Türkçe sürüm |
Turgay BayraktarE-mail : turgay.bayraktarsabanciuniv.edu Personal web page Education :
B. Sc. Middle East Technical University (2002)
M. Sc. Middle East Technical University (2005)
Ph.D. Indiana University, Bloomington (2012) Areas of Interest :
Several Complex Variables, Holomorphic Dynamics and Complex GeometryAwards :
- Tosun Terzioğlu Chair - Sabancı University 2022
- Bilim Akademisi Genç Bilim İnsanları Ödül Programı (BAGEP) - Bilim Akademisi 2019
- Masatoshi Gündüz İkeda Araştırma Ödülü - Türkiye Matematik Vakfı 2019
- ODTÜ Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Araştırma Teşvik Ödülü - ODTÜ Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Eğitim ve Araştırma Vakfı 2019
- TÜBA-GEBİP Üstün Başarılı Genç Bilim İnsanı Ödülü - Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi 2019
Publications :
Article |
Bayraktar, Turgay and Karaca, Emel (2024) "An exponential rarefaction result for sub-Gaussian real algebraic maximal curves", Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Vol.362, 779-788 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay and Özgür, Ali Ulaş (2024) "Expected multivolumes of random amoebas", Journal of Complexity, Vol.80 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay and Bloom, Thomas and Levenberg, Norman (2023) "Random polynomials in several complex variables". Published Online First http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11854-023-0316-x |
Bayraktar, Turgay and Efe, Melike (2023) "On dynamics of asymptotically minimal polynomials", Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol.295 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay and Çelik, Çiğdem (2023) "Zero distribution of random Bernoulli polynomial mappings", Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol.28 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay (2020) "Mass equidistribution for random polynomials", Potential Analysis, Vol.53, No.4, 1403-1421 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay and Hussung, Steven and Levenberg, Norman and Perera, Menuja (2020) "Pluripotential theory and convex bodies: a Siciak-Zaharjuta theorem", Computational Methods and Function Theory, Vol.20, No.3-4, 571-590 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay and Coman, Dan and Marinescu, George (2020) "Universality results for zeros of random holomorphic sections", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.373, No.6, 3765-3791 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay and Bloom, Thomas and Levenberg, Norman and Lu, Chinh H. (2019) "Pluripotential theory and convex bodies: large deviation principle", Arkiv for Matematik, Vol.57, No.2, 247-283 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay (2019) "On global universality for zeros of random polynomials", Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.48, No.2, 384-398 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay and Coman, Dan and Hermann, Hendrik and Marinescu, George (2018) "A survey on zeros of random holomorphic sections", Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation (SI), Vol.11, No.4, 1-19 (ESCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay (2018) "Almost sure invariance principle for non-autonomous holomorphic dynamics in P-k", Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, Vol.22, No.4, 45-61 (ESCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay (2018) "Expected number of real roots for random linear combinations of orthogonal polynomials associated with radial weights", Potential Analysis, Vol.48, No.4, 459-471 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay and Bloom, Thomas and Levenberg, Norman (2018) "Pluripotential theory and convex bodies", Sbornik Mathematics, Vol.209, No.3, 352-384 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay (2017) "Asymptotic normality of linear statistics of zeros of random polynomials", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.145, No.7, 2917-2929 (SCI) |
Bayraktar, Turgay (2017) "Zero distribution of random sparse polynomials", Michigan Mathematical Journal, Vol.66, No.2, 389-419 (SCI) | Before SU Publications:
- Bayraktar, T., 2016, Equidistribution of zeros of random holomorphic sections, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 65, no. 5, 1759-1793.
- Bayraktar, T., 2015, Ergodic properties of random holomorphic endomorphisms of P^k, International Mathematics Research Notices IMRN, no. 4, 927-959.
- Bayraktar, T. and Cantat S., 2013, Constraints on automorphism groups of higher dimensional manifolds, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 405, no. 1, 209-213.
- Bayraktar, T., 2013, Equidistribution toward the Green current in big cohomology classes, International Journal of Mathematics, no. 10, 1350080, 25 pp.
- Bayraktar, T., 2013, Green currents for meromorphic maps of compact Kaehler manifolds, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 23, no. 2, 970-998.