Türkçe sürüm |
Bekir Harun KucukE-mail : harun.kucuk sabanciuniv.edu Publications :
Article |
Küçük, Bekir Harun (2022) "Response to Nir Shafir", Osmanli Arastirmalari - Journal of Ottoman Studies, Vol.59, No.59, 261-272 (AHCI) |
Book Section / Chapter |
Küçük, Harun Bekir, "Islam, Christianity, and the conflict thesis", Science and Religion: New Historical Perspectives, Dixon, Thomas and Cantor, Geoffrey and Pumfrey, Stephen (eds.), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, April 2010, 111-130 | Before SU Publications:
"Zwischen islamischen intellektueller Erneuerung und Verwestlichung. Kosmopolitische Gelehrsamkeit im Istanbul des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts." in Dietrich Klein and Birte Platow, Hrsg. Wahrnehmung des Islam zwischen Reformation und Aufklärung. Münich: Wilhelm Fink, 2008.
Substantial contributions to Arnold Reisman, Refugees and Reforms: Turkey’s Journey. Charleston, SC: Booksurge Publishing, 2009.
Review of "Arnold Reisman, Turkey's Modernization: Refugees from Nazism and Atatürk's Vision. Washington, DC: New Academia Press, 2006." in Isis 99/1. 2008.