Zaeema  Khan

English version

Zaeema Khan

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Yayınlar :

Şentürk, Efsun and Bilici, Çiğdem and Afghah, Ferdows and Khan, Zaeema and Çelik, Süleyman and Wu, Chengtie and Koç, Bahattin (2023) "3D bioprinting of tyramine modified hydrogels under visible light for osteochondral interface", Biofabrication, Vol.15, No.3 (SCI)
Mayack, Christopher and Carmichael, Kathleen and Phalen, Nicole and Khan, Zaeema and Hirche, Frank and Stangl, Gabriele I. and White, Helen K. (2020) "Gas chromatography - Mass spectrometry as a preferred method for quantification of insect hemolymph sugars", Journal of Insect Physiology, Vol.127 (SCI)