İsmet İnonu Kaya

Türkçe sürüm

İsmet İnonu Kaya

E-mail :

Personal web page

Education :

BS in EE, Middle East Tech. Univ., 1987 MS in Physics, Middle East Tech. Univ., 1990 PhD in Physics, Bilkent Univ., 1997

Work Experience :

Rowland Institute at Harvard, 1999-2003 Max-Planck Institute-FKF, Stuttgart, 1997-99 Bilkent University, 1992-1997 Arcelik Inc, 1991-1992 Aselsan Inc, 1986-1990

Areas of Interest :

quantum transport, quantum devices, device physics, nanoelectronics, graphene, 2d materials, low temperature physics, OLED displays

Awards :

  • Rowland Institute Fellowship -  1999
  • Sabanci Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Nato Postdoctoral Fellowship - Sabanci Foundation  1999
  • Max-Planck Fellowship -  1997

Membership :

Amerikan Fizik Toplulugu

Publications :

Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Güler, Tayfun and Amin, Saifa and Apak, Ahmet Muhtar and Apak, Alper and Parlak, Murat and Tastan, Umur and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Effect of graphene coating on flow boiling in a minichannel at sub-atmospheric pressures", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.229 (SCI)
Ma, M. and Welles, N. and Svitelskiy, O. and Yanık, Cenk and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Hanay, M. S. and Paul, M. R. and Ekinci, K. L. (2024) "Mode-dependent scaling of nonlinearity and linear dynamic range in a NEMS resonator", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.125, No.8 (SCI)
Gress, H. and Barbish, J. and Yanık, Cenk and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Erdogan, R. T. and Hanay, M. S. and González, M. and Svitelskiy, O. and Paul, M. R. and Ekinci, K. L. (2023) "Multimode Brownian dynamics of a nanomechanical resonator in a viscous fluid", Physical Review Applied, Vol.20, No.4 (SCI)
Cagatay Karakan, M. and Ari, Atakan B. and Kelleci, Mehmet and Yanık, Cenk and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Taştan, Öznur and Selim Hanay, M. (2023) "Vapor sensing of colorectal cancer biomarkers in isolation by bare and functionalized nanoelectromechanical sensors", IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.23, No.18, 21113-21120 (SCI)
Okamoto, Hiroshi and Firouzmandi, Reza and Miyamura, Ryosuke and Sazgari Ardakani, Vahid and Okumura, Shun and Uchita, Shota and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2022) "TEM at millikelvin temperatures: observing and utilizing superconducting qubits", Micron, Vol.161 (SCI)
Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Khaksaran, Mohammad Hadi and Apak, Ahmet Muhtar and Apak, Alper and Parlak, Murat and Tastan, Umur and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Graphene-coated sintered porous copper surfaces for boiling heat transfer enhancement", Carbon Trends, Vol.8 (NA)
Ti, C. and McDaniel, J. G. and Liem, A. and Gress, H. and Ma, M. and Kyoung, S. and Svitelskiy, O. and Yanık, Cenk and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Hanay, M. S. and González, M. and Ekinci, K. L. (2022) "Dynamics of NEMS resonators across dissipation limits", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.121, No.2 (SCI)
Ti, Chaoyang and Ari, Atakan and Karakan, Çağatay and Yanık, Cenk and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Hanay, Selim and Svitelskiy, Oleksiy and González, Miguel and Seren, Huseyin and Ekinci, Kamil (2021) "Frequency-dependent piezoresistive effect in top-down fabricated gold nanoresistors", Nano Letters, Vol.21, No.15, 6533-6539 (SCI)
Keskin, Yasemin and Ünverdi, Özhan and Erbahar, Doğan and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Çelebi, Cem (2021) "The role of charge distribution on the friction coefficients of epitaxial graphene grown on the Si-terminated and C-terminated faces of SiC", Carbon, Vol.178, 125-132 (SCI)
Yanık, Cenk and Sazgari Ardakani, Vahid and Canatar, Abdülkadir and Vaheb, Yaser and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2021) "Strong localization in suspended monolayer graphene by intervalley scattering", Physical Review B, Vol.103, No.8 (SCI)
Sazgari Ardakani, Vahid and Sullivan, Gerard and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2020) "Interaction-induced crossover between weak antilocalization and weak localization in a disordered InAs/GaSb double quantum well", Physical Review B, Vol.101, No.15 (SCI)
Kasap, Sibel and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Repp, Sergej and Erdem, Emre (2019) "Superbat: battery-like supercapacitor utilized by graphene foam and zinc oxide (ZnO) electrodes induced by structural defects", Nanoscale Advances, Vol.1, No.7, 2586-2597 (SCI)
Sazgari Ardakani, Vahid and Sullivan, Gerard and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2019) "Localization of trivial edge states in InAs/GaSb composite quantum wells", Physical Review B, Vol.100, No.4 (SCI)
Khaksaran, Mohammad Hadi and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2019) "On the dynamics of intrinsic carbon in copper during the annealing phase of chemical vapor deposition growth of graphene", ACS Omega, Vol.4, No.6, 9629-9635 (SCI)
Khaksaran, Mohammad Hadi and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2018) "Spontaneous nucleation and growth of graphene flakes on copper foil in the absence of external carbon precursor in chemical vapor deposition", ACS Omega, Vol.3, No.10, 12575-12583 (SCI)
Kasap, Sibel and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2018) "γ-Fe2O3 nanoparçacık katkılı üç boyutlu grafen köpüklerin üretimi ve karakterizasyonu", Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi - Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, Vol.20, No.60, 743-754 (NA)
Erdem, Öğüt and Yanık, Cenk and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Ow-Yang, Cleva W. and Şendur, Kürşat (2018) "Focusing short-wavelength surface plasmons by a plasmonic mirror", Optics Letters, Vol.43, No.9, 2208-2211 (SCI)
Arı, Atakan B. and Karakan, M. Çağatay and Yanık, Cenk and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Hanay, M. Selim (2018) "Intermodal coupling as a probe for detecting nanomechanical modes", Physical Review Applied, Vol.9, No.3 (SCI)
Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Kasap, Sibel and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Foamlike 3D graphene coatings for cooling systems involving phase change", ACS Omega, Vol.3, No.3, 2804-2811 (SCI)
Vasileva, G. Yu and Smirnov, D. and Vasilyev, Yu B. and Nestoklon, M. O. and Averkiev, N. S. and Novikov, S. and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Haug, R. J. (2017) "Strongly temperature dependent resistance of meander-patterned graphene", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.110, No.11 (SCI)
Kasap, Sibel and Khaksaran, Mohammad Hadi and Çelik, Süleyman and Özkaya, Hasan and Yanık, Cenk and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2015) "Controlled growth of large area multilayer graphene on copper by chemical vapour deposition", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.17, No.35, 23081-23087 (SCI)
Yanık, Cenk and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2013) "Local breakdown of the quantum Hall effect in narrow single layer graphene Hall devices", Solid State Communications, Vol.160, 47-51 (SCI)
Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2013) "Nonequilibrium transport and the Bernoulli effect of electrons in a two-dimensional electron gas", Modern Physics Letters B, Vol.27, No.4 (SCI)
Çelebi, Cem and Yanık, Cenk and Günay Demirkol, Anıl and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2013) "Control of the graphene growth rate on capped SiC surface under strong Si confinement", Applied Surface Science, Vol.264, 56-60 (SCI)
Çelebi, Cem and Yanık, Cenk and Günay Demirkol, Anıl and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2012) "The effect of a SIC cap on the growth of epitaxial graphene on SIC in ultra high vacuum", Carbon, Vol.50, No.8, 3026-3031 (SCI)
Günay Demirkol, Anıl and Kaya, İsmet İnönü (2012) "Tuning of nanogap size in high tensile stress silicon nitride thin films", Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.83, No.5 (SCI)
Yi, W. and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Altfeder, I. B. and Appelbaum, I. and Chen, D. M. and Narayanamurti, V. (2005) "Dual-probe scanning tunneling microscope for study of nanoscale metal-semiconductor interfaces", Review of scientific instruments, Vol.76, No.6 (SCI)
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Ti, Chaoyang and Ari, Atakan and Orhan, Ezgi and Gonzalez, Miguel and Yanık, Cenk and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Selim Hanay, M. and Ekinci, Kamil L., "Optimization of piezoresistive motion detection for ambient NEMS applications", IEEE SENSORS, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, October 2020
Before SU Publications:

K Guven, RR Gerhards, I I Kaya, BE Sagol, G Nachtwei, Two level model for the generation and relaxation of hot electrons near the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect, Phys. Rev. B 65, 155316 (2002). AN Grigorenko, GD Howells, SJ Bending, J Bekaert, MJ Van Bael, L Look, VV Moshchalkov, Y Bruynseraede, G Borghs, I I Kaya, RA Stradling, Direct Imaging of Commensurate Vortex Structures in Ordered Antidot Arrays, Phys. Rev. B 63, 5, 052504 (2001). I I Kaya, G Nachtwei, K von Klitzing, K Eberl, Spatially resolved monitoring of the evolution of the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect: Direct observation of inter-Landau-level tunneling, Europhys Lett, 46, 62 (1999). A Oral, JC Barnard, SJ Bending, I I Kaya, S Ooi, T Tamegai, M Henini, Direct Observation of Melting of the Vortex Solid in BiSrCaCuO, Phys Rev Lett 80, 3610 (1998). I I Kaya, G Nachtwei, K Klitzing, K Eberl, Spatial Evolution of Hot Electron Relaxation on quantum Hall Conductors, Phys Rev B-Rapid Comm. 58, R7536 (1998). I I Kaya et. al, In-situ Focused Ion Beam Implantation for the fabrication of a Hot Electron Transistor, Sem Sci and Tech 11, 135 (1996).