Sinem  Erdoğan İşkorkutan

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Sinem Erdoğan İşkorkutan

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Araştırma Alanları :

erken modern Osmanlı görsel tarihi, kitap sanatları ve resimli yazma üretimi, Osmanlı dünyasında şenlik ve törenlerin temsili, yemek tarihi
SU Öncesi Yayınları:


2020. The 1720 Imperial Circumcision Celebrations in Istanbul: Festivity and Representation in the Early Eighteenth Century. Brill: Leiden and Boston.

Articles & Book Reviews

Dec. 2022. “18. Yüzyıl İstanbul’unda Şehirli Nakkâşların Kullandığı Elvân Boyalar: Yeni Belgeler ve Sorular.” Cihannüma: Tarih ve Coğrafya Araştırmaları Dergisi Sayı VIII/2 – Aralık 2022, 115-149.

Nov. 2020. “Naḫils and Candy Gardens in the 1720 Ottoman Imperial Circumcision Festival.” Muqarnas 37, 179-208.

Jun. 2019. “Special Issue: Ceremonies, Festivals, and Rituals in the Ottoman World.” Co-edited with Özgen Felek, Journal of Ottoman Studies Association (JOTSA) 6 (1).

Jun. 2019. “Between Representation and Reality: A Critical Evaluation of Surnames of the 1720 Festival and Unknown Archival Sources.” Journal of Ottoman Studies Association (JOTSA) 6 (1): Ceremonies, Festivals, and Rituals in the Ottoman World, edited by Özgen Felek and Sinem Erdoğan İşkorkutan, 121-140.

Jun. 2019. “Introduction: Ceremonies, Festivals, and Rituals in The Ottoman World,” (co-written with Özgen Felek). Journal of Ottoman Studies Association (JOTSA) 6 (1): Ceremonies, Festivals, and Rituals in the Ottoman World, edited by Özgen Felek and Sinem Erdoğan İşkorkutan, 9-19.

May. 2019. “Chasing Documents at the Ottoman Archive: An Imperial Circumcision Festival Under Scrutiny.” The Medieval History Journal 22 (1), 156-181.

Sep. 2018. “Kimmiş Bu Tulumcular.” (Who were these Tulumcıs) Toplumsal Tarih 297, 32-36.

Oct. 2017. “1720 Şenliği’nde Yemek Üzerinden İfade Edilen Sosyal Hiyerarşileri Anlamak.” (Understanding Social Hierarchies through Rites of Eating in the 1720 Imperial Festival) Osmanlı Araştırmaları Dergisi/The Journal of Ottoman Studies 50, 117-152.

Jan. 2016. “18. Yüzyılda Nakkaşhane Üzerine Belgeler: Surname-i Vehbi ve Musavvir İbrahim Çelebi.” (Documents on the Nakkaşhane in the Eighteenth Century: Surname of Vehbi and Painter Ibrahim Çelebi) Toplumsal Tarih 265, 46-50.

Dec. 2010. Review article on The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010) in Tarih: Graduate Journal of the History Department, Issue 2: Identity, ( IDENTITY/7.SinemErdogan.Review.BakiTezcan.The SecondEmpire.pdf.), 118-121.

Nov. 2010. “Nicolas Vatin’in Kitabı Üzerine: Zigetvar Seferi’nin Hoş Sırları.” (On Nicolas Vatin’s Book: The Pleasant Secrets of Szigetvar Campaign) Toplumsal Tarih 203, 92-93.