Springer, November 2006, 115-124 |
Pekin, Altuğ and Özkan, Gamze and Eski, Onur and Karaarslan, Umut and Ertek, Gürdal and Kılıç, Kemal, "Application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for selection of forecasting software", International Symposium On Intelligent Manufacturing Systems- IMS 2006, Sakarya: Sakarya Üniversitesi, May 2006 |
Aksu, Aylin and Erçetin, Özgür and Ünlüyurt, Tonguç and Bülbül, Kerem and Kılıç, Kemal, "Energy efficient and reliable routing with cooperative diversity in wireless Ad-Hoc networks", The 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey: Imperial College Press, October 2005, 339-348 |
Kundakcıoğlu, Erhun Ömer and Bülbül, Kerem and Ünlüyurt, Tonguç and Kılıç, Kemal and Erçetin, Özgür, "Minimum power multicasting with delay bound constraints in Ad Hoc wireless networks", The 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey: Imperial College Press, October 2005, 252-263 |
Kılıç, Kemal and Uncu, O. and Turksen, I. B., "Different approaches of fuzzy structure identification in mining medical diagnosis rules", IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, 2004, USA: IEEE, December 2004, 563-568 |
Uncu, Özge and Kılıç, Kemal and Turksen, I. B., "A new fuzzy inference approach based on Mamdani inference using discrete type 2 fuzzy sets", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2004, USA: IEEE 2004, 2272-2277 |
Yıldırım, Mehmet Bayram and Barut, Mehmet and Kılıç, Kemal, "A global learning experience in supply chain logistics management", Fifth International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2004. ITHET 2004., USA: IEEE 2004, 263-268 |
Working Paper / Technical Report |
Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Özlü, Emre and Altekin, Fatma Tevhide and Çatay, Bülent and Budak, Erhan and Pasin, Merih and Karaata, Enver Selçuk and Varandi, Siamak, "Sanayide Dijitalleşme Stratejileri Çalıştayı - Taslak rapor", September 2017 |
Çapa, Canan and Kılıç, Kemal and Ulusoy, Gündüz, "Uncertainty assessment in project scheduling with data mining", May 2015 |
Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Günday, Gürhan and Alpkan, Lütfihak, "Innovation determinants in manufacturing firms", February 2010, Sabancı University ID:SU_FENS_2009/0011 |
Günday, Gürhan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Alpkan, Lütfihak, "Determining the factor structure of an integrated innovation model", September 2009, Sabancı University ID:SU_FENS_2009/0009 |
Günday, Gürhan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Alpkan, Lütfihak, "Innovative capabilities, operations priorities and corporate performance in manufacturing firms", July 2009, Sabancı University ID:SU_FENS_2009/0008 |
Alpkan, Lütfihak and Bulut, Çağrı and Günday, Gürhan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal, "Organizational support for intrapreneurship and its interaction with human capital to enhance innovative performance", March 2009, Sabancı University ID:SU_FENS_2009/0010 |
Günday, Gürhan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Alpkan, Lütfihak, "Effects of innovation types on firm performance", January 2009, Sabancı University ID:SU_FENS_2009/0007 | SU Öncesi Yayınları:
K. Kilic, B. A. Sproule, I. B. Turksen, and C. A. Naranjo, “Fuzzy system modeling in pharmacology: An improved algorithm”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol.130, p.p. 253-264 (2002) B. A. Sproule, K. Kilic. C. A. Naranjo, and I. B. Turksen, “Exploring fuzzy logic pharmacokinetic modeling: Alprazolam experiment”, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, vol.67, p.p. 160 [Abstract] (2000) M. S. Akturk and K. Kilic, “Generating short term observation schedules for space mission projects” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol.10, p.p.1-18, (1999) |