Nihat Gokhan Goğuş

Türkçe sürüm

Nihat Gokhan Goğuş

E-mail :

Personal web page

Education :

Bs.c in Mathematics, Middle East Technical University (1998) in Mathematics, Middle East Technical University (2001) Ph.d in Mathematics, Syracuse Üniversity (2006)

Work Experience :

Teaching assistant, Middle East Technical University, Mathematics (1998-2001) Teaching assistant, Syracuse University, Mathematics (2001-2006) Research post-doc associate, Syracuse University, Mathematics (2006-2007)

Areas of Interest :

Complex analysis in multi-variables, pluripotential theory, operator theory

Membership :

American Mathematical Society European Mathematical Society

Publications :

Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2024) "Growth spaces on circular domains taking values in a banach lattice, embeddings and composition operators", Mathematics, Vol.12, No.16 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Günyüz, Ozan and Yazıcı, Özcan (2023) "Core sets in Kähler manifolds", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.525, No.2 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Şahutoğlu, Sönmez (2023) "A sufficient condition for L-p regularity of the Berezin transform", Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, Vol.68, No.8, 1419-1428 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Sönmez, Sİnem Yelda (2023) "Toeplitz operators on weighted Bergman spaces on finitely connected domains", Annals of Functional Analysis, Vol.14, No.3 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2022) "Projective limits of Dirichlet spaces and embeddings of Bloch-type spaces", Annals of Functional Analysis, Vol.13, No.3 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Yilmaz, Faruk (2021) "Closures of Bergman-Besov spaces in the weighted bloch spaces on the unit ball", Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Vol.15, No.6 (SCI)
Yin, Li and Bhayo, Barkat Ali and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2021) "On generalized complete (p, q)-elliptic integrals", Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol.41, No.2, 475-486 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Şahutoğlu, Sönmez (2020) "On convergence of the Berezin transforms", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.491, No.1 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2020) "Structure of weighted Hardy spaces on finitely connected domains", Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.49, No.4, 1450-1457 (SCI)
Göğüş, Aytaç and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Erdi, Bahadır (2020) "Intersections between critical thinking skills and reflective thinking skills toward problem solving", Pamukkale University Journal of Education, No.49, 1-19 (ESCI)
Bao, Guanlong and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2019) "On the closures of Dirichlet type spaces in the Bloch space", Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Vol.13, No.1, 45-59 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Şahutoğlu, Sönmez (2018) "Schatten class Hankel and (partial derivative)over-bar-Neumann operators on pseudoconvex domains in C-n", Monatshefte für Mathematik, Vol.187, No.2, 237-245 (SCI)
Bao, Guanlong and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Pouliasis, Stamatis (2018) "On Dirichlet spaces with a class of superharmonic weights", Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol.70, No.4, 721-741 (SCI)
Bao, Guanlong and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Pouliasis, Stamatis (2017) "Q(p) spaces and Dirichlet type spaces", Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Vol.60, No.4, 690-704 (SCI)
Alan, Muhammed Ali and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2017) "A new class of hardy spaces in the plane", Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.46, No.4, 559-565 (SCI)
Bao, Guanlong and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Pouliasis, Stamatis (2017) "Intersection of harmonically weighted Dirichlet spaces", Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Vol.355, No.8, 859-865 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2017) "Continuity of lower envelopes", Optimization, Vol.66, No.7, 1055-1063 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2016) "Structure of weighted hardy spaces in the plane", Filomat, Vol.30, No.2, 473-482 (SCI)
Alan, Muhammed Ali and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2014) "Poletsky-Stessin-Hardy spaces in the plane", Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Vol.8, No.5, 975-990 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Perkins, Tony L. and Poletsky, Evgeny A. (2013) "Non-compact versions of Edwards' theorem", Positivity, Vol.17, No.3, 459-473 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2013) "Operator valued Dirichlet problem in the plane", Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.42, No.3, 269-280 (SCI)
Alan, Muhammed Ali and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2013) "Supports of weighted equilibrium measures: complete characterization", Potential Analysis, Vol.39, No.4, 411-415 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Şahutoğlu, Sönmez (2012) "Continuity of plurisubharmonic envelopes in C2", International Journal of Mathematics, Vol.23, No.12 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan and Poletsky, Evgeny A. (2009) "Jensen measures and annihilators of holomorphic functions", Illinois Journal of Mathematics, Vol.53, No.2, 679-690 (SCI)
Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan, "Jensen multifunctions in complex analysis: continuity of plurisubharmonic envelopes, Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag, October 2009
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Göğüş, Aytaç and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan, "Understanding the effective learning habits of the generation Y", Sampson, Demetrios G. and Spector, J. Michael and Ifenthaler, Dirk and Isaías, Pedro (eds.), IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2011), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society), November 2011, 271-274
Göğüş, Aytaç and Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan, "Evaluation of mental models (EMM) in mathematics domain", IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2009), Rome, Italy: IADIS, November 2009