Cem  Güneri

English version

Cem Güneri

E-posta : cem.gunerisabanciuniv.edu

Kişisel web sayfası

Eğitim :

Matematik Lisansı, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ), 1995; Matematik Doktorası, Louisiana Devlet Üniversitesi (ABD), 2001.

Çalıştığı Kuruluşlar :

ODTÜ, 1995-1996; Louisiana State University (ABD), 1996-2001.

Araştırma Alanları :

Cebirsel kodlama teorisi, sonlu cisimlerin aritmetiği, cebir ve cebirsel geometrinin kodlama teorisine uygulamaları.

Üyelikler :

Turkish Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Yayınlar :

Luo, Gaojun and Ezerman, Martianus Frederic and Güneri, Cem and Ling, San and Özbudak, Ferruh (2024) "Griesmer bound and constructions of linear codes in b-symbol metric". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TIT.2024.3423702
Choi, Whan Hyuk and Güneri, Cem and Kim, Jon Lark and Özbudak, Ferruh (2023) "Theory of additive complementary dual codes, constructions and computations", Finite Fields and their Applications, Vol.92 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem (2023) "Optimal binary linear complementary pairs from Solomon-Stiffler codes". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TIT.2023.3287853
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh and Sayıcı, Selcen (2023) "On subfield subcodes obtained from restricted evaluation codes". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10623-023-01261-1
Choi, Whan Hyuk and Güneri, Cem and Kim, Jon Lark and Özbudak, Ferruh (2023) "Optimal binary linear complementary pairs of codes", Cryptography and Communications, Vol.15, No.2, 469-486 (SCI)
Borello, Martino and Güneri, Cem and Saçıkara, Elif and Solé, Patrick (2022) "The concatenated structure of quasi-abelian codes", Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, Vol.90, No.11, 2647-2661 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Martínez-Moro, Edgar and Sayıcı, Selcen (2020) "Linear complementary pair of group codes over finite chain rings", Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, Vol.88, No.11, 2397-2405 (SCI)
Alahmadi, Adel and Güneri, Cem and Özkaya, Buket and Shoaib, Hatoon and Sole, Patrick (2020) "On complementary dual multinegacirculant codes", Cryptography and Communications, Vol.12, No.1, 101-113 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh and Saçıkara Karıksız, Elif (2019) "A concatenated construction of linear complementary pair of codes", Cryptography and Communications, Vol.11, No.5, 1103-1114 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özkaya, Buket and Sayıcı, Selcen (2018) "On linear complementary pair of nD cyclic codes", IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.22, No.12, 2404-2406 (SCI)
Carlet, Claude and Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh and Özkaya, Buket and Sole, Patrick (2018) "On linear complementary pairs of codes", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.64, No.10, 6583-6589 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özdemir, Funda and Sole, Patrick (2018) "On the additive cyclic structure of quasi-cyclic codes", Discrete Mathematics, Vol.341, No.10, 2735-2741 (SCI)
Carlet, Claude and Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh and Sole, Patrick (2018) "A new concatenated type construction for LCD codes and isometry codes", Discrete Mathematics, Vol.341, No.3, 830-835 (SCI)
Alahmadi, Adel and Güneri, Cem and Shoaib, Hatoon and Sole, Patrick (2018) "Long quasi-polycyclic t-CIS codes", Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Vol.12, No.1, 189-198 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh and Özkaya, Buket and Saçıkara Karıksız, Elif and Sepasdar, Zahra and Sole, Patrick (2017) "Structure and performance of generalized quasi-cyclic codes", Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.47, 183-202 (SCI)
Belfiore, Jean-Claude and Güneri, Cem and Özkaya, Buket (2017) "Quasi-cyclic subcodes of cyclic codes", SIAM Journal On Discrete Mathematics, Vol.31, No.2, 1454-1475 (SCI)
Alahmadi, Adel and Güneri, Cem and Özkaya, Buket and Shoaib, Hatoon and Sole, Patrick (2017) "On self-dual double negacirculant codes", Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.222, 205-212 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh and Özdemir, Funda (2017) "On complementary dual additive cyclic codes", Advances in Mathematics of Communications (SI), Vol.11, No.2, 353-357 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh and Özdemir, Funda (2017) "Hasse-Weil bound for additive cyclic codes", Designs, Codes, and Cryptography (SI), Vol.82, No.1-2, 249-263 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özkaya, Buket (2016) "Multidimensional quasi-cyclic and convolutional codes", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.62, No.12, 6772-6785 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özkaya, Buket and Sole, Patrick (2016) "Quasi-cyclic complementary dual codes", Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.42, 67-80 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and McGuire, Gary (2014) "Supersingular curves over finite fields and weight divisibility of codes", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.259, No.Part: , 474-484 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özdemir, Mehmet and Stichtenoth, Henning (2013) "The automorphism group of the generalized Giulietti-Korchmaros function field", Advances in Geometry, Vol.13, No.2, 369-380 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2013) "The concatenated structure of quasi-cyclic codes and an improvement of Jensen's bound", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.59, No.2, 979-985 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2012) "A bound on the minimum distance of quasi-cyclic codes", SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol.26, No.4, 1781-1796 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2012) "A relation between quasi-cyclic codes and 2-D cyclic codes", Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.18, No.1, 123-132 (SCI)
Garcia, Arnaldo and Güneri, Cem and Stichtenoth, Henning (2010) "A generalization of the Giulietti-Korchmaros maximal curve", Advances in Geometry, Vol.10, No.3, 427-434 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Stichtenoth, Henning and Taşkın, İhsan (2009) "Further improvements on the designed minimum distance of algebraic geometry codes", Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Vol.213, No.1, 87-97 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2008) "Weil-Serre type bounds for cyclic codes", IEEE Transactions On Information Theory, Vol.54, No.12, 5381-5395 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2008) "Multidimensional cyclic codes and Artin–Schreier type hypersurfaces over finite fields", Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.14, No.1, 44-58 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2007) "Cyclic codes and reducible additive equations", IEEE Transactions On Information Theory, Vol.53, No.2, 848-853 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2006) "Improvements on generalized hamming weights of some trace codes", Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol.39, No.2, 215-231 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem (2004) "Artin-Schreier curves and weights of two dimensional cyclic codes", Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.10, No.4, 481-505 (SCI)
Güneri, Cem (2002) "A Bound on the number of rational points of certain Artin-Schreier families", Communications in Algebra, Vol.30, No.9, 4251-4265 (SCI)
Book Section / Chapter
Güneri, Cem and Ling, San and Özkaya, Buket, "Quasi-cyclic codes", Concise Encyclopedia of Coding Theory, Huffman, W. Cary and Kim, Jon-Lark and Solé, Patrick (eds.), New York: CRC Press, March 2021, 129-150
Carlet, Claude and Guilley, Sylvain and Güneri, Cem and Mesnager, Sihem and Özbudak, Ferruh, "Construction of efficient codes for high-order direct sum masking", Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things: Challenges and Solutions, Ramos, José Luis Hernández and Skarmeta, Antonio (eds.), Holland: IOS Press, March 2020, 108-128
Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh, "Artin-Schreier extensions and thier applications", Topics in Geometry, Coding Theory and Cryptography, Dordrecht: Springer 2007, 105-133
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Carlet, Claude and Güneri, Cem and Mesnager, Sihem and Özbudak, Ferruh, "Construction of some codes suitable for both side channel and fault injection attacks", Budaghyan, Lilya and Rodriguez-Henriquez, Francisco (eds.), 7th International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields (WAIFI 2018), Springer, December 2018, 95-107