English version |
Eren GünseliE-posta : eren.gunselisabanciuniv.edu Kişisel web sayfası Eğitim :
2015, Ph.D Bilişsel Psikoloji, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2011, M.A Bilişsel Psikoloji, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
2008, B.S Fizik, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Çalıştığı Kuruluşlar :
Columbia Üniversitesi, New York (2017-2020)
Chicago Üniversitesi, Chicago (2015-2017) Araştırma Alanları :
Çalışma belleği, epizodik bellek, dikkat, bilişsel kontrol.Ödüller :
- BAGEP - The Academy of Science Young Scientist Award - Bilim Akademisi 2023
Üyelikler :
Bilişsel Sinirbilim Topluluğu, Bilim Akademisi, Psychonomic Akademisi, Görsel Bilimlar TopluluğuYayınlar :
Article |
Günseli, Eren and Foster, Joshua J. and Sutterer, David W. and Todorova, Lara and Vogel, Edward K. and Awh, Edward (2024) "Encoded and updated spatial working memories share a common representational format in alpha activity", iScience, Vol.27, No.2 (SCI) |
Nolden, Sophie and Turan, Gözem and Güler, Berna and Günseli, Eren (2024) "Prediction error and event segmentation in episodic memory", Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Vol.157 (SCI) |
Şentürk, Yağmur Damla and Ünver, Nursima and Demircan, Can and Egner, Tobias and Günseli, Eren (2024) "The reactivation of task rules triggers the reactivation of task-relevant items", Cortex, Vol.171, 465-480 (SCI, SSCI) |
Güler, Berna and Adıgüzel, Zeynep and Uysal, Bilge and Günseli, Eren (2024) "Discrete memories of a continuous world: a working memory perspective on event segmentation", Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, Vol.6 (ESCI) |
Ataseven Özdemir, Nursena and Ünver, Nursima and Günseli, Eren (2023) "How does divided attention hinder different stages of episodic memory retrieval?", Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, Vol.5 (NA) |
Serin, Fatih and Günseli, Eren (2023) "Internal attention is the only retroactive mechanism for controlling precision in working memory", Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, Vol.85, No.5, 1375-1386 (SCI, SSCI) |
Günseli, Eren and Aly, Mariam (2020) "Preparation for upcoming attentional states in the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex", eLife, Vol.9 (SCI, SSCI) | |