Ahmet Alkan

Türkçe sürüm

Ahmet Alkan

E-mail : ahmet.alkansabanciuniv.edu

Personal web page

Education :

He received his B.S. in Physics from Brown University, USA (1969) and M.S. (1973) and Ph.D (1975) degrees in Research Operational from University of California, Berkeley, USA. He has taught at the Middle East Technical University (METU) and Bosphorus University. He joined Sabancı University in November of 1999. Areas of Interest :Economics theory; game theory; matching and auction theory Awards : Bosphorous University Foundation Best Research Award, 1984; Operations Research Society of Turkey Best Research Award, 1985

Work Experience :

1999 - present, Professor, Sabanci University 2001 - 2008, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabancı University 2002 - 2006, Council, Turkish National Academy of Sciences 2003 - 2006, Standing Committee and Core Member for the Social Sciences, European Science Foundation 1979 - 1999, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Boğaziçi University 1976 - 1979, Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University

Awards :

  • Turkish National Academy of Sciences Member - Turkish National Academy of Sciences  2000

Publications :

Alkan, Ahmet and Anbarcı, Nejat and Sarpca, Sinan (2012) "An exploration in school formation: income vs. ability", Economics Letters, Vol.117, No.2, 500-504 (SSCI)
Alkan, Ahmet and Gale, David (2003) "Stable schedule matching under revealed preference", Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.112, No.2, 289-306 (SSCI)
Alkan, Ahmet (2002) "A class of multipartner matching markets with a strong lattice structure", Economic Theory, Vol.19, No.4, 737-746 (SSCI)
Alkan, Ahmet (2001) "On preferences over subsets and the lattice structure of stable matchings", Review of Economic Design, Vol.6, No.1, 99-111 (NA)
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Alkan, Ahmet and Yildiz, Kemal, "Equitable stable matchings under modular assessment", 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, EC 2023, Association for Computing Machinery, July 2023
Alkan, Ahmet and Gale, David, "Stable schedule matching under revealed preference", Petrosyan, L. A. and Yeung, D. W. K. (eds.), ICM Satellite Conference on Game Theory and Applications, Germany: Springer, November 2003, 3-19
Volumes Edited / Special Issues
Alkan, Ahmet and Moulin, Herve, Mathematical theories of allocation of discrete resources : equilibria, matchings, mechanisms, Amsterdam: Elsevier, October 2003
Working Paper / Technical Report
Alkan, Ahmet and Tuncay, Alparslan, "Pairing games and markets", August 2013
Alkan, Ahmet and Çarkoğlu, Ali and Filiztekin, Alpay and İnceoğlu, Fırat, "Türkiye ortaöğretim sektöründe katma değer oluşumu: üniversiteye giriş yarışı", May 2008, Sabancı University ID:SU_FASS_2008/0011
Before SU Publications:


Articles in Journals
"On preferences over subsets and the lattice structure of stable matchings", Review of Economic Design, 2001, pp 99-111
"Monotonicity and envyfree assignments", Economic Theory, 1994, pp 605-616
"Fair allocation of indivisible goods and criteria of justice" (with G. Demange and D. Gale), Econometrica, 1991, pp 1023 – 1039
"The core of the matching game" (with D. Gale), Games and Economic Behaviour, 1990, pp 203 – 210
"Existence and computation of matching equilibria", European Journal of Political Economy, 1989, pp 285 – 296
"Pretend-but-perform mechanism in sharecropping", (M. R. Sertel), European Journal of Political Economy, 1989, pp 397 – 423
"Nonexistence of stable threesome matchings", Mathematical Social Sciences, 1988, pp 207 – 209
"No equilibrium in infinite economies: two examples", Journal of Economic Theory, 1984, pp 180 – 186
"Probabilistic prospects of Stackelberg leader and follower" (with T. Brown, M.R. Sertel), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1983, pp 379 – 389
"Efficient programs for polyhedral technologies are competitive, Review of Economic Studies, 1980, pp 465 – 471
"The efficient paths to infinity in closed Leontief models", Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1979, pp 75 – 83
Articles in Books and Proceedings
“Stable schedule matching under revealed preference” (with D. Gale), International Congress of Mathematicians 2002, Game Theory and Applications, Proceedings Volume, Qingdao, Qingdao Publishing House, 2002, pp. 7-23
"On the properties of stable many-to-many matchings under responsive preferences”, Current Trends in Economics: Theory and Applications, edited by A. Alkan, C.D. Aliprantis , N.C.Yannelis, Springer Verlag, 1999
"Price rule and volatility in auctions with resale markets", Game Theoretical Applications to Economics and OR, edited by T.Parthasarathy, B.Dutta, J.A.M.Potters, D.Ray and T.E.S.Raghavan, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
"A model of treasury bill auctions", Development of Financial Markets in the Arab Countries, Irean and Turkey, Proceedings of the Economic Research Forum Conference on Financial Market Development, in Beirut, 1994, Economic Research Forum Publications, Cairo, 1995
"Equilibrium in a matching market with general preferences”, Equilibrium and Dynamics. Essays in Honour of David Gale, edited by M. Majumdar, The MacMillan Press Ltd, London, 1992, pp 1-16
Volume Editor
Mathematical theories of allocation of discrete resources: Equilibria, matchings, mechanisms (with Herve Moulin), Amsterdam: Elsevier Sciences BV, Mathematical Social Sciences Special Issue, Vol. 46, No. 2, October 2003, 101-241
Current trends in economics: Theory and applications, edited by A. Alkan, C.D. Aliprantis, N.C.Yannelis, Proceedings of the Conference on Economic Theory and Applications in Antalya, 1997, Springer Verlag, 1999