Faik Kurtulmuş

Türkçe sürüm

Faik Kurtulmuş

E-mail : faik.kurtulmussabanciuniv.edu

Personal web page

Education :

2006-2010 DPhil in Political Theory, University of Oxford
2004-2006 MPhil in Political Theory, University of Oxford
2002-2003 MA in Political Philosophy, University of York
1998-2002 BA in International Relations, Koc University

Awards :

  • Brian Barry Prize in Political Science - British Academy  2024
  • BAGEP - Bilim Akademisi  2019

Publications :

Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik (2024) "Distributive epistemic justice in science", British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol.75, No.2, 325-345 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI)
Kurtulmuş, Faik (2023) "Bilimde değerlerin rolü ışığında bilime güven", Felsefe Arkivi, Vol.2023, No.58, 1-21 (NA)
Kurtulmuş, Faik (2022) "Science, trust and justice: more lessons from the pandemic", Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, Vol.11, No.6, 11-17 (NA)
Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik (2021) "Well-ordered science and public trust in science", Synthese (SI), Vol.198, 4731-4748 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI)
Kurtulmuş, Faik (2020) "The epistemic basic structure", Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol.37, No.5, 818-835 (SSCI, AHCI)
Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik (2019) "What is epistemic public trust in science?", British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol.70, No.4, 1145-1166 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI)
Kurtulmuş, Ahmet Faik (2018) "Looking for the Kernel of truth in Sandel's the case against perfection", Beytulhikme: An International Journal of Philosophy, Vol.8, No.2, 521-534 (ESCI)
Kurtulmuş, Faik and Irzık, Gürol (2017) "Justice in the distribution of knowledge", Episteme, Vol.14, No.2, 129-146 (AHCI)
Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik (2013) "Votes and lab coats: democratizing scientific research and science policy", Metascience, Vol.22, No.1, 45-61 ()
Jubb, Robert and Kurtulmuş, Faik (2012) "No country for honest men: political philosophers and real politics", Political Studies, Vol.60, No.3, 539-556 (SSCI)
Kurtulmuş, Ahmet Faik (2012) "Dworkin's prudent insurance ideal: two revisions", Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol.38, No.4, 243-246 (SSCI)
Kurtulmuş, Ahmet Faik (2012) "Uncertainty behind the veil of ignorance", Utilitas, Vol.24, No.1, 41-62 (AHCI)
Book Section / Chapter
Kurtulmuş, Faik, "Gürol Irzık", Cumhuriyetimizin 100. Yılında 100 Felsefecimiz, Durmaz, Nihat and Pilgir, Muhammet (eds.), Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, December 2023, 555-568
Kurtulmus, Faik and Kandiyali, Jan, "Class and inequality: why the media fails the poor and why this matters", The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Media Ethics, Fox, Carl and Saunders, Joe (eds.), London: Routledge, November 2023
Kurtulmuş, Faik, "The democratization of science", Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science, Ludwig, David and Koskinen, Inkeri and Mncube, Zinhle and Poliseli, Luana and Reyes-Galindo, Luis (eds.), London, UK: Routledge, July 2021, 145-154
Before SU Publications:

A. Faik Kurtulmus, `Rawls and Cohen on Facts and Principles', Utilitas, Vol.21, 2009, pp. 489-505.