Sinem Erdoğan İşkorkutan

Türkçe sürüm

Sinem Erdoğan İşkorkutan

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Areas of Interest :

early modern Ottoman visual culture, arts of the book and illustrated manuscript production, representations of festivities and celebrations in the Ottoman world, history of food

Awards :

  • 2023 Bilim Akademisi BAGEP Ödülü - BİLİM AKADEMİSİ  2023

Publications :

Book Section / Chapter
Erdoğan İşkorkutan, Sinem, "Disiplinler arası bir çalışma alanı olarak şenlikler: 1720 Sur-ı Hümayununun bütünsel incelemesi", Osmanlı Tarihçiliğinde Yeni Çalışmalar: Kaynak, Bağlam, Yöntem, Öncel, Fatma and Erdoğan İşkorkutan, Sinem (eds.), İstanbul: Vakıfbank Kültür Yayınları, April 2023, 81-127
Öncel, Fatma and Erdoğan İşkorkutan, Sinem, "Giriş: Boğaziçi tarihçiliği", Osmanlı Tarihçiliğinde Yeni Çalışmalar: Kaynak, Bağlam, Yöntem, Öncel, Fatma and Erdoğan İşkorkutan, Sinem (eds.), İstanbul: Vakıfbank Kültür Yayınları, April 2023, 11-25
Volumes Edited / Special Issues
Öncel, Fatma and Erdoğan İşkorkutan, Sinem, Osmanlı tarihçiliğinde yeni çalışmalar: kaynak, bağlam, yöntem, İstanbul: Vakıfbank Kültür Yayınları, April 2023
Before SU Publications:


2020. The 1720 Imperial Circumcision Celebrations in Istanbul: Festivity and Representation in the Early Eighteenth Century. Brill: Leiden and Boston.

Articles & Book Reviews

Dec. 2022. “18. Yüzyıl İstanbul’unda Şehirli Nakkâşların Kullandığı Elvân Boyalar: Yeni Belgeler ve Sorular.” Cihannüma: Tarih ve Coğrafya Araştırmaları Dergisi Sayı VIII/2 – Aralık 2022, 115-149.

Nov. 2020. “Nails and Candy Gardens in the 1720 Ottoman Imperial Circumcision Festival.” Muqarnas 37, 179–208.

Jun. 2019. “Special Issue: Ceremonies, Festivals, and Rituals in the Ottoman World.” Co-edited with Özgen Felek, Journal of Ottoman Studies Association (JOTSA) 6 (1).

Jun. 2019. “Between Representation and Reality: A Critical Evaluation of Surnames of the 1720 Festival and Unknown Archival Sources.” Journal of Ottoman Studies Association (JOTSA) 6 (1): Ceremonies, Festivals, and Rituals in the Ottoman World, edited by Özgen Felek and Sinem Erdoğan İşkorkutan, 121–140.

Jun. 2019. “Introduction: Ceremonies, Festivals, and Rituals in The Ottoman World” (co-written with Özgen Felek). Journal of Ottoman Studies Association (JOTSA) 6 (1): Ceremonies, Festivals, and Rituals in the Ottoman World, edited by Özgen Felek and Sinem Erdoğan İşkorkutan, 9–19.

May. 2019. “Chasing Documents at the Ottoman Archive: An Imperial Circumcision Festival Under Scrutiny.” The Medieval History Journal, 22 (1), 156–181.

Sep. 2018. “Kimmiş Bu Tulumcular.” (Who were these Tulumcıs?) Toplumsal Tarih 297, 32–36.

Oct. 2017. “1720 Şenliği’nde Yemek Üzerinden İfade Edilen Sosyal Hiyerarşileri Anlamak.” (Understanding Social Hierarchies through Rites of Eating in the 1720 Imperial Festival) Osmanlı Araştırmaları Dergisi/The Journal of Ottoman Studies 50, 117–152.

Jan. 2016. “18. Yüzyılda Nakkaşhane Üzerine Belgeler: Surname-i Vehbi ve Musavvir İbrahim Çelebi.” (Documents on the Nakkaşhane in the Eighteenth Century: Surname of Vehbi and Painter Ibrahim Çelebi) Toplumsal Tarih 265, 46–50.

Dec. 2010. Review article on The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010) in Tarih: Graduate Journal of the History Department, Issue 2: Identity ( IDENTITY/7.SinemErdogan.Review.BakiTezcan.The SecondEmpire.pdf.), 118–121.

Nov. 2010. “Nicolas Vatin’in Kitabı Üzerine: Zigetvar Seferi’nin Hoş Sırları.” (On Nicolas Vatin’s Book: The Pleasant Secrets of Szigetvar Campaign) Toplumsal Tarih 203, 92–93.