Türkçe sürüm |
Şirin KayaE-mail : sirin.kaya sabanciuniv.edu Personal web page  Areas of Interest :
Neutron Stars
High Energy AstrophysicsMembership :
Türk Astronomi DerneğiPublications :
Article |
Posselt, B. and Pavlov, G. G. and Ertan, Ünal and Kaya, Şirin and Luhman, K. L. and Williams, C. C. (2018) "Discovery of extended infrared emission around the neutron star RXJ0806.4-4123", Astrophysical Journal, Vol.865, No.1 (SCI) |
Ertan, Ünal and Çalışkan, Şirin and Alpar, M. Ali (2017) "Optical excess of dim isolated neutron stars", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol.470, No.1, 1253-1258 (SCI) |
Benli, Onur and Çalışkan, Şirin and Ertan, Ünal (2015) "Long-term evolution, x-ray outburst and optical/infrared emission of SGR 0501+4516", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol.447, No.3, 2282-2286 (SCI) |
Benli, Onur and Çalışkan, Şirin and Ertan, Ünal and Alpar, M. Ali and Trümper, J. E. and Kylafis, N. D. (2013) "X-ray enhancement and long-term evolution of swift J1822.3-1606", Astrophysical Journal, Vol.778, No.2 (SCI) | |