Aziz Nazmi Şakir

Türkçe sürüm

Aziz Nazmi Şakir

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Areas of Interest :

Arabic language and literature; History of the Arabic literature; Balkan literatures; Early and Classical Age Ottoman history of sciences; Ottoman epigraphy; Islamic art; Creative writing and translations.

Awards :

  • International Writing Program (IWP)/Iowa - US Department of State  

Membership :

Bulgarian Translators’ Union

Publications :

Shakir, Aziz Nazmi (2009) "Ахмед Хилми (1865-1913) от Филибе и неговият суфитски шедьовър “A‘маак-ъ Хaяаль” (Дълбините на фантазията) (Ahmed Hilmi (1865-1913) from Filibe and his sufi masterpiece “A‘maq-i Khayal” (The depths of fantasy)", Orientalia / A Magazine for the East, Vol.2/2008, 89-95 (NA)
Shakir, Aziz Nazmi (2009) "Библейският мит за сътворението на небесата и земята според текста на Корана и в контекста на съвременните научни открития (The biblical myth about the creation of the heaven and the earth according to the text of the Koran and in the context of the modern scientific findings)", Annual of the Higher Islamic Institute, No.No. 1/, 97-121 (NA)
Shakir, Aziz Nazmi (2006) "Communicative problems caused by the puristic trends in modern Turkish language", Orientalia (NA)
Before SU Publications:

One Ottoman Priest - The Painful Vitae of the Sinful Sofronius 1739-1813, Kitap Publishing House, 2003; Petar Mutafchiev, One Book About Byzantium and the Bulgarians, Translation from the Bulgarian), Janet 45 Publishing House, 2006.