Türkçe sürüm |
Bekir BedizE-mail : bekir.bediz sabanciuniv.edu Personal web page  Education :
B.S., Middle East Technical University, Mechanical Engineering, 2006
M.S., Middle East Technical University, Mechanical Engineering, 2009
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, Mechanical Engineering, 2014 Areas of Interest :
Structural Dynamics, vibrations, biomechanics, micro-manufacturingPublications :
Article |
Choupani, Andisheh and Temuçin, Elif Şevval and Çiftci Dede, Eda and Bakan Mısırlıoğlu, Feray and Çamiç, Büşra Tuğba and Özkoç, Güralp and Sezen, Meltem and Korkusuz, Petek and Korkusuz, Feza and Bediz, Bekir (2024) "Design of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) and poly(ethylene glycol) microneedle arrays for delivering glycosaminoglycan, chondroitin sulfate, and hyaluronic acid". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09205063.2024.2392914 |
Lotfan, Saeed and Dedekoy, Demir and Bediz, Bekir and Cigeroglu, Ender (2024) "A weak-form spectral Chebyshev technique for nonlinear vibrations of rotating functionally graded beams", Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol.31, No.16, 3651-3665 (SCI) |
Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Serhat, Gökhan and Basdogan, İpek and Bediz, Bekir (2024) "Eigenfrequency optimization of variable stiffness manufacturable laminates using spectral Chebyshev approach and lamination parameters", Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol.31, No.16, 3595-3606 (SCI) |
Sheikhi, Mohammad and Anamagh, Mirmeysam Rafiei and Bediz, Bekir and Tunç, Lütfi Taner (2024) "Conical-shaped variable stiffness composite laminates: design and fiber path planning", Materials and Design, Vol.244 (SCI) |
Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Alan, Salih and Yildizdag, M. Erden and Bediz, Bekir (2024) "A novel spectral element method with a higher-order coarse quad meshing approach to design laminated composite panels with arbitrarily shaped cutouts", Thin-Walled Structures, Vol.197 (SCI) |
Ozcevik, Birol and Soylemez, Emrecan and Bediz, Bekir and Simsek, Ugur (2024) "Effects of particle damper design parameters on the damping performance of laser powder bed fused structures", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.130, No.7-8, 3917-3928 (SCI) |
Sheikhi, Mohammad and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir and Tunç, Lütfi Taner (2024) "Design of manufacturable variable stiffness composite laminates using spectral Chebyshev and normalized cut segmentation methods", Composite Structures, Vol.330 (SCI) |
Alan, Salih and Shaban, Nefize and Kızıltaş, Güllü and Bediz, Bekir (2024) "Concurrent stacking sequence and layout optimization of stiffened composite plates using a spectral element method and an index-based optimization technique", Composite Structures, Vol.327 (SCI) |
Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Serhat, Gökhan and Basdogan, Ipek and Bediz, Bekir (2023) "Advanced lamination parameter interpolation and extrapolation methods for designing manufacturable variable stiffness laminates", Composite Structures, Vol.326 (SCI) |
Lahe Motlagh, Peyman and Bediz, Bekir and Alan, Salih and Kefal, Adnan (2023) "Analysis of smart laminated composites integrated with piezoelectric patches using spectral element method and lamination parameters", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.567 (SCI) |
Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Gokalp, Kaya and Akyıldız, Taha Atahan and Alan, Salih and Kaya, Kamer and Bediz, Bekir (2023) "A hybrid CPU–GPU solver based on three-dimensional spectral Chebyshev technique for determining the dynamic behavior of thick sandwich panels", Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.147, 181-194 (SCI) |
Shekhar, Shivang and Bediz, Bekir and Özdoğanlar, O. Burak (2023) "Tool-tip dynamics in micromachining with arbitrary tool geometries and the effect of spindle speed", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.185 (SCI) |
Lotfan, Saeed and Bediz, Bekir (2022) "Free vibrations of rotating pre-twisted blades including geometrically nonlinear pre-stressed analysis", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.535 (SCI) |
Bediz, Bekir (2022) "Yapıların yüksek doğruluklu modal analizi için otomatik darbe tahrik sistemi [Automated impact excitation system for high accuracy modal analysis of structures]", International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, Vol.34, No.2, 317-327 (NA) |
Seyyedrahmani, Farzad and Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Serhat, Gökhan and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2022) "Multi-objective optimization of composite sandwich panels using lamination parameters and spectral Chebyshev method", Composite Structures, Vol.289 (SCI) |
Sümer, Yavuz and Bediz, Bekir (2022) "Çok fonksiyonlu paralel geçit ve yüzme merdiveni tasarımı ve analizi", Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Dergisi, Vol.20, No.1, 1-11 (NA) |
Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir (2022) "Design of laminated conical shells using spectral Chebyshev method and lamination parameters", Composite Structures, Vol.281 (SCI) |
Lotfan, Saeed and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir and Ciğeroğlu, Ender (2022) "Nonlinear resonances of axially functionally graded beams rotating with varying speed including Coriolis effects", Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.107, No.1, 533-558 (SCI) |
Alan, Salih and Bediz, Bekir (2021) "A novel electromechanical spectral element method for piezoelectric energy harvester plates", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.505 (SCI) |
Lotfan, Saeed and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir (2021) "A general higher-order model for vibration analysis of axially moving doubly-curved panels/shells", Thin-Walled Structures, Vol.164 (SCI) |
Sarabi, Misagh Rezapour and Bediz, Bekir and Falo, Louis D. and Korkmaz, Emrullah and Tasoğlu, Savaş (2021) "3D printing of microneedle arrays: challenges towards clinical translation", Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine, Vol.5, No.2, 65-70 (NA) |
Lahe, Peyman and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2021) "Electromechanical analysis of functionally graded panels with surface-integrated piezo-patches for optimal energy harvesting", Composite Structures, Vol.263 (SCI) |
Lotfan, Saeed and Biglari, Hasan and Choupani, Andisheh and Bediz, Bekir (2021) "Dynamics of carbon nanotubes under thermally induced nanoparticle transport on helical tracks", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.93, 684-707 (SCI) |
Anamagh, Mirmeysam Rafiei and Bediz, Bekir (2020) "Free vibration and buckling behavior of functionally graded porous plates reinforced by graphene platelets using spectral Chebyshev approach", Composite Structures, Vol.253 (SCI) |
Motlagh, Peyman Lahe and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2020) "A spectral Tchebychev solution for electromechanical analysis of thin curved panels with multiple integrated piezo-patches", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.486 (SCI) |
Sümer, Yavuz and Bediz, Bekir (2020) "Çok fonksiyonlu paralel geçit merdiveni tasarımı, analizi ve üretimi", Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Dergisi, Vol.18, No.2, 92-105 (NA) |
Serhat, Gokhan and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir and Basdogan, Ipek (2020) "Dynamic analysis of doubly curved composite panels using lamination parameters and spectral-Tchebychev method", Computers and Structures, Vol.239 (SCI) |
Serhat, Gökhan and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2020) "Unifying lamination parameters with spectral-Tchebychev method for variable-stiffness composite plate design", Composite Structures, Vol.242 (SCI) |
Bediz, Bekir and Özdoğanlar, O. Burak (2019) "Rotational dynamics of micro-scale cutting tools", Precision Engineering, Vol.60, 1-11 (SCI) |
Aghakhani, Amirreza and Motlagh, Peyman Lahe and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2019) "A general electromechanical model for plates with integrated piezo-patches using spectral-Tchebychev method", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.458, 74-88 (SCI) |
Anamagh, Mirmeysam Rafiei and Bediz, Bekir (2019) "Three-dimensional dynamics of functionally graded and laminated doubly-curved composite structures having arbitrary geometries and boundary conditions", Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.172, 533-546 (SCI) |
Bediz, Bekir (2018) "A spectral-Tchebychev solution technique for determining vibrational behavior of thick plates having arbitrary geometry", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.432, 272-289 (SCI) |
Bediz, Bekir (2018) "Three-dimensional vibration behavior of bi-directional functionally graded curved parallelepipeds using spectral Tchebychev approach", Composite Structures, Vol.191, 100-112 (SCI) |
Bediz, Bekir and Aksoy, Serdar (2018) "A spectral-Tchebychev solution for three-dimensional dynamics of curved beams under mixed boundary conditions", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.413, 26-40 (SCI) |
Papers in Conference Proceedings |
Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Serhat, Gokhan and Basdogan, İpek and Bediz, Bekir, "Design and fabrication of variable stiffness composite laminates with enhanced dynamic behavior", 21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21), GeM - Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering - UMR 6183 - Nantes Université - École Centrale de Nantes - CNRS, July 2024, 524-531 |
Dedeköy, Demir and Ciğeroğlu, Ender and Bediz, Bekir, "Nonlinear vibration analysis of uniform and functionally graded beams with spectral Chebyshev technique and harmonic balance method", Brake, Matthew R.W. and Renson, Ludovic and Kuether, Robert J. and Tiso, Paolo (eds.), 40th IMAC: A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Springer Cham, January 2023, 119-129 |
Şimşek, Uğur and Ozcevik, Birol and Soylemez, Emrecan and Bediz, Bekir, "Integration of particle dampers with additive manufacturing for sustainable aviation", Towards Sustainable Aviation Summit, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, October 2022 |
Ahmed, Kazi Sher and Bediz, Bekir, "Design of an active magnetic bearing spindle for micro-milling applications", 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, Middle East Technical University, September 2022 |
Motlagh, Peyman Lahe and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek, "A spectral Tchebychev solution for electrostatic analysis of functionally graded composite plates with integrated piezo-patches", Ferreira, António J. M. and Araújo, Aurélio and Moleiro, Filipa and Madeira, José Aguilar and Soares, Cristóvão Mota and Fantuzzi, Nicholas and Bacciocchi, Michele and Neves, Ana (eds.), 7th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (MECHCOMP7), University of Porto, September 2021, 159-159 |
Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir, "Buckling analysis of laminated composite panels using 2D spectral Chebyshev and lamination parameters", Ferreira, António J. M. and Santiuste, Carlos and Fantuzzi, Nicholas and Bacciocchi, Michele and Neves, Ana (eds.), 24th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS24), University of Porto, June 2021, 90-91 |
Anamagh, Mirmeysam Rafiei and Bediz, Bekir, "Three-dimensional dynamics of laminated curved composite structures: a spectral-Tchebychev solution", Sapountzakis, Evangelos J. and Banerjee, Muralimohan and Biswas, Paritosh and Inan, Esin (eds.), 14th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP 2019), Springer Singapore, January 2021, 845-855 |
Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir, "Three-dimensional vibration behavior of FGM doubly-curved laminated structures", International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC), SEM (Society for Experimental Mechanics), January 2019 |
Bediz, Bekir and Özdoğanlar, O. Burak, "Predicting the rotating tool-tip dynamics in mechanical micromachining using modal testing", International Congress on Machining (UTIS 2018), UTIS Organizing Committee, November 2018 |
Bediz, Bekir, "Effects of the rotational speed on the dynamics of micro cutting tools", 18th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, Middle East Technical University, July 2018 | Before SU Publications:
Journal Publications:
- Korkmaz, E., Gozen, B. A., Bediz, B., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2017, 'Accurate measurement of micromachining forces through dynamic compensation of dynamometers', Precision Engineering, v.49, pp. 365-376.
- Bediz, B., Romero, L. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2015, `Three dimensional dynamics of rotating structures under mixed boundary conditions', Journal of Sound and Vibration, v.358(8), pp. 176-191.
- Bediz, B., Gozen, B. A., Korkmaz, E., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `Dynamics of ultra-highspeed (UHS) spindles used for micromachining', International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, v.87, pp. 27-38.
- Bediz, B., Korkmaz, E., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `An impact excitation system for repeatable, high-bandwidth modal testing of miniature structures', Journal of Sound and Vibration, v.333, pp. 2743-2761.
- Filiz, S., Bediz, B., Romero, L. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `Three dimensional dynamics of pretwisted beams: A spectral-Tchebychev solution', Journal of Sound and Vibration, v.333, pp. 2823-2839.
- Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B. , Gozen, B. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `Dynamic characterization of multi-axis dynamometers', Precision Engineering , v.38(1), pp. 148-161.
- Bediz, B. , Korkmaz, E., Khilwani, R., Donahue, C., Erdos, G., Falo Jr., L. D., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `Dissolvable microneedle arrays for intradermal delivery of biologics: fabrication and application', Pharmaceutical Research , v.31(1), pp. 117-135.
- Suphekar, S. D., Gozen, B. A., Bediz, B. , Ozdoganlar, O. B., Skerlos, S. J., 2013, `Feasibility of supercritical carbon dioxide based metalworking fluids in micromilling', Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering , v.135(2), 024501.
- Filiz, S., Bediz, B. , Romero, L. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2012, `A spectral-Tchebychev solution for three-dimensional vibrations of parallellepipeds under mixed boundary conditions', Journal of Applied Mechanics , v.79(5), 051012.
- Bediz, B. , Kumar, U., Ozdoganlar, O. B., and Schmitz, T. L., 2012, `Modeling and experimentation of three-dimensional dynamics of endmills', International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing , v.53(1), pp. 39-50.
- Bediz, B. , Ozguven, H. N., and Korkusuz, F., 2009, `Vibration measurements predict the mechanical properties of tibia', Journal of Clinical Biomechanics , v.25, pp. 365-371.
Conference Publications:
- Korkmaz, E., Gozen, B. A., Bediz, B., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2015, `High-frequency compensation of dynamic distortions in micromachining force measurements', North American Manufacturing Research Conference.
- Bediz, B., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2015, `Modeling three-dimensional dynamics of rotating micro endmills including attachment errors', International Conference on Micromanufacturing.
- Hao, B., Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `A novel test artifact for performance evaluation of additive manufacturing processes', American Society for Precision Engineering Conference.
- Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Gozen, B. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `Accurate measurement of micromachining forces through high frequency correction of multi-axis dynamometers', Proceedings of International Conference on Micromanufacturing.
- Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Gozen, B. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2013, `Force measurement characteristics of multi-axis dynamometers', North American Manufacturing Research Conference.
- Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Khilwani, R., Erdos, G., Falo Jr., L. D., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2013, `A novel technique for fabrication of dissolvable microneedle arrays', 7th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology.
- Hao, B., Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2013, `Geometric qualication of polymer micro and meso-scale features fabricated by UV-based additive manufacturing', International Conference on Micromanufacturing.
- Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Khilwani, R., Erdos, G., Falo Jr., L. D., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2013, `Fabrication of water-soluble and biodegradable microneedle arrays for drug delivery', Nano and Micro Manufacturing.
- Bediz, B., Korkmaz, E., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2013, `An impact excitation system for repeatable, high-bandwidth modal testing of miniature structures', IMAC-XXXI Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics.
- Bediz, B., Korkmaz, E., Gozen, B. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2012, `Dynamic characterization of a miniature ultra-high-speed (UHS) spindle through experimental modal analysis', Proceedings of the 12th International euspen conference, June 4-8, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Korkmaz E., Bediz, B., Gozen, B. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2012, `Identication of dynamometer dynamics for accurate measurement of micro-cutting forces,' Proceedings of International Conference on Micromanufacturing, Northwestern University, IL, March 12-14.
- Bediz, B., Khilwani, R., Kota, N., Salas, G., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2011, `Mechanical micromanufacturing and its applications', Manufacturing for Growth, Napa Valley, CA.
- Bediz, B., Kumar, U., Ozdoganlar, O. B., Schmitz, T. L., 2011, `Three-dimensional endmill dynamics: Modal development and experimental validation', in Proc. of the ASME, 2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Corvallis, OR, June 13-17, 111-118.
- Khilwani, R., Bediz, B., Long, G. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2011, `Micromachining of polymers', Proceedings of International Conference on Micromanufacturing, Japan.
- Ozdoganlar, O. B., Schmitz, T. L., Bediz, B., Kumar, U., 2011, `Three-dimensional endmill dynamics: Modal development and experimental validation,' in Proc., 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, GA, Jan 4-7.
- Bediz, B., Ozguven, H. N., Korkusuz, F., 2008, `Measuring structural dynamic properties of human tibia by modal testing', Proceedings of the 26th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, Florida, February