Nebi SumerE-mail : Education :
Work Experience :
Areas of Interest :• Attachment processes and Parenting • Driver Behavior – Transportation Psychology • Personality Traits and Assessment • Effects of Unemployment • Teaching of PsychologyAwards :
Membership :• Turkish Psychological Association • International Association for Relationship Research • Society for Personality and Social Psychology • Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues • International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development • European Association of Personality PsychologyPublications :
Before SU Publications:
Alper, S., & Sümer, N. (2019). Control deprivation decreases, not increases, belief in a controlling God for people with independent self-construal. Current Psychology. 38 (6), 1490-1494. Tosun, J., Arco-Tirado, J.osé., Caserta, M., Cemalcilar, Z., Freitag, M., Hörisch, F, Jensen, C., Kittel, B., Littvay, L., Lukes, M., Maloney, W., Mühlböck, M., Rainsford, E., Rapp, C., Schuck, B., Shore, J., Steiber, N., Sümer, N, Tsakoglou, P., Vancea, M., Vegetti, F. (2018). Perceived economic self-sufficiency: A country-and generation-comparative approach. European Political Science, 1-22. Şengül-İnal, G., Kırımer-Aydınlı, F., & Sümer, N. (2018). The Role of Attachment Insecurity and Big Five Traits on Sensory Processing Sensitivity. The Journal of Psychology, 152 (7), 497-514, DOI: 10.1080/00223980.2018.1482255 Cemalcılar, Z., Seçinti, E., & Sümer, N. (2018). Parent- Child Work Value Similarity: A Meta-Analytic Review. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 47, 1559‐1579. doi:10.1007/s10964-018-0858-x doi. Salman-Engin, S., Sümer, N., Sağel, E., & McHale, J. (2018). Coparenting in the context of ‘mother-father-infant’ versus ‘mother-grandmother-infant’ triangular interactions in Turkey. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27:3085–3095 Şengül-İnal, G., & Sümer, N. (2020). Exploring the multidimensional structure of sensory processing sensitivity in Turkish samples. Current Psychology, 39, 194-206. Sümer, N., & Yetkili, O. (2018). Cultural aspects of attachment anxiety, avoidance, and life satisfaction: Comparing the US and Turkey. In M. Demir and N. Sümer (Eds.), Close relationships and happiness across cultures. Dordrecht: Springer. Sakman, E., & Sümer, N. (2018). Attachment (in)security and threat priming influence signal detection performance. The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 35(6), 889–916. Kaygısız, Ö., & Sümer, N. (2017). Effects of red light camera enforcement on traffic crashes: Ankara case (Kentsel kavşaklardaki elektronik denetim sistemlerinin trafik kazalarına etkisi: Ankara örneği). METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture. 34 (2), 225-244. Schmitt, D., Alcalay, L., ... , Sümer, N., et al. (118 Members of ISDP-I Project) (2017). Narcissism and the strategic pursuit of short-term mating: Universal links across 11 world regions of the international sexuality description project-2. Psychological Topics, 26, 1, 89-137 Açıkgöz, Y., Sümer, H. C., Sümer, N. (2016). Do employees leave just because they can? Examining the perceived employability–turnover intentions relationship. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 5, 666–683. Akca, E., & Sumer, N. (2016). The quiet ego and its predictors in Turkish culture. In C. Roland-Lévy, P. Denoux, B. Voyer, P. Boski, & W. K. Gabrenya Jr. (Eds.), Unity, diversity and culture. Proceedings from the 22nd Congress of the International Association for CrossCultural Psychology. Sümer, N. (2016). Rapid growth of psychology programs in Turkey: Undergraduate curriculum and structural challenges. Teaching of Psychology, 43, 63-69. Sümer, N., Sakman, E., Harma, M., & Savaş, Ö. (2016). Turkish mothers’ attachment orientations and mental representations of their children. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 34 (1), 49–63. Harma, M & Sümer, N. (2016) Are avoidant wives and anxious husbands unhappy in a collectivist context? Dyadic associations in established marriages. Journal of Family Studies, 22:1, 63-79, DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2015.1024711 Sümer, N., & Harma, M. (2015). Parental attachment anxiety and avoidance predicting child’s anxiety and academic efficacy in middle childhood. Psychological Topics, 24, 113-134. Sümer, N. (2015). The Interplay between Attachment to Mother and Friendship Quality in Predicting Life Satisfaction among Turkish Children. In M. Demir (Ed.) Friendship and Happiness: Across the Life-Span and Cultures (pp.253-274). Springer Publishing, Netherlands. DOI.10.1007/978-94-017-9603-3_15 Procsal, A. D., Demir, M., Doğan, A., Özen., & Sümer, N. (2015). Cross-sex Friendship and Happiness. In M. Demir (Ed.) Friendship and Happiness: Across the Life-Span and Cultures (pp.171-185). Springer Publishing, Netherlands. DOI.10.1007/978-94-017-9603-3_10 Sümer, N., Helvacı, E., & Mısırlısoy, M. (2013). Employability of psychology graduates and their job satisfaction in Turkey: An online survey. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 12, 189-195. Dirilen-Gümüş, Ö., & Sümer, N. (2013). A comparison of human values among students from post-communist Turkic Republics and Turkey. Cross-Cultural Research, 47, 372 –387. Solak, N., Jost, T. J., Sümer, N., & Glore, G. L. (2012). Rage against the machine: The case for system-level emotions. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6, 674-690. Trapp, A., Reddy, P., Spinath, B., Marques, J. F. and Sumer, N. (2012). Teaching Psychology in Europe. In S. McCarthy, K. L. Dickson, J. Cranney, A. Trapp and V. Karandashev (Eds.), Teaching psychology around the World (Volume 3). Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Press. Göncü, A. & Sümer, N. (2011). Rejection sensitivity, self-esteem instability and relationship outcomes: Mediating role of responsibility attributions. European Psychologist, 16 (4), 303-313. Özkan, T., Lajunen, T., Parker, D., Sümer, N., & Summala, H. (2011). Aggressive driving among British, Dutch, Finnish, and Turkish drivers. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 16, 233-238. Özen, A., Sümer, N., & Demir, M. (2011). Predicting friendship quality with rejection sensitivity and attachment security. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 28, 163-181. Zumbach, J., Marques, J.F., Ozolins, A., Reddy, P., Sümer, N., and Trapp, A. (2011). Eine Standortbestimmung der Psychologiedidaktik auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene (A survey of psychology teaching at national and international level). In M. Kramer, S. Preiser and K. Brusdeylins (eds.) Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation VIII. Aachen, Shaker Verlag. Selcuk, E., Günaydin, G, Sümer, N., Harma, M., Salman, S., Hazan, C., Dogruyol, B., & Ozturk, A. (2010). Self-reported romantic attachment style predicts everyday maternal caregiving behavior at home. Journal of Research in Personality, 44, 544-549. Sümer, N., & Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (2010). Culturally Relevant Parenting Predictors of Attachment Security: Perspectives from Turkey. In P. Erdman & N. Kok-Mun (Eds.). Attachment: Expanding the Cultural Connections (pp. 157-179). New York: Routledge Press. Özkan, T., Lajunen, T., Parker, D., Sümer, N., & Summala, H. (2010). Symmetric relationship between self and others in aggressive driving across gender and countries. Traffic Injury Prevention, 11, 228-239. Sümer, H.C., & Sümer, N. (2007). Personality and mental health: How related are they within the military context? Military Psychology. 19, 161-174. Schmitt, D., Alcalay, L., ... , Sümer, N., et al. (118 Members of ISDP-I Project) (2007).The Geographic Distribution of Big Five Personality Traits: Patterns and Profiles of Human Self-Description Across 56 Nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38, 173-212. Sümer, N., Özkan, T., & Lajunen, T. (2006). Asymmetric Relationship between Driving and Safety Skills. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 38, 703-711. Sümer, N., Lajunen, T., & Özkan, T. (2005). Big five personality traits as the distal predictors of road accident involvement. In G. Underwood (Ed.), Traffic and Transport Psychology (pp 215-217). Oxford: Elsevier, 215-227. Sümer, H. C., Bilgiç, R., Sümer, N., & Erol, T. (2005). Personality attributes as predictors of psychological well-being for NCOs. The Journal of Psychology, 139, 529-544. Sümer, N., Karancı, N., Berument, S., Güneş, H. (2005). Personal resources, coping self-efficacy, and quake exposure as predictors of psychological distress following the 1999 earthquake in Turkey. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 18, 331-342. Sümer, N., & Cozzarelli, C. (2004). The impact of adult attachment on partner and self-attributions and relationship quality. Personal Relationships, 11, 355-371. Schmitt, D., Alcalay, L., ... , Sümer, N., et al. (112 Members of ISDP-I Project) (2004). Patterns and universals of mate poaching across 53 Nations: The effects of sex, culture, and personality on romantically attracting another person's partner Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 86, 560-584. Schmitt, D., Alcalay, L., ... , Sümer, N., et al. (118 Members of ISDP-I Project) (2004). Patterns and universals of adult romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions: Are models of self and other pancultural constructs? Journal of Cross- Cultural Psychology, 35, 367-402. Sümer, N. (2003). Personality and Behavioral predictors of traffic accidents: Testing a contextual mediated model. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 35 (6), 949-964. Schmitt, D., Alcalay, L., ... , Sümer, N., et al. (118 Members of ISDP-I Project) (2003). Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions. Personal Relationships, 10, 309-333. Schmitt, D., Alcalay, L., ... , Sümer, N., et al. (118 Members of ISDP-I Project) (2003). Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: Tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 85-104. Sümer, H. C., Sümer, N., Demirutku, K., & Çifci, S. (2001). Using a personality oriented job analysis to identify attributes to be assessed in officer selection. Military Psychology, 13, 129-146. Cozzarelli, C., Sümer, N., & Major, B. (1998). Mental models of attachment and coping with abortion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 453–467. Bylsma, W. H., Cozzarelli, C., & Sümer, N. (1997). Relation between adult attachment styles and global self-esteem. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 19, 1-16. Cozzarelli, C., Karrasch, A., Sümer, N., & Major, B. (1994). The meaning and impact of partner’s accompaniment on women’s adjustment to abortion. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 24, 2028-2056. Books Demir, M., & Sümer, N. (Eds.). (2018). Close relationships and happiness across cultures. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Papers Full Text Published in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings (English) Sümer, N. (2011). Cognitive and psychomotor correlates of hazard perception ability and risky driving. Proceeding of 6th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design, in Olympic Valley—Lake Tahoe, California USA, June 27-30, 2011.ümer.pdf Sümer, N., Ünal, A.B., Birdal, A., Çınar, P., & Çevikoğlu, S. (2007). Comparison of Self-Reported and Computer-Based Hazard Perception Skills among Novice and Experienced Drivers. Proceeding of 4th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design, Stevenson, Washington USA, July 9-12, 2007. Sümer, N., Ünal, A. B., & Birdal, A. (2007). Assessment of Hazard Perception Latencies Using Real Life and Animated Traffic Hazards: Comparison of Novice and Experienced Drivers. Proceeding of 4th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design, Stevenson, Washington USA, July 9-12, 2007. Sümer, N., & Tosun, P. L. (2006). The role of personality and driver behaviors in predicting overtaking tendency. Proceeding of Traffic and Road Safety Third International Congress (Trodsa), Gazi. Üni. Ankara Çevikoğlu, S., Sümer, N., Çınar, P., Ünal, A. B., İpekkan, S., & Birdal, A. (2006). Comparison of drivers taking psycho-technical assessment tests for legal reasons and institutional screening. Proceeding of Traffic and Road Safety Third International Congress (Trodsa), Gazi. Üni. Ankara. Ayvaşık, H. B., Sümer, N., Er, N., & Ünal, A. B. (2006). Safe driving and ability to detect other drivers’ behaviors: An implicit measure of violations. Proceeding of Traffic and Road Safety Third International Congress (Trodsa), Gazi. Üni. Ankara. Çınar, P., Sümer, N., Ünal, A. B., & Çevikoğlu, S. (2006). Examination of “selective attention tests” for evaluation of psycho-technical driver assessment. Proceeding of Traffic and Road Safety Third International Congress (Trodsa), Gazi. University. Ankara. Sümer, N., Ayvaşık, H. B., & Er, N. (2005). Cognitive and Psychomotor Correlates of Self- Reported Driving Skills and Behavior. Proceeding of 3rd International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design, Rockport, Maine USA, June, 27-30, 2005. Ayvaşık, H. B., Er, N., & Sümer, N. (2005). Traffic Violations and Errors: The Effects of Sensation Seeking and Attention. Proceding of 3rd International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design, Rockport, Maine USA, June 27-30, 2005. Sümer, H. C., Bilgiç, R., Sümer, N., & Erol, T. (2003). Job-specific personality attributes as predictors of psychological well-being. Proceeding of paper presented at the International Military Testing Association Conference, Pensacola, Florida USA. Karancı, A., Güneş, H, Sümer, N., & Kazak-Berument, S. (2003). Psychological distress and growth among the survivors of the 1999 Marmara Earthquake. Proceeding of Disaster Resistant California Conference, April 20-23, 2003, San Jose, CA USA. Sümer, N., Ayvaşık, B., Er, N., & Özkan, T. (2001). Role of monotonous attention in traffic violations, errors, and accidents. Proceeding of the First International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design, Aspen, Colorado USA, August 14-17, 2001. Sümer, H.C., Sümer, N., & Çifci, S. (2000). Establishing construct and criterian related validity of a personality inventory in the Turkish Armed Forces. Proceeding of the International Military Testing Association Annual Meeting, Edinburg, United Kingdom. Sümer, H. C., Sümer, N., & Demirutku, K. (1999). A person-oriented job analysis for identifying skills and personality attributes to be assessed in officer selection. Proceeding of International Military Testing Association/NATO/RTA, November 9-11, 1999, Monterey, California USA. Sümer, H. C., Sümer, N., Şahin, N., Şahin, N. Demirutku, K., & Eroğlu, B. (1999). Development of a personality test battery to be used in officer selection in the Turkish Armed Forces. International Military Testing Association/NATO/RTA, November 9-11, 1999, Monterey, California. |