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Gurol IrzıkE-mail : gurol.irzik Education :Ph.D. (1986) History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA Work Experience :2009-present Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabancı University Areas of Interest :Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Social Sciences, Social and Political Philosophy, Science EducationMembership :European Cultural Parliament (elected in 2007); Science Academy, Turkey (elected in 2012)Publications :
Before SU Publications:
Books: A. Erzan, G. Irzık, E. Kansu, Ş. Ruacan, A. Tekcan, A. Tolun and Y. Yılmaz, Bilim Etiği El Kitabı (Handbook of Science Ethics) Turkish Academy of Sciences Publications, 2008. S. Voss, B. Kılınç and G. Irzık (eds.), Logic and Philosophy of the Sciences, The Proc. of the 21st World Congress of Philosophy, vol. 5, Philosophical Society of Turkey, 2007. R. Nola and G. Irzık, Science, Philosophy, Education and Culture, Springer, 2005. G. Irzık and G. Güzeldere (eds.), Turkish Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2005. G. Irzık and I. Inan (eds.) Arda Denkel’in Ardından (Arda Denkel: In Memoriam), Boğaziçi University Publications, 2005. D. T. Ceylan and G. Irzık (eds.), How are We Educated?, History Foundation of Turkey Publications, 2005. D. T. Ceylan and G. Irzık (eds.), Human Rights Issues in Textbooks: The Turkish Case, History Foundation of Turkey Publications, 2004. I. Tekeli, S. Ç. Özoğlu, B. Akşit, G. Irzık, and A. Inam (eds.), Bilgi Toplumuna Geçiş (Transition to Knowledge Society) Turkish Academy of Sciences Publications, 2002.
Refereed Articles in English G. Irzık, “Popper's Piecemeal Engineering: What is Good for Science is not always Good for Society”, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 26, 1985: 1-10. Reprinted in Karl Popper: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers (ed). A. O’Hear, vol. IV, Routledge, 2004. G. Irzık and E. Meyer, “Causal Modeling: New Directions for Statistical Explanation”, Philosophy of Science, vol. 54, 1987: 495-514. G. Irzık, “Armstrong's Account of Probabilistic Laws”, Analysis, vol. 51, 1991: 214-217. G. Irzık and T. Grünberg, “Carnap and Kuhn: Arch Enemies or Close Allies?”, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 46,1995: 285-307. G. Irzık, “Can Causes be Reduced to Correlations?”, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 47,1996: 249-270. G. Irzık and T. Grünberg , “Whorfian Variations on Kantian Themes: Kuhn's Linguistic Turn”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, vol. 29, 1998, s. 207-221. A. Buğra and G. Irzık, “Human Needs, Consumption, and Social Policy”, Economics and Philosophy, vol. 15, 1999: 187-208. G. Irzık, “A Re-evaluation of Logical Empiricism”, Revista Patagonica de Filosofia, vol. 1, 1999: 49-68. G. Irzık, “Il Nuovo Kuhn: la Formulazione tassonomica”, Iride, vol. 13, 2000: 636-645. G. Irzık and S. Irzık, “Which Multiculturalism?”, Science and Education vol. 11, 2002: 393-403. G. Irzık, “Universalism, Multiculturalism, and Science Education”, Science Education, vol. 85, 2001: 71-74. R. Nola and G. Irzık “Incredulity Toward Lyotard: A Critique of Postmodern Conception of Science and Knowledge”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, vol. 34, 2003: 391-421. G. Irzık and Robert Nola, “Worldviews and Their Relation to Science”, Science & Education, vol. 18, 2009: 729–745. Reprinted in Science, Worldviews and Education (ed. M. Matthews), Springer, 2009, pp. 81-97. G. Irzık and E. Sober, “Introduction to the Synthese special issue on Hans Reichenbach, Istanbul, and Experience and Prediction”, Synthese, published online: 4 July 2009, DOI 10.1007/s11229-009-9596-7. G. Irzık, “Hans Reichenbach in Istanbul”, Synthese, published online: 4 July 2009, DOI 10.1007/s11229-009-9592-y.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings in English: G. Irzık, “Causal Modeling and the Statistical Analysis of Causation”, PSA 1986, Vol. 1. (Eds.) A. Fine and P. Machamer. MI: East Lansing, Philosophy of Science Association, pp. 12-23. G. Irzık, “Singular Causation and Law”, PSA 1990, Vol. 1. (Eds.) A. Fine, M. Forbes, and L. Wessels. MI: East Lansing, Philosophy of Science Association, pp. 537-544. G. Irzık, “Cartwright, Capacities, and Probabilities”, PSA 1992, Vol. 1. (Eds.) M. Forbes, D. Hull, and K. Okruhlik. MI: East Lansing, Philosophy of Science Association, pp. 239-250. G. Irzık, “Popper's Epistemology and World Three”, in The Concept of Knowledge. (Eds.) Kucuradi and R. S. Cohen. Kluwer Academic Press, 1995, pp. 83-95. G. Irzık, “Teaching Philosophy of Science in an Islamic Cultural Context”, Proceedings of the Third International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Conference, (Eds.) F. Finley, D. Allchin, D. Rhees, and S. Fifield. University of Minnesota Pub., vol. 1, 1995, pp. 552-556. G. Irzık, “Philosophy of Science and Radical Intellectual Islam in Turkey”, in Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Science Education, (ed.) William Cobern. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, 1998, pp. 163-180. Translated into Russian in Problems of Philosophy, no. 2, 1999: 68-83. G. Irzık, “Three Dogmas of Humean Causation”. In Stochastic Dependence and Causality, (eds.) M.C. Galavotti, P. Suppes and D. Costantini. CSLI Publications (Stanford University) , 2001, pp. 85-102. G. Irzık, “Carnap and Kuhn: A Belated Encounter”. In the Scope of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science vol. II, (eds.) P. Gardenfors, J. Wolenski and K. Kijina-Placek. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 603-620. G. Irzık, “Improving ‘Styles of Experimentation’: A Comment on Ursula Klein”. In Observation and Experiment in the Natural and Social Sciences, (ed.) M. C. Galavotti. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, pp. 203-207. G. Irzık, “Changing Conceptions of Rationality from Logical Positivism to Post-Positivism”. In Logical Empiricism (eds.) P. Parrini, W. Salmon, and M. Salmon, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003, pp. 325-346. G. Irzık, “Human Rights Issues in Sociology, Psychology and Philosophy Textbooks”, In Human Rights Issues in Textbooks: The Turkish Case, (eds.) Deniz Tarba Ceylan and Gürol Irzık, Tarih Vakfi Yayınları, 2004, s. 149-170. G. Irzık, “Commercialization of Science in a Neoliberal World”, in Reading Polanyi for the 21st Century: Market Economy as a Political Project (eds.) A. Buğra and Kaan Ağartan, Palgrave, 2007, pp. 135-153. Translated into Turkish in 21. Yüzyılda Karl Polanyi'yi Oukmak, (eds.) A. Buğra and K. Ağartan, İletişim Yayınları, 2009, pp. 187-210. G. Irzık, “Science and its Discontents”, Philosophy Facing World Problems, The Proc. of the 21st World Congress of Philosophy, vol. 13, (ed.) I. Kucuradi, Philosophical Society of Turkey, 2007. G. Irzık, “Critical Rationalism”, in Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Science (eds.) S. Psillos and M. Curd, Routledge, 2008, pp.58-66. G. Irzık, “Kuhn, Thomas Samuel”, Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography (ed. N. Koertge), Vol. 22. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008, pp. 170-177. G. Irzık, “'World' in Worldviews, the Universal and the Local”, in 2007 World Philosophy Day (ed. I. Kuçuradi), Philosophical Society of Turkey, 2009, pp. 196-201. G. Irzık, “Methodology in the Basic and Social Sciences as an Ethical Question”, in Proceedings of the ALLEA Standing Committee on Science and Ethics Wokshop on Current Issues, All European Academies (ALLEA) Publications, 2009, pp. 53-62.
Book Reviews and Review Articles:
G. Irzık, “A Review of Probabilistic Metaphysics”, Teaching Philosophy, vol. 9, 1986: 178-80. G. Irzık, “Back to Basics: A Philosophical Critique of Constructivism”, Science and Education , vol. 9, 2000, s. 621-639. Reprinted in Studies in Philosophy and Education vol. 20, 2001: 157-175. G. Irzık, “A Review of The Road Since Structure”, Philosophy of Science, vol. 68, 2001: 573-575.
Articles and Book Chapters in Turkish: “Nedensellik Kuramları-1”, (Theories of Causation-1) Felsefe Tartışmaları, 5. Kitap, 1988: 84-96. “Nedensellik Kuramları-2”, (Theories of Causation-1) Felsefe Tartışmaları, 6. Kitap, 1988: 64-81. “İki Kuhn”, (Two Kuhns) Felsefe Tartışmaları, 8. Kitap, 1990: 64-71. “Karl Popper'ın Üç Dünya Kuramı ve Bilimsel Bilginin Nesnelliği”, (Karl Popper’s Theory of Three Worlds and the Objectivity of Knowledge) Felsefe Tartışmaları, 9. Kitap, 1990: 84-94. “Wittgenstein ve Carnap: Tractatus'un Mantıkçı Pozitivizme Etkisi”, (Wittgenstein and Carnap: The Influence of Tractatus on Logical Positivism) Felsefe Tartışmaları, 11. Kitap, 1992: 59-81. “Bilim Felsefesi Nereye Gidiyor?”, (Philosophy of Science-Quo Vadis?) In Bilim Felsefesi Seminerleri, (ed.) B. Dinçtürk. TÜBITAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi, 1997, pp. 4-15. “Geometrik Aksiyomlar ve Frege-Hilbert Tartışması”, (Geometric Axioms and Frege-Hilbert Debate) In Bilim Felsefesi Seminerleri, (ed.) B. Dinçtürk. TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi, 1997, pp. 53-65. “Felsefede Temellendirme İrrasyonelliği Gerektiriyor mu?” (Does Philosophical Grounding Require Irrationality?) Felsefe Tartışmaları, 23. Kitap, 1998: 52-54. “Insan Doğası, Insan Ihtiyaçları ve Iktisat”. (Human Nature, Needs and the Science of Economics) In Sosyal Bilimleri Yeniden Düşünmek içinde, (eds.) T. Bora, S. Sökmen, and K. Şahin. Metis Yayınları, 1998, pp. 34-41. “Bilimde Yalana Yer Var mı?” (Does Science Lie?) Cogito 16. Kitap, 1998: 198-206. “Felsefeci Gözüyle Bilim-Teknoloji-Toplum Üçgeninde Türkiye”. (Turkey, Science and Technology: A Philosophical Perspective) In Uluslararası Bilim, Teknoloji ve Toplum Sempozyumu. (eds.) H. Ansal and D. Çalışır. Istanbul Technical University Yayınları, 1999, pp. 175-179. “Felsefeci Gözüyle İnsan İhtiyaçları ve Ekonomik Yaşam”. (A Philosophical Perspective on Human Needs and Economy) In Toplam Ahlak (ed.) Yahya Tezel. Friedrich Nauman Vakfı Yayınları, Ankara, 1999. “Ahlakı Tartışmak ve Yaşamak” (To Lead a Life Ethically), Görüş, Ocak-Şubat 2001: 18-20. “Yanlışlamacı Bilim Felsefesi: Genel Bir Değerlendirme” (Falsificationism: A General Assesment) Felsefe Tartışmaları, 28. Kitap, 2001: 19-35. “Bilgi Toplumu mu Enformasyon Toplumu mu? Analitik-Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım” (Knowledge or Information Society? An Analytical and Critical Assesment) In Bilgi Toplumuna Geçiş (eds.) İ. Tekeli et. al. TÜBA Yayınları, 2002, pp. 53-62. “Lise Sosyoloji, Psikoloji ve Felsefe Ders Kitaplarında İnsan Hakları” (Human Right Issues in High School Sociology, Psychology and Philosophy Textbooks”. In Ders Kitaplarında İnsan Hakları: Tarama Sonuçları içinde (eds.) B. Çotuksöken, A. Erzan and O. Silier, Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, 2003, pp. 264-282. “Türkiye’de Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Yapmak Üstüne Düşünceler” (Thoughts on Doing Philosophy, Philosophy and History of Science in Turkey), Toplum ve Bilim, vol. 99, 2004: 65-74. “Metafiziğin Direnci”, (The Resistance of Metaphysics), Virgül, vol. 79, 2005: 8-13. “Yöntemsel Bireycilik-Bütünselcilik Tartışmasına Bir Katkı”, (A Contribution to the Debate on Methodological Individualism and Holism) Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler içinde (der.) Kubilay Hoşgör, Vadi Yayınları, s. 81-88, 2006. “İnsan İhtiyaçları ve Sosyal Politika”, (Human Needs and Social Policy) Adalet Söyleşileri, (der.) Kevser Güler ve Gamze Hızlı, Anadolu Kültür Yayıncılık, 2007, s. 23-36. “Eğitim Sistemimizin Zihniyet Sorunu”, (The Problematic mentality of our Educational Sysytem) Cumhuriyet, Eğitim Reformu ve Dewey, (der.) John Anton ve Pınar Canevi, Forum İstanbul Enstitüsü Yayınları, 2007. s. 54-59. “Felsefe Grubu Ders Kitaplarında İnsan Hakları”, (Human Rights Issues in Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology Textbokks) Ders Kitaplarında İnsan Hakları II: Tarama Sonuçları içinde (der.) Gürel Tüzün, Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, 2009, s. 291-312.