Robert Booth

Türkçe sürüm

Robert Booth

E-mail :

Personal web page

Education :

2009, PhD. Cognitive Psychology, University of Kent, United Kingdom
Thesis: Attentional Control Theory and Stroop Interference: Selective Attention Deteriorates Under Stress. 
Supervisor: Dr Dinkar Sharma

2004, MSc. Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology, University of Kent, United Kingdom

2002, BSc. Psychology, University of Kent, United Kingdom

Work Experience :

Associate Professor of Psychology Sabancı University, Turkey, September 2017 ? Associate Professor of Psychology MEF University, Turkey, July 2016 ? September 2017 Assistant Professor of Psychology MEF University, Turkey, July 2015 ? June 2016 Assistant Professor of Psychology Işık University, Turkey, September 2010 ? June 2015

Areas of Interest :

Cognition and emotion; anxiety; cognitive control; stress; fear; experimental psychopathology

Publications :

Booth, Robert and Erhan, Kaan and Erkocaoğlan, Ozan and Kuşpınar, Hasan and Yaldırak, Kaan (2024) "The best possible self task has direct effects on expectancies and mood, and an indirect effect on anxiety symptom severity". Published Online First
Booth, Robert and Gönül, Selen and Sözügür, Bedia Deniz and Khalid, Khadija (2024) "A behavioural test of depression-related probability bias". Published Online First
Kirkland, Kelly and Van Lange, Paul A. M. and Gorenz, Drew and Blake, Khandis and Amiot, Catherine E. and Ausmees, Liisi and Baguma, Peter and Barry, Oumar and Becker, Maja and Bilewicz, Michal and Boonyasiriwat, Watcharaporn and Booth, Robert and Castelain, Thomas and Costantini, Giulio and Dimdins, Girts and Espinosa, Agustin and Finchilescu, Gillian and Fischer, Ronald and Friese, Malte and Gomez, Angel and Gonzalez, Roberto and Goto, Nobuhiko and Halama, Peter and Hurtado-Parrado, Camilo and Ilustrisimo, Ruby D. and Jiga-Boy, Gabriela M. and Kuppens, Peter and Loughnan, Steve and Mastor, Khairul A. and McLatchie, Neil and Novak, Lindsay M. and Onyekachi, Blessing N. and Rizwan, Muhammad and Schaller, Mark and Serafimovska, Eleonora and Suh, Eunkook M. and Swann Jr, William B. and Tong, Eddie M. W. and Torres, Ana and Turner, Rhiannon N. and Vauclair, Christin-Melanie and Vinogradov, Alexander and Wang, Zhechen and Yeung, Victoria Wai Lan and Bastian, Brock (2024) "High economic inequality is linked to greater moralization", PNAS Nexus, Vol.3, No.7 (ESCI)
Booth, Robert and Mackintosh, Bundy and Hasşerbetçi, Servet (2024) "Probability, cost, and interpretation biases' relationships with depressive and anxious symptom severity: differential mediation by worry and repetitive negative thinking". Published Online First
Booth, Robert and Aydın, Çağla and Ulupunar, Ekin and Nadeem, Mahnoor (2023) "Probability bias is an independent correlate of depressive symptoms", Motivation and Emotion, Vol.47, No.4, 638-649 (SSCI)
Tanjitpiyanond, Porntida and Jetten, Jolanda and Peters, Kim and Ashokkumar, Ashwini and Barry, Oumar and Billet, Matthew and Becker, Maja and Booth, Robert and Castro, Diego and Chinchilla, Juana and Costantini, Giulio and Dejonckheere, Egon and Dimdins, Girts and Erbas, Yasemin and Espinosa, Agustín and Finchilescu, Gillian and Gómez, Ángel and González, Roberto and Goto, Nobuhiko and Hatano, Aya and Hartwich, Lea and Jarukasemthawee, Somboon and Karunagharan, Jaya Kumar and Novak, Lindsay M. and Kim, Jinseok P. and Kohút, Michal and Liu, Yi and Loughnan, Steve and Onyishi, Ike E. and Onyishi, Charity N. and Varela, Micaela and Pattara-angkoon, Iris S. and Peker, Müjde and Pisitsungkagarn, Kullaya and Rizwan, Muhammad and Suh, Eunkook M. and Swann, William and Tong, Eddie M. W. and Turner, Rhiannon N. and Vanhasbroeck, Niels and Van Lange, Paul A. M. and Vauclair, Christin Melanie and Vinogradov, Alexander and Wacera, Grace and Wang, Zhechen and Wibisono, Susilo and Yeung, Victoria Wai Lan (2023) "A 32-society investigation of the influence of perceived economic inequality on social class stereotyping", European Journal of Social Psychology, Vol.53, No.2, 367-382 (SSCI)
Booth, Robert and Peker, Müjde and Yavuz, Burak Baran and Aksu, Ayca (2022) "Estimated probabilities of positive, vs. negative, events show separable correlations with COVID-19 preventive behaviours", Personality and Individual Differences, Vol.191 (SSCI)
Blazhenkova, Olesya and Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Booth, Robert (2022) "Masked emotions: do face mask patterns and colors affect the recognition of emotions?", Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, Vol.7, No.1 (SSCI)
Booth, Robert and Sharma, Dinkar (2021) "Biased probability estimates in trait anxiety and trait depression are unrelated to biased availability", Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Vol.73 (SSCI)
Peker, Müjde and Booth, Robert and Güney, Onuray (2021) "Perceived self-society moral discrepancies concerning fairness predict depression and paranoid ideation", Current Psychology, Vol.40, No.3, 1152-1158 (SSCI)
Blazhenkova, Olesya and Booth, Robert (2020) "Individual differences in visualization and childhood play preferences", Heliyon, Vol.6, No.6 (SCI)
Booth, Robert and Sharma, Dinkar (2020) "Attentional control and estimation of the probability of positive and negative events", Cognition and Emotion, Vol.34, No.3, 553-567 (SSCI)
Booth, Robert and Tekeş, Burcu (2019) "Individual differences in anxiety and worry, not anxiety disorders, predict weakened executive control: preliminary evidence", International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, Vol.19, No.3, 337-344 (ESCI)
Booth, Robert (2019) "Reduced stroop interference under stress: decreased cue utilisation, not increased executive control", Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol.72, No.6, 1522-1529 (SCI, SSCI)
Booth, Robert and Sharma, Dinkar and Dawood, Faiqa and Doğan, Melis and Emam, Haidy Mahmoud Ahmed and Gönenç, Sude Sena and Kula, Nur Aslışah and Mazıcı, Bengisu and Saraçyakupoğlu, Atakan and Shahzad, Asad Ur Rehman (2019) "A relationship between weak attentional control and cognitive distortions, explained by negative affect", PLoS One, Vol.14, No.4 (SCI, SSCI)
Peker, Müjde and Booth, Robert and Eke, Aylin (2018) "Relationships among self-construal, gender, social dominance orientation, and interpersonal distance", Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol.48, No.9, 494-505 (SSCI)
Before SU Publications:
  1. Booth, R. W. (2017). Brief time course of trait anxiety-related attentional bias to fear-conditioned stimuli: Evidence from the dual-RSVP task. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 54, 71-76. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2016.06.007 (SSCI, Impact factor = 2.19)
  2. Peker, M., Booth, R. W. & Dikçe, U. (2017). Muhafazakarlık, kaygı ve tehdit edici uyarıcılara karşı dikkat yanlılığı. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, Special Issue on Toplum, Kimlik ve Siyaset: Sosyal Psikolojik Yaklaşımlar, 20, 62- 74.
  3. Booth, R. W., Mackintosh, B., & Sharma, D. (2017). Working memory regulates trait anxiety-related threat processing biases. Emotion, 17, 616- 627. doi: 10.1037/emo0000264 (SSCI, Impact factor = 3.08)
  4. Booth, R. W., & Peker, M. (2017). State anxiety impairs attentional control when other sources of control are minimal. Cognition and Emotion, 31, 1004- 1011. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2016.1172474  (SSCI, Impact factor = 2.42)
  5. Peker, M. & Booth, R. W. (2017). Biyoloji, biliş ve siyaset psikolojisi. In Ö. Gümüş (ed.), Siyaset Psikolojisi, Vol II, 1- 50, Nobel Yayınları.
  6. Booth, R. W., Sharma, D., & Leader, T. I. (2016). The age of anxiety? It depends where you look: Changes in STAI trait anxiety, 1970-2010. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 51, 193-202. doi: 10.1007/s00127-015-1096-0 (SSCI, Impact factor = 2.51)
  7. Alabak, M., Peker, M., & Booth, R. W. (2016). Looking good or doing good? Motivations of organisational citizenship behaviour in Turkish versus South Korean collectivists. International Journal of Psychology, 51, 238- 242. doi: 10.1002/ijop.12155 (SSCI, Impact factor = 1.28)
  8. Booth, R. W., Peker, M., & Oztop, P. (2016). Turkish adaptation of the Fear of Spiders Questionnaire: Reliability and validity in non-clinical samples. Cogent Psychology, 3, 1144250. doi: 10.1080/23311908.2016.1144250
  9. Peker, M., Gündoğdu, N., & Booth, R. W. (2015). Perceived self-society moral discrepancies predict depression, but not anxiety. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 337- 342. doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12100 (SSCI, Impact factor = 1.26)
  10. Booth, R. W. (2014). Involuntary avoidance of threat: Vigilance-avoidance, executive attentional control, inhibition and shifting. Cognition and Emotion, 28, 1465-1473. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2014.882294. (SSCI, Impact factor = 2.42)
  11. Booth, R. W., Mackintosh, B., Mobini, S., Oztop, P., & Nunn, S. (2014). Cognitive bias modification of attention is less effective under working memory load. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 38, 634-639. doi: 10.1007/s10608-014-9628-6. (SSCI, Impact factor = 2.03)
  12. Booth, R. W., & Sharma, D. (2014). Working memory load elicits attentional bias to threat. In K. Kaniasty, K. Moore, S. Howard & P. Buchwald (eds), Stress and anxiety: Application to educational, job, health, and traumatic life contexts (pp. 149- 157). Berlin: Logos Verlag.
  13. Booth, R. W. & Weger, U. W. (2013). The function of regressions in reading: Backward eye movements allow re-reading. Memory & Cognition, 41, 82-97. doi: 10.3758/s13421-012-0244-y. (SSCI, Impact factor = 2.04)
  14. Peker, M., & Booth, R. W. (2013). Relationships among uncertainty, anxiety, and behavioural inhibition and activation. In K. A. Moore, K. Kaniasty, P. Buchwald, & A. Sesé (eds.), Stress and anxiety: Applications to health and well-being, work stressors, and assessment (pp. 201- 208). Berlin: Logos-Verlag.
  15. Sharma, D., Booth, R., Brown, R., & Huguet, P. (2010). Exploring the temporal dynamics of social facilitation in the Stroop task. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 17, 52-58. doi: 10.758/PBR.17.1.52. (SSCI, Impact factor = 3.08)
  16. Booth, R., & Sharma, D. (2009). Stress reduces attention to irrelevant information: evidence from the Stroop task. Motivation and Emotion, 33, 412-418. doi: 10.1007/s11031-009-9141-5. (SSCI, Impact factor = 1.61)