Erchan  Aptoula

English version

Erchan Aptoula

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Kişisel web sayfası

Eğitim :

Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Lisans derecesi, Galatasaray Üniversitesi (1999-2004); Bilgisayar bilimleri yüksek lisans derecesi, Strasbourg Üniversitesi (2004-2005); Bilgisayar bilimleri doktora derecesi, Strasbourg Üniversitesi (2005-2008)

Çalıştığı Kuruluşlar :

Okan Üniversitesi (2010-2016); Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi (2016-2022)

Araştırma Alanları :

Bilgisayarla görü, Derin öğrenme, Uzaktan algılama, Hassas tarım, Sanayi için görü, Biyomedikal görüntü çözümleme, Otomotiv için görü

Üyelikler :


Yayınlar :

Ismael, Sarmad F. and Kayabol, Koray and Aptoula, Erchan (2024) "Unsupervised domain adaptation for the semantic segmentation of remote sensing images via a class-aware Fourier transform and a fine-grained discriminator", Digital Signal Processing, Vol.151 (SCI)
Turkmenli, Ilter and Aptoula, Erchan and Kayabol, Koray (2024) "HistSegNet: histogram layered segmentation network for SAR image-based flood segmentation", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.21 (SCI)
Ismael, Sarmad F. and Kayabol, Koray and Aptoula, Erchan (2023) "Unsupervised domain adaptation for the semantic segmentation of remote sensing images via one-shot image-to-image translation", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.20 (SCI)
Book Section / Chapter
Taskin, Gulsen and Aptoula, Erchan and Ertürk, Alp, "Explainable AI for earth observation: current methods, open challenges, and opportunities", Advances in Machine Learning and Image Analysis for GeoAI, Prasad, Saurabh and Chanussot, Jocelyn and Li, Jun (eds.), Amsterdam: Elsevier, May 2024, 115-152
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Durakli, Efkan and Bosilj, Petra and Fox, Charles and Aptoula, Erchan, "A domain generalized mask R-CNN for building instance segmentation", IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2024), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, July 2024, 9684-9687
Gül, Furkan and Aptoula, Erchan, "A distance transform based loss function for the semantic segmentation of very high resolution remote sensing images", IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2024), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, July 2024, 9888-9891
Ismael, Sarmad F. and Kayabol, Koray and Aptoula, Erchan, "Two-level alignment-based unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic segmentation of remote sensing images", Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, October 2023
Duraklı, Efkan and Aptoula, Erchan, "Domain generalized object detection for remote sensing images", 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), July 2023
Haldız, Cengizhan and Ismael, Sarmad F. and Çelebi, Hasari and Aptoula, Erchan, "Crowd counting via joint SASNet and a guided batch normalization network", 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), July 2023
Sahin, Ismail and Ertürk, Alp and Aptoula, Erchan, "Band-based interpretability with SHAP for hyperspectral classification", 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), July 2023
Turan, Deren Ege and Aptoula, Erchan and Erturk, A. and Taskin, G., "Interpreting hyperspectral remote sensing image classification methods via explainable artificial intelligence", IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2023), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, July 2023, 5950-5953
Seemakurthy, Karthik and Fox, Charles and Aptoula, Erchan and Bosilj, Petra, "Domain generalised faster R-CNN", Williams, B. and Chen, Y. and Neville, J. (eds.), 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023, AAAI Press, June 2023, 2180-2190
Seemakurthy, Karthik and Bosilj, Petra and Aptoula, Erchan and Fox, Charles, "Domain generalised fully convolutional one stage detection", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, May 2023, 7002-7009
Turkmenli, Ilter and Kayabol, Koray and Aptoula, Erchan, "A smoothing layer for SAR image semantic segmentation with fully convolutional networks", Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, May 2023
SU Öncesi Yayınları:

30. M. Ilteralp, S. Ariman, E. Aptoula, A Deep Multitask Semisupervised Learning Approach for Chlorophyll-a Retrieval from Remote Sensing Images, Remote Sensing, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2022 29. E. Aptoula, S. Ariman, Hierarchical Spatial-Spectral Features for the Chlorophyll-a Estimation of Lake Balik, Turkey, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 19, 2022 28. E. Aptoula, S. Ariman, Chlorophyll-a retrieval from Sentinel-2 images using convolutional neural network regression, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 19, 2022 27. A. Salazar-Gomez, S. Parsons, E. Aptoula, P. Bosilj, Deep Regression versus Detection for Counting in Robotic Phenotyping, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol 6, No 2, pp 2902 - 2907, April, 2021 26. D. Santana Maia, M-T. Pham, E. Aptoula, F. Guiotte, S. Lefevre, Classification of remote sensing data with morphological attribute profiles: a decade of advances, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp 43 - 71, September, 2021 25. M. Bozo, E. Aptoula, Z. Cataltepe, A Discriminative Long Short Term Memory Network with Metric Learning Applied to Multispectral Time Series Classification, Journal of Imaging, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp 68, July, 2020 24. P. Bosilj, E. Aptoula, T. Duckett, G. Cielniak, Transfer learning between crop types for semantic segmentation of crops versus weeds in precision agriculture, Journal of Field Robotics, March, 2019 23. M. A. Dede, E. Aptoula, Y. Genc, Deep network ensembles for aerial scene classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp 732 - 735, May, 2019 22. A. Tombak, I. Turkmenli, E. Aptoula, K. Kayabol, Pixel-based Classification of SAR Images using Feature Attribute Profiles, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp 564 - 567, April, 2019 21. A. A. Davari, E. Aptoula, B. Yanikoglu, A. Maier, C. Riess, GMM-Based Synthetic Samples for Classification of Hyperspectral Images with Limited Training Data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp 942 - 946, June, 2018 20. M-T. Pham, S. Lefevre, E. Aptoula, Local Feature-based Attribute Profiles for Optical Remote Sensing Image Classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp 1199 - 1212, February, 2018 19. M-T. Pham, E. Aptoula, S. Lefevre, Feature profiles from attribute filtering for classification of remote sensing images, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp 249 - 256, January, 2018 18. B. Hwang, J. Ren, S. McCormack, C. Berry, I. Ben Ayed, H. C. Graber, E. Aptoula, A practical algorithm for the retrieval of floe size distribution of Arctic sea ice from high-resolution satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery, Elementa, 5:38, 2017 17. M. M. Ghazi, B. Yanikoglu, E. Aptoula, Plant Identification Using Deep Neural Networks via Optimization of Transfer Learning Parameters, Neurocomputing, Vol. 235, pp 228 - 235, 2017 16. P. Bosilj, E. Aptoula, S. Lefevre, E. Kijak, Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images with Pattern Spectra Descriptors, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Special Issue: "Mathematical Morphology in Geoinformatics", Vol. 5, No. 12, 228, 2016 (Open Access) 15. E. Aptoula, M. C. Ozdemir, B. Yanikoglu, Deep Learning with Attribute Profiles for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 13, No. 12, 2016 14. E. Aptoula, M. Dalla-Mura, S. Lefevre, Vector attribute profiles for hyperspectral image classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 54, No. 6, pp 3208 - 3220, June, 2016 13. B. Ozkan, E. Aptoula, A. T. Heren, H. Mandaci, Optimisation of tractor semi-trailer command steering mechanism using a genetic algorithm, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 71, No.1/2/3/4, pp 258 - 278, 2016 12. E. Aptoula, Hyperspectral image classification with multi-dimensional attribute profiles, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 12, No. 10, pp 2031 – 2035, October 2015 11. B. Yanikoglu, E. Aptoula and C. Tirkaz, Automatic plant identification from photographs, Machine Vision and Applications, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp 1369 - 1383, August 2014 10. E. Aptoula, The impact of multivariate quasi-flat zones on the morphological description of hyperspectral images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 35, No. 10, pp 3482 – 3498, May 2014 9. E. Aptoula, Remote sensing image retrieval with global morphological texture descriptors, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp 3023 – 3034, May 2014 8. E. Aptoula, Extending Morphological Covariance, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 45, No. 12, pp 4524 – 4535, December 2012 7. E. Aptoula, Comparative study of moment based parameterization for morphological texture description, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp 1213 – 1224, November 2012 6. E. Aptoula and S. Lefèvre, Morphological description of color images for content-based retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp 2505 – 2517, November 2009 5. E. Aptoula and S. Lefèvre, On the Morphological Processing of Hue, Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp 1394 – 1401, August 2009 4. E. Aptoula, S. Lefèvre and Ch. Ronse, A Hit-Or-Miss Transform for Multivariate Images, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp 760 – 764, June 2009 3. E. Aptoula and S. Lefèvre, Alpha-trimmed lexicographical extrema for pseudo morphological image analysis, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp 165 – 174, April 2008 2. E. Aptoula and S. Lefèvre, On lexicographical ordering in Multivariate Mathematical Morphology, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp 109 – 118, January 2008 1. E. Aptoula and S. Lefèvre, A Comparative Study on Multivariate Mathematical Morphology, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 40, No. 11, pp 2914 – 2929, November 2007