Türkçe sürüm |
Abdurrahman AydemirE-mail : abdurrahman.aydemirsabanciuniv.edu Personal web page Education :
Ph.D. (Economics), The University of Western Ontario, 2003 Fields: Labour Economics, Public Economics M.A. (Economics), The University of Western Ontario, 1996 B.S. (Industrial Eng.), Bilkent University, 1994 Work Experience :
2007 ? present Assistant Professor Sabanci University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 2006 - 2007 Senior Researcher ? ES 06 Family and Labour Studies Division Statistics Canada 2001 ? 2006 Senior Research Economist ? ES 05 Family and Labour Studies Division Statistics Canada 2000 ? 2001 Research Associate Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, Ottawa, Canada 1996 ? 1999 Part-time Lecturer Department of Economics The University of Western Ontario Areas of Interest :
Labour Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Migration, Education, Intergenerational mobilityAwards :
- Expert - Skills Lab Network of Experts - European Training Foundation (ETF), EU 2021
- Expert- European Expert Network on Economics of Education - EENEE- European Commission 2021
- Research Fellow, 2020-2025 - Economic Research Forum 2020
- Fellow, Global Labor Organization - Global Labor Organization 2017
- Best Paper Award, Labor and Human Development - Economic Research Forum 2015
- Research Fellow - Economic Research Forum 2015
- IZA Fellow - IZA 2014
- Senior Member - Sosyal Politika Platformu, TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Sosyal Politikalar Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi 2013
- Best Paper Award, Labor and Human Development - Economic Research Forum 2011
- IZA Fellow - IZA 2010
- Research Affiliate - TUSIAD-KOC Economic Research Forum 2010
- MireKoc Research Grant - Koç University 2009
- TÜBA-GEBİP Outstanding Young Scientists Award Award (TÜBA-GEBİP Genç Bilim Adamı Ödülü) - Turkish Academy of Sciences (Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi) 2009
- Tom Symons Research Fellowship (Tom Symons Araştırma Bursu) - Statistics Canada, 1999
- International Graduate Student Scholarship (Uluslarası Öğrenci Lisansüstü Bursu) - University of Western Ontario 1994
- Special University Scholarship - University of Western Ontario 1994
- University Fellowship and Tuition Scholarship - Bilkent University 1990
Membership :
Society of Labour Economists, Canadian Economics Association, Canadian Labour Economics Forum, European Society of Population EconomicsPublications :
Article |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman and Kırdar, Murat Güray and Torun, Huzeyfe (2022) "The effect of education on internal migration of young men and women: incidence, timing, and type of migration", Labour Economics, Vol.74 (SSCI) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman (2020) "Skill-based immigration, economic integration, and economic performance (updated)", IZA World of Labor (NA) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman and Yazıcı, Hakkı (2019) "Intergenerational education mobility and the level of development", European Economic Review, Vol.116, 160-185 (SSCI) |
Altınok, Nadir and Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir (2017) "Does one size fit all? The impact of cognitive skills on economic growth", Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol.53, 176-190 (SSCI) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Kırdar, Murat (2017) "Quasi-experimental impact estimates of immigrant labor supply shocks: the role of treatment and comparison group matching and relative skill composition", European Economic Review, Vol.98, 282-315 (SSCI) |
Genç, Talat S. and Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir (2017) "Power trade, welfare, and air quality", Energy Economics, Vol.67, 423-438 (SSCI) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Kırdar, Murat G. (2017) "Low wage returns to schooling in a developing country: evidence from a major policy reform in Turkey". Published Online First http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/obes.12174 |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir (2014) "Skill-based immigration, economic integration, and economic performance", IZA World of Labor (NA) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Chen, Wen-Hao and Corak, Miles (2013) "Intergenerational education mobility among the children of Canadian immigrants", Canadian Public Policy, Vol.39, No.Supple, 107-122 (NA) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir (2011) "Immigrant selection and short-term labor market outcomes by visa category", Journal of Population Economics, Vol.24, No.2, 451-475 (SSCI) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Borjas, George J. (2011) "Attenuation bias in measuring the wage impact of immigration", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol.29, No.1, 69-112 (SSCI) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Chen, Wen-Hao and Corak, Miles (2009) "Intergenerational earnings mobility among the children of Canadian immigrants", Review of economics and statistics, Vol.91, No.2, 377-397 (SSCI) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Robinson, Chris (2008) "Global labour markets, return and onward migration", Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol.41, No.4, 1285-1311 (SSCI) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Skuterud, Mikal (2008) "The Immigrant wage differential within and across establishments", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol.61, No.3, 334-352 (SSCI) |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Sweetman, Arthur (2007) "First- and second-generation immigrant educational attainment and labor market outcomes: A comparison of the United States and Canada", Research in Labor Economics / Immigration - Trends, Consequences and Prospects for the United States, Vol.27, 215-270 (SSCI) |
Book Section / Chapter |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman, "Ekonomi", Sosyal Bilimler Ansiklopedisi, Saraç, Yekta (ed.), Ankara: Tübitak, June 2022, 400-402 |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Kırdar, Murat, "The integration of the 1989 repatriates from Bulgaria to the Turkish labour market", Waves of Diversity: Socio-Political Implications of International Migration in Turkey, Karaçay, Ayşem Biriz and Sert, Deniz Şenol and Göker, Zeynep Gülru (eds.), Istanbul, Turkey: Isis Press 2015, 29-54 |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir, "Skill-based immigrant selection and labor market outcomes by visa category", International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, Zimmermann, Klaus F. and Constant, Amelie F. (eds.), Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publications, September 2013, 432-452 |
Papers in Conference Proceedings |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir, "Küresel Rekabet Edilebilirlikte Beyin Göçü ve Beyin Kazanımı Konferansı ana konuşması", Günay, Emine Nur (ed.), Küresel Rekabet Edilebilirlikte Beyin Göçü ve Beyin Kazanımı, İstanbul: İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı, May 2012 |
Working Paper / Technical Report |
Akgündüz, Yusuf Emre and Aydemir, Abdurrahman and Cilasun, Seyit Mümin and Kirdar, Murat Güray, "Propagation of immigration shocks through firm-to-firm trade networks", January 2024, Sabancı University ID:IZA DP No. 16770 |
Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Güven, Cahit, "The effects of primary care and maternal education on infant mortality: evidence from concurrent natural experiments of family medicine implementation and compulsory schooling reforms in Turkey", July 2015 | Before SU Publications:
“The Immigrant Wage Differential Within and Across Establishments” (2008), Industrial and Labour Relations Review, April 2008, 61:3 (with Mikal Skuterud).
“Educational Attainment and Labour Market Outcomes of the First and Second Generations: A Comparison of the United States and Canada” (2007), Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 27, p. 215-270 (with Arthur Sweetman).
“A Comparative Analysis of the Labor Market Impact of International Migration: Canada, Mexico, and the United States” (2007). Journal of the European Economic Association. Vol. 5, issue 4, p. 663-708. (with George Borjas)
“Explaining the Deteriorating Entry Earnings of Canada’s Immigrant Cohorts: 1966-2000” (2005). Canadian Journal of Economics. Vol. 38, No.2, p. 641-671. (with Mikal Skuterud)
“Effects of Business Cycles on the Labour Market Participation and Employment Rate Assimilation of Immigrants” (2003). In C. Beach, A. Green and J. Reitz (editors), Canadian Immigration Policy for the 21st Century, p. 372-412, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal & Kingston.
“Volatility Modelling in Finance” (1998,2002 - 1st and 2nd ed.). In J. Knight and S. Satchel (editors), Forecasting Volatility in the Fina |