Nihan Alp

Türkçe sürüm

Nihan Alp

E-mail :

Personal web page

Education :

2012-2017, PhD. in Psychology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)

2010-2012, MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento

2005-2010, BA in Psychology, University of Fatih

Work Experience :


University of Lille Lille - Visiting Research Scholar at SCALabs 

2016 - 2017

Stanford University Palo Alto - Visiting Research Scholar at Stanford Vision and Neuro-Development Lab 

Areas of Interest :

EEG, SSVEP, frequency tagging, perceptual organization, visual neuroscience

Awards :

  • Using frequency tagged EEG to disentangle the effects of good Gestalt and visibility on neural target signals - French Embassy in Turkey  2019

Membership :

Vision Science Society, Brain Research Community

Publications :

Alp, Nihan and Lale, Gülce and Saglam, Ceren and Sayim, Bilge (2024) "Author correction: The effect of processing partial information in dynamic face perception (Scientific Reports, (2024), 14, 1, (9794), 10.1038/s41598-024-58605-7)", Scientific Reports, Vol.14, No.1 (SCI)
Alp, Nihan and Lale, Gülce and Saglam, Ceren and Sayim, Bilge (2024) "The effect of processing partial information in dynamic face perception", Scientific Reports, Vol.14, No.1 (SCI)
Şentürk, Yağmur Damla and Tavacıoğlu, Ebru Ecem and Duymaz, M. İlker and Sayim, Bilge and Alp, Nihan (2023) "The Sabancı University Dynamic Face Database (SUDFace): development and validation of an audiovisual stimulus set of recited and free speeches with neutral facial expressions", Behavior Research Methods, Vol.55, No.6, 3078-3099 (SSCI)
Yağan, Mehmet and Musellim, Serkan and Arslan, Suayb S. and Çakar, Tuna and Alp, Nihan and Özkan, Hüseyin (2023) "A new benchmark dataset for P300 ERP-based BCI applications", Digital Signal Processing, Vol.135 (SCI)
Alp, Nihan and Özkan, Hüseyin (2022) "Neural correlates of integration processes during dynamic face perception", Scientific Reports, Vol.12, No.1 (SCI)
Book Section / Chapter
Akay, Selen and Kanero, Junko and Alp, Nihan, "When vision is unreliable: the role of play in supporting children", Handbook of Research on Play Specialism Strategies to Prevent Pediatric Hospitalization Trauma, Perasso, Giulia and Ozturk, Yagmur (eds.), IGI Global, October 2022, 203-239
Alp, Nihan, "Algısal organizasyonda elektroensefalografi ile olay ilişkili ve istikrarlı durum uyarılmış potansiyel kayıtları", Psikolojide Bilişsel ve Davranışsal Süreçlere Deneysel Yaklaşımlar, Ünal, Güneş and Ayhan, İnci (eds.), Türkiye: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, April 2021, 183-240
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Aydağ, Aleyna Nur and Kantar, Gamze and Aksoy, Can and Alp, Nihan and Özkan, Hüseyin, "Brain computer interface for object selection [Nesne seçme için beyin bilgisayar arayüzü]", 32nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, May 2024
Before SU Publications:

Alp, N., Kohler P. J., Kogo, N., Wagemans, J., Norcia A. M. 2018. “Measuring integration processes in visual symmetry with Frequency-tagged EEG”, Scientific Reports, 8, 6969.

Alp, N., Nikolaev A. R., Wagemans, J., Kogo, N. 2017. “EEG frequency tagging dissociates between neural processing of motion synchrony and human quality of multiple point-light dancers”, Scientific Reports, 7, 44012.

Alp, N., Kogo, N., Van Belle, G., Wagemans, J., Rossion, B. 2016. “Frequency tagging yields an objective neural signature of Gestalt formation”, Brain and Cognition, 104, 15–24.

Vergeer, M., Kogo, N., Nikolaev A. R., Alp, N., Loozen V., Schraepen B., Wagemans J. 2018. “EEG frequency tagging provides a neural signature of holistic shape representations learned during shape categorization”, Vision Research, 152, 91-100.

Kogo, N., Drozdzewska, A., Zaenen, P., Alp, N., Wagemans, J. 2014. “Depth perception of illusory surfaces”, Vision Research, 96, 53-64.