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Umut ŞahinE-posta : umut.sahin sabanciuniv.edu Kişisel web sayfası  Araştırma Alanları :
Hücre Biyolojisi & Biyokimya; Post-translasyonel Modifikasyonlar, Protein Stabilitesi ve Yıkımı; Ubiquitin-Proteazom Sistemi; Ubiquitin Benzeri Modifikasyonlar, SUMO Modifikasyonu, Hedefli Terapiler; Nörodejenerasyon; ALS hastalığı; KanserSU Öncesi Yayınları:
- Çakar A, Pekbilir E, Ceylaner S, Durmus H, Battaloglu E, Sahin U, Parman Y (2023) A novel biallelic variant in SOD1 causing progressive spastic tetraplegia and axial hypotonia. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration 24(5-6): 535-538
- Sahin U (2022) Umut Şahin : SUMOylation in health and disease. Life Sci Alliance 5(6)
- Mete B, Pekbilir E, Bilge BN, Georgiadou P, Çelik E, Sutlu T, Tabak F, Sahin U (2022) Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 impairs sumoylation. Life Sci Alliance 5(6)
- Ergünay T, Ayhan Ö, Celen AB, Georgiadou P, Pekbilir E, Abaci YT, Yesildag D, Rettel M, Sobhiafshar U, Ogmen A, Emre NCT, Sahin U (2022) Sumoylation of Cas9 at lysine 848 regulates protein stability and DNA binding. Life Sci Alliance 5(4) (featured as a cover story)
- Sahin U, de Thé H, Lallemand-Breitenbach V (2022) Sumoylation in physiology, pathology and therapy. Cells 11(5), 814
- Celen A and Sahin U (2020) Sumoylation on its 25th anniversary : mechanisms, pathology, and emerging concepts. FEBS J. 287(15):3110-3140 (featured as a cover story)
- Auvin S, Öztürk H, Abaci YT, Mautino G, Meyer-Losic F, Jollivet F, Bashir T, de Thé H, Sahin U (2019) A molecule inducing androgen receptor degradation and selectively targeting prostate cancer cells. Life Sci Alliance. 2(4): e201800213
- Maretzky T, Swendeman S, Mogollon E, Weskamp G, Sahin U, Reiss K, Blobel CP (2017) Characterization of the catalytic properties of the membrane-anchored metalloprotease ADAM9 in cell-based assays. Biochem J. 474(9) : 1467-147
- Sahin U, Jollivet F, Berthier C, de Thé H, Lallemand-Breitenbach V (2016) Detection of protein sumoylation in situ by proximity ligation assays. Methods Mol Biol. 1475 :139-150
- El Hajj H, Dassouki Z, Berthier C, Raffoux E, Ades L, Legrand O, Sahin U, Tawil N, Salameh A, Zibara K, Darwiche N, Mohty M, Dombret H, Fenaux P, de Thé H, Bazarbachi (2015) Retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide degrade mutated NPM-1 initiating apoptosis of AML cells. Blood. 125(22) :3447-54
- Dassouki Z*, Sahin U*#, El Hajj H, Jollivet F, Kfoury Y, Lallemand-Breitenbach V, Hermine O, Bazarbachi A, de Thé H (2015) Adult T-cell Lymphoma Response to Arsenic/Interferon Therapy is Triggered by SUMO/PML/RNF4-dependent Tax Degradation. Blood. 125(3) :474-82 (*co-first authors, # corresponding author)
- Sahin U, de Thé H, Lallemand-Breitenbach V (2014) PML Nuclear Bodies : Assembly and Oxidative Stress-sensitive Sumoylation. Nucleus. 5(6) : 499-507
- Sahin U, Lallemand-Breitenbach V, de Thé H (2014) PML Nuclear Bodies : Regulation, Function and Therapeutic Perspectives. J Pathol. 234(3) : 289-91
- Sahin U#, Lapaquette P, Andrieux A, Faure G, Dejean A (2014) Sumoylation of Human Argonaute-2 at Lysine 402 Regulates its Stability. PLoS One. 9(7) : e102957 doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0102957 (# corresponding author)
- Sahin U, Ferhi O, Carnec X, Zamborlini A, Peres L, Jollivet F, Vitaliano-Prunier A, de Thé H, Lallemand-Breitenbach V (2014) Interferon Controls SUMO Availability via the Lin28 and let-7 Axis to Impede Virus Replication. Nat Commun. 5 : 4187 doi : 10.1038/ncomms5187
- Sahin U, Ferhi O, Jeanne M, Benhenda S, Berthier C, Jollivet F, Niwa-Kawakita M, Faklaris O, Setterblad N, de Thé H, Lallemand-Breitenbach V (2014) Oxidative Stress-induced Assembly of PML Nuclear Bodies Controls Sumoylation of Partner Proteins. J Cell Biol. 204(6) : 931-45
- Sahin U, Blobel CP (2007) Ectodomain Shedding of the EGF-receptor Ligand Epigen is Mediated by ADAM17. FEBS Lett. 581(1) : 41-4
- Sahin U, Weskamp G, Zheng Y, Chesneau V, Horiuchi K, Blobel CP (2006) A Sensitive Method to Monitor Ectodomain Shedding of Ligands of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor. Methods Mol Biol. 327 : 99-113
- Sahin U, Weskamp G, Kelly K, Zhou HM, Higashiyama S, Peschon J, Hartmann D, Saftig P, Blobel CP (2004) Distinct Roles for ADAM10 and ADAM17 in Ectodomain Shedding of Six EGFR Ligands. J Cell Biol. 164(5) : 769-79
- Zhou HM, Weskamp G, Chesneau V, Sahin U, Vortkamp A, Horiuchi K, Chiusaroli R, Hahn R, Wilkes D, Fisher P, Baron R, Manova K, Basson CT, Hempstead B, Blobel CP (2004) Essential Role for ADAM19 in Cardiovascular Morphogenesis. Mol Cell Biol. 24(1) : 96-104